Tuesday, April 30, 2013

18th EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2013-Screening of the film MY NAME IS KI



13 May, 5.00 pm, Hungarian Cultural Centre, 1/A Janpath, New Delhi 110001                                                                                                 18th EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2013 – Celebrating Women; multiple locations
The Polish Institute, in collaboration with the European Union delegation to India, is pleased to announce the screening of the film My Name is Ki, which was awarded the Jury Prize at KinoPolska in Paris 2011, and was also selected for Venice Days 2011. Roma Gasiorowska, who plays the main protagonist, won the Best Actress Award at the 2011 Gdynia Polish Film Festival.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of EU-India friendship, the European Union is “celebrating women” through cinema that showcases their different shades and nuances. Of the 24 films selected for screening, My Name is Ki is Poland’s entry for the Festival – a movie that does not hesitate to show the dilemmas faced by individuals struggling to make it in a fast-paced city life.
The film documents the experiences of Ki, a young mother keen on escaping the responsibilities of parenthood and intent on living a carefree existence. Her desire for a life outside the confines of the home see her manipulate and exploit others into caring for her young child. Ki offers a commentary on the aspirations and troubles of today’s youth, while maintaining a sympathetic take on its protagonist, in spite of her failings.
My Name is Ki is the debut feature of up-and-coming director Leszek Dawid who has previously been acclaimed for his short films and documentaries.His second feature filmJestesBogiemwas awarded at the Gdynia Polish Film Festival in 2012. Roma Gasiorowska, who plays the chief protagonist in Ki, has also been rewarded for her rich performance; she won the FIPRESCI Award at the 2011 Cottbus Film Festival.
Film: My Name is Ki
Director:Leszek Dawid; Cinematography: Lukasz Gutt; Producers: Malgorzata Jurczak& Krzysztof Gredzinski
Duration:93 min. More on the film: http://www.pisf.pl/en/polish-films/films-from-a-to-z/ki
Note to Editors: The Polish Institute is a part of the Polish diplomatic mission in India with the aim of promoting and fostering an understanding of Poland’s culture throughout the country in a spirit of mutual cooperation. Based in Delhi, the Institute develops events and cultural programming in the genres of the visual arts, film, theatre, music and literature and science in collaboration with established Indian cultural organizations.
Connect with the Polish Institute:                                                                                                             FACEBOOK:www.facebook.com/PolishInstituteNewDelhi        

Final match and Prize Distribution ceremony of Coca-Cola U-16 Cricket Cup Tournament

Coca-Cola India & Procam International cordially invites you to join the Prize Distribution ceremony of the ‘Coca-Cola U-16 Cricket Cup Tournament – Inter State Leg.’ 
Mr Saba Karim - Chief Mentor, Coca-Cola Cricket Cup U-16 and Mr Deepak Jolly, VP, Public affairs and Communication, Coca-Cola
will be present for the prize distribution ceremony.
We would be grateful if you could grace the occasion.

Date:                 Tuesday, 30th April, 2013
        Time:                  3:15 p.m. onwards
        Venue:                Jamia Milia University

Procam International
AnkurBhatnagar - 9833763106
Zzebra PR
Abhay Pratap Singh - 9818413169
Asian countries are serving as a major engine for global growth by way of increasing its exports as well as attracting foreign direct investments. The economic success has translated to social reforms as well, poverty rates have fallen, life expectancy has risen, and the quality of life has improved significantly over the past half century. IMF has estimated developing Asia ’s average growth at 7.1% for 2013 and 7.3% for 2014 as compared to world at 3.3% in 2013 and 4% in 2014 and advanced economies at 1.2% in 2013 and 2.2% in 2014.
Asia has been the fastest growing region of the world for several decades, comprising more than 60% of the global population and it accounts for almost a quarter of global output (22%). The speed and extent of Asia ’s economic and social progress has been inspiring and these emerging economies are now advancing at an impressive pace as a major global economic power. Asian region is emerging with strong demographics and making it lucrative for investment and trade.

In the recent years, due to export diversification efforts, the share of developing economies in India ’s total exports witnessed a gradual increase. Increased diversification in trade destinations from the advanced economies to the emerging economies might open up fresh avenues for progress in this area, going forward.

In view of the huge scope for bilateral trade and investment opportunities present for India with the new emerging countries in Asia, we are pleased to inform you that the PHD Chamber is organizing a Round Table on “Doing Business with Emerging Countries in Asia” on Tuesday, 7th May, 2013 at 10:30 am at PHD House, New Delhi.

Ambassadors/ High Commissioners from some of the emerging countries in Asia would also join the occasion and share the current economic scenario and the scope and areas of economic cooperation between India and their country. The session will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss and know about the innumerable opportunities for bilateral economic cooperation between India and the other countries in Asia .

You are requested to be a part of this important session and join us and kindly confirm your participation by sending us a duly filled in Response Slip which is appended herewith by mailing at : abhishekbanwara@phdcci.in /bhawana.sharma@phdcci.in or faxing at 011- 26855450

Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
August Kranti Marg, 
New Delhi – 110016
Tel 91 11 49545454, Fax 91 11 26855450,
E mail – spsharma@phdcci.in
Website www.phdcci.in

Shabnam Pareek
Secretary (International Affairs)
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area
August Kranti Marg, 
New Delhi - 110 016 ( India )
Phone : 91-11-26863801 to 04 
(Extn. 114)
Fax : 91-11-26855450
E-mail : shabnam@phdcci.in /phdcci@phdcci.in
Website : www.phdcci.in

Seminar by India’s Growing Development Cooperation: Trends, Motives, and Case Studies

The Indian Development Cooperation Research (IDCR) group at the
Centre for Policy Research invites you to a seminar on:
India’s Growing Development Cooperation:
Trends, Motives, and Case Studies
Date: Monday, May 6, 2013
Time: 12:30 – 2:00 pm; Boxed lunch will be served
Venue: Conference Hall – 2, Centre for Policy Research, Dharam Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
Indian development cooperation has changed remarkably since its inception shortly after its independence. The size and diversity of its development partnerships has grown particularly over the past decade, nearly quadrupling in volume. Indian development cooperation today is comparable to the foreign aid budgets of smaller, high-income European countries with one large difference: the Indian development cooperation budget is growing at a higher rate. During this seminar we will share initial insights from our research on trends in India’s development cooperation and findings from case studies of India’s bilateral development cooperation.
About: The project on Indian Development Cooperation Research (IDCR) is based at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR). With funding from the Asia Foundation, IDCR is in the process of developing a comprehensive database of Indian development assistance and publicly disseminating narratives on Indian bilateral development partnerships through their website at http://www.idcr.cprindia.org. CPR Senior Visiting Fellow Rani D. Mullen directs this research project with help from Research Associates Sanskriti Jain, Cody Poplin and Persis Taraporevala.
Please r.s.v.p. to: IDCR@cpr.org
With regards,
Pratap Bhanu Mehta
President & Chief Executive

हर बच्चे को टीकाकरण उपलब्ध कराने के लिए भारत सरकार के प्रयासों में तेज़ी
विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह के दौरान लांच किया गया टीकाकरण संचार अभियान 
नई दिल्ली, 29 अप्रैलः भारत के हर बच्चे का तुरन्त टीकाकरण करने तथा आरआई कवरेज में सुधार लाने के प्रयासों को तेज़ करने के लिए, भारत सरकार ने विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताहों (स्पेशल इम्मुनाईज़ेशन वीक्स) की शुरुआत की है। इस कार्यक्रम के तहत देश के उच्च जोखिम वाले क्षेत्रों में अप्रैल, जून, जुलाई एवं अगस्त महीनों के एक-एक सप्ताह में, यानि कुल चार सप्ताहों के लिए विशेष टीकाकरण सत्रों का आयोजन किया जाएगा।

हर साल टीकाकरण के माध्यम से पांच साल से कम उम्र के लगभग 4 लाख बच्चों की जान बचाई जाती है। परन्तु लगभग 75 लाख बच्चे टीकाकरण (वैक्सीनेशन) के इन फायदों से वंचित रह जाते हैं, और इनमें से अधिकांश बच्चे कमज़ोर एवं सीमान्त आबादी से होते हैं। टीकाकरण न किए जाने की वजह से, उनमें इन घातक, जानलेवा बीमारियों की सम्भावना कई गुना बढ़ जाती है। आज भी दुनिया भर में, हर पांचवा बच्चा टीकाकरण से वंचित रह जाता है।

स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय की अपर सचिव एवं राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थ्य मिशन की मिशन निदेशक अनुराधा गुप्ता के अनुसार, ‘‘विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह एक ऐसा कार्यक्रम है जो हर बच्चे के विकास एवं उनकी जि़न्दगी को सुरक्षित बनाए रखने के प्रयासों को बल देगा।’’ इसी के साथ अनुराधा गुप्ता ने इण्डिया हैबिटेट सेन्टर में मीडिया, डवलपमेन्ट पार्टनर्स एवं स्वास्थ्य अधिकारियों की मौजूदगी में एक नए संचार अभियान की शुरुआत की । 

इस नए संचार अभियान में एक नया आरआई लोगो, टीवी स्पॉट,  रेडियो स्पॉट तथा पोस्टर्स शामिल हैं। युनिसेफ के सहयोग में आयोजित यह मीडिया इवेंट पहले विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह (24 से 30 अप्रैल) जागरूकता अभियान का एक हिस्सा है। 

अनुराधा गुप्ता ने अपनी बात को जारी रखते हुए कहा, ‘‘नया आरआई लोगों एवं अन्य संचार सामग्री हर बच्चे को तुरन्त जीवन रक्षक टीकाकरण उपलब्ध कराने के बारे के लिए जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देने में निश्चित रूप से मददगार होगी।’’ उन्होंने अपने समकक्षों एवं डवलपमेन्ट पार्टनर्स को प्रोत्साहित किया कि वे सुनिश्चित करें कि युनिवर्सल इम्युनाइज़ेशन प्रोग्राम (सार्वभौमिक टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम) के तहत निःशुल्क उपलब्ध कराई जाने वाली वैक्सीने भारत के हरेक बच्चे तक पहुंचे, और कोई भी बच्चा छूट न जाए।

साल 2012-13 को ‘‘नियमित टीकाकरण की 
तीव्रीकरण का वर्ष (ईयर ऑफ इन्टेंसीफिकेशन ऑफ रूटीन इम्मुनाईजेशन)’’ घोषित किया गया। इन्हीं तीव्र प्रयासों के तहत तमिलनाडु एवं केरल में पैन्टावैलेन्ट वैक्सीन की सफल शुरूआत के बाद, इसे भारत के छह और राज्यों में शुरू किया गया। 

स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय, आरसीएच के संयुक्त सचिव डॉ राकेश कुमार ने कहा ‘‘पैन्टावैलेन्ट वैक्सीन का विस्तार बच्चों के विकास एवं अस्तित्व के प्रति भारत की वचनबद्धता की दिशा में एक महत्वपवूर्ण कदम है, जिसे सामरिक सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य हस्तक्षेपों के माध्यम से गति देने का प्रयास किया गया है। पैन्टावैलेन्ट वैक्सीन बच्चों को डिफ्थीरिया, काली खांसी, टिटेनस एवं हेपेटाईटिस बी के साथ एचआईबी न्युमोनिया एवं एचआईबी मेनिन्जाइटिस से भी सुरक्षित रखती है।’’

कार्यक्रम के परिणामों में इक्विटी यानि समानता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए युनिसेफ के फोकस पर बल देते हुए युनिसेफ के भारतीय प्रतिनिधी श्री लुईस-जॉर्ज आरसेनौल्ट  ने कहा, ‘‘भारत में, राज्यों के बीच असमानता है। वैक्सीन कवरेज की दृष्टि से देखा जाए तो यहां भौगोलिक, अमीर-गरीब, शहरी-ग्रामीण एवं अन्य अन्तर दिखाई पड़ते हैं। इन असमानताओं और अन्तरों को दूर करके हमें हरेक बच्चे तक पहुंचना होगा। इसी के मद्देनज़र विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह का आयोजन किया गया है जो टीकाकरण के कवरेज में समानता को सुनिश्चित करेगा और हर बच्चे को 
टीकाकरण उपलब्ध कराएगा।’’

स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय के बाल स्वास्थ्य एवं टीकाकरण के उपायुक्त डॉ अजय खेरा ने बताया, ‘‘विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह टीकाकरण के बारे में जागरूकता उत्पन्न करने में बेहद महत्वपूर्ण साबित होगा, इसके माध्यम से ऐसी सीमान्त आबादी तक भी टीकाकरण की सेवाएं पहुंचाई जाएंगी जो ईंट के भट्टों और शहरी झुग्गियों में बसी हैं, या ऐसे सुदूर क्षेत्रों में रहती हैं, जहां पहुंचना मुश्किल है। मीडिया एवं अन्य प्रमुख हितधारकों के सहयोग के साथ यह योजना बनाई गई है तथा आने वाले सप्ताहों में इसे जारी रखा जाएगा।’’ 

सम्पादकों के लिए नोट
विशेष टीकाकरण सप्ताह का आयोजन हर साल अप्रैल के अन्त में किया जाता है। जीवन रक्षक टीकों को बढ़ावा देना इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य है, जो घातक रोगों से बच्चों को सुरक्षित रखने वाला सबसे सक्षम उपकरण है। इसी प्रकार के ठोस प्रयासों के चलते कई जानलेवा बीमारियों का पूरी तरह से उन्मूलन किया जा चुका हैः 
1.    1980 में चेचक का उन्मूलन कर दिया गया।
2.    पिछले दो सालों से भारत पोलियो से मुक्त है।
3.    2000 और 2011 के बीच, दुनिया भर में खसरे यानि मीज़ल्स के कारण होने वाली मौतों की संख्या में 71 फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई। भारत ने 2010 में मीज़ल्स के टीके की दूसरी खुराक शुरू की। 
4.    2003 एवं 2013 के बीच 18 राज्यों में नवजात शिशु में होने वाले टिटेनस का उन्मूलन कर दिया गया। 
जून 2012 में, इथोपिया, भारत एवं संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की सरकारों ने यूनिसेफए यूएसऐड और अन्य पार्टनर्स के साथ मिलकर पांच साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों की मृत्यु की रोकथाम के लिए एक विश्वस्तरीय खाका तैयार किया। तब से कमिटिंग टू चाइल्ड सरवाइवलः ए प्रॉमिस रिन्यूड के बैनर तले 170 से ज्यादा देश इसमें शामिल हो चुके हैं तथा बच्चों के जीवन को बनाए रखने के प्रति वचनबद्ध हैं। फरवरी 2013 में, भारत सरकार ने तमिल नाडु में बाल जीवन एवं विकास पर कार्रवाई का शुभारंभ किया। इसके अन्तर्गत भी भारत में 5 साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों की मौतों को कम करने की वचनबद्धता पर बल दिया गया। इस विषय पर एक शिखर सम्मेलन का आयोजन भी किया गया, जो भारत में जच्चा-बच्चा स्वास्थ्य से सम्बन्धित मिलेनियम लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने की दिशा में भारत की यात्रा को गति प्रदान करेगा। 
अधिक जानकारी के लिए सम्पर्क करें- 
1.    डॉ. प्रदीप हल्दर, डीसी, इम्युनाइज़ेशन, स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार; टेलीफोनः 91.11.23062126
2.    डॉ. अजय खेरा, डीसी, बाल स्वास्थ्य एवं टीकाकरण, स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार, टेलीफोनः 91.11.23061281
3.    सोनिया सरकार, संचार अधिकारी (मीडिया), युनिसेफ; टेलीफोनः 9810170289

Monday, April 29, 2013


Japanese Prime Minister will visit Moscow for the first time in a decade. Shinzo Abe hopes to reset ties with Russia, end a stalemate in bilateral relations, gain momentum in economic cooperation and finally enact a World War II peace treaty.Abe will visit Moscow at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin on a trip that will last until May 30. “I would like to build a trusted personal relationship with President Putin,” Abe told reporters at a media briefing at Haneda Airport in Tokyo."The talks will mainly focus on prospects for further promotion of Russian-Japanese trade, economic, investment and energy cooperation," the PM’s press service said.
A considerable number of governmental agreements and business documents relating trade, investment and economic cooperation, inter-regional contacts, agreements in medicine, culture and sports will be signed, Kremlin’s press service said.
Putin and Abe have held a number of personal meetings in the past, meeting several times during Abe’s previous premiership in 2006 and 2007, on the sidelines of the APEC summits in Hanoi and Sydney and the G8 summit in Hailigendamm.
The last time the two communicated directly was in a telephone conversation last year. The foreign ministers of Russia and Japan met four times in 2012.
Abe expressed hopes that his visit to Moscow will mark “the first stage of economic diplomacy” that would make economic cooperation the centerpiece of bilateral relations.
Relations between the two countries remains tense due to a territorial dispute between Russia and Japan over Kuril Islands. However, Russian and Japanese businesses still cooperate closely on a growing number of issues.
Abe is accompanied by the biggest-ever business delegation in the history of relations between the two countries: Over 120 Japanese executives hoping to expand cooperation with Russia in energy, medicine, and urban development and infrastructure in the Far East, where some Japanese companies are opening assembly installations.
The trade turnover between Russia and Japan in 2012 reached $32 billion, a 5.3-percent increase over 2011. In January and February of 2013, Russia-Japan trade turnover totaled $4.3 billion, a 6 percent increase over the same period in 2012.
Russia is Japan's 15th-biggest foreign trade partner, while Japan is Russia's eighth-biggest, Tass reported. Mineral resources account for over 80 percent of Russian exports to Japan. Japanese imports from Russia mainly consists of machinery, chemicals, equipment and transport. Overall Japanese investments into Russia have reached $11 billion.
Japan imports oil and gas from Russia's Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects, and is boosting energy cooperation in the production liquefied gas, building petrochemical enterprises and improving gas and transport infrastructure.
Currently, 270 Japanese companies operate in Russian markets.
A decades-long dispute over the ownership of South Kuril Islands has prevented Moscow and Tokyo from signing a formal peace treaty for 67 years recognizing the cessation of hostilities following the end of World War II.
Tokyo has demanded that Moscow recognize Japan as the rightful owners of the South Kurils – the Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup and Habomai Rocks. Moscow maintains that the USSR's annexation of these islands from Japan following World War II are non-negotiable.
"Russia believes that despite the complexity of the problem the dialogue should be aimed at finding the mutually acceptable solution and be held in a calm and respectful atmosphere," the Kremlin said ahead of the visit. Media agencies 


State of Denial
Rajiv Kumar
The Chairman of the Prime Minister Economic Advisory Committee (PMEAC) Dr. C. Rangarajan, was quoted on 24th April as saying that the current (XII) Five Year Plan could still see an average GDP growth of 8%!. During the interview, given after the release of the latest Economic Review by the PMEAC, Dr. Rangarajan  expounded on a lowering of the incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR) resulting in higher growth in coming years. In simple terms, he expects higher growth by a de-bottlenecking of large projects that will bring down the ICOR.  How one wishes it was as simple as this to get us back to a higher 8-9% growth trajectory.  Similarly, when in July 2011, at a seminar organized by Suman Berry, then head of the IGC, I had pointed out to  the then Chief Economic Advisor, Kaushik Basu, that investment was beginning to slacken dangerously, he simply pooh-poohed the warning. We know what happened thereafter. Investment tanked in India and Kaushik became the Chief Economist of the World Bank! Clearly, there are advantages to being in a state of denial.
In the first year of the Plan, i.e. 2012-13 economic growth will be no more than 5.2%. In the next year (2013-14) it can at best rise to 6% for the following reasons.  Government expenditure will necessarily remain repressed as the finance minister tries to bring fiscal deficit below 4.8% of the GDP as he has targeted in the budget. So any hopes of a pre-electoral splurge to boost aggregate demand, as was done in fiscal 2007-08 can surely be ruled out. The alternative is a hugely damaging credit downgrade that we can ill afford. So government demand will not provide a growth impetus. In fact, over the last quarter one has heard  of increasing instances of non-clearance of large volumes of government dues resulting in a significant negative impact on cash flows and profitability of service providers and contracting companies.
From all accounts private investment demand is unlikely to strengthen as the investment climate continues to remain vitiated in major growth sectors like telecom, autos, steel, power generation, highways, etc. Despite all the talk of reforms since September, we have yet to see any real initiative that   could boost investor spirits or promote investment. Moreover, there is now an apprehension of a major slow down in the real estate or the construction sector, which has provided a strong growth stimulus in the past ten years. So private investment demand, which is the strongest driver of growth, will remain weak this year. This is corroborated by demand for non-food commercial credit remaining weak and a rising level of NPAs in the banking sector.
 There is hardly any reason to believe that private consumption demand will reverse its current weakening trend and start rising. Disposable incomes are unlikely to increase significantly in the absence of large scale government handouts and continued weakness of employment prospects. The on-going decline in auto sales, declining demand for consumer durables and lower spend on consumption items like FMCG products and fast food outlets are clear signs of continued consumer pessimism and the fact that the mood in the country is distinctly downbeat. Finally, despite the recent feeble uptick in export growth, and the fact that a lower base (exports actually declined in 2012-13!) may provide a basis of higher growth in 2013-14, net external demand is unlikely to emerge as a growth driver in the current year. A similar conclusion for a GDP growth of sub 6% in 2013-14 can be reached by looking at the supply side and considering growth prospects in agriculture, industrial and services sector. Talk of 6.7 to 7% growth in the current fiscal is just wishful thinking.
With the first two years of the Plan period achieving 5 and 6% rate of growth, the economy will have to grow at more than 9% annually in the remaining three years of the Twelfth Plan to achieve an overall average of 8% GDP growth. Even for an average 7% rate of growth over the plan period, GDP growth will have to jump to 8% in 2014-15 and be sustained at that level. Given the onset of election season in full measure from October this year, and the prospects of significant political instability, it can only be as brave a man as Dr. Rangarajan who can talk so confidently of the Twelfth Plan coming in with 8% growth rate. Should there not be some accountability for government agencies to ensure that their forecasts and pronouncements have are not completely out of whack from ground realities?
Such facile talk of higher growth rates is dangerous because it induces complacency when none is warranted. There are 1 million (repeat 10 lakh) new entrants to our labour force every month. These youngsters, who represent our much flaunted demographic dividend, need jobs. Without, productive employment, they will add to the hordes of urban lumpen class, which is now visible in all our neighbourhoods and colonies except of course in Luteyns Delhi. They are all aspiring for the good life, which they will seize by means fair or foul. In the absence of jobs, they will earn their livelihood by joining the gangs of touts, petty brokers, smugglers, real estate mafia. The luckier ones will pay hefty sums to get in to the police force or other public sector jobs and then wreck havoc on the civil society as they attempt to recoup the bribe they paid to secure the prized 'sarkari naukri'.  It would be far more socially responsible for the government’s economic managers to not show their state of permanent denial by constantly talking of higher growth being round the corner, they should instead talk of the huge employment challenge facing the country and the dire consequences of these young people remaining unemployed and spilling out on the streets. This fear apparently kept Deng Xiaoping awake at night and led him to initiate the Chinese economic miracle. I wonder what apart from the fear of losing their jobs keeps our economic policy makers awake at night!
Author is Senior Fellow, CPR.

Delhi’s Salwan Boy’s make it to the Semi Finals of the U-16 Inter-State leg Coca-Cola Cricket Cup

Strong batting line up of MD Kaif, Shivam Chauhan and Prashant Vashist helped Delhi’s Salwan Boys beat Don Bosco Matriculation HSS, TN by 3 wickets and outshine on day 5 of U-16 Inter-State leg Coca-Cola Cricket Cup which was played on Bharat Nagar Ground. 

Don Bosco won the toss and elected to bat. Daryl Serrario palyed a strong innings by scoring 96 not out in 104 balls with 2/6’s and 9/4’s. Alizan Alam and Sahil Sharma managed taking 1 wicket each. 

In reply, Salwan Boys batsmen gave a tough fight to their opponents and chased the target in 42.3 overs only, with 3 wickets to spare.
MD Kaif was adjudged the Man of the match for his overall consistent performance.

New Delhi’s Salwan Boys stand first in the points table, having won all 4 matches. They will now meet Mumbai’s Anjuman I-Islam Allana Eng School in the Semi finals of the U-16 Inter-State leg Coca-Cola Cricket Cup.

In another match, On the 5th day of the U-16 Inter-State leg Coca-Cola Cricket Cup, Man of the Match Gaurav Lodhi from Christian Eminent, MP took 5 wickets in his 8 over’s spell, which helped his team to register an easy 6 wicket win over West Bengal’s Balurghat High School. Balurghat High School was all out for 72 in 27.3 over’s whereas Christian Eminent chased the target in just 16.2 over’s with 6 wickets in hand.

Having won the toss and electing to bat, Mrinmoy Mahato from Balurghat High School scored 13 runs in 19 balls. He was well supported by Hrikesh Roy and Saurab Saha who scored 13 and 11 runs respectively. Eminents’s Gaurav Lodhi who took 5 wickets was well supported by Sanjay Kushwaha who took 2 wickets in his 6 over spell. 

On the other hand, Ankush Singh and Mohammad Faiz from Eminent scored 16 and 14 runs respectively and helped their team chase the target set by Balurghat High Scchool. 

Brief score:

Don Bosco Matriculation HSS, TN: 211 for 6 in 45 overs (Daryl Serrario 96 n.o. (104 b 2X6, 9X4), P Krishna 36 runs (57 b 1X4), Vijay Kumar 22 runs (31 b 3X4); Alizan Alam 1 for 12 in 3 overs, Sahil Sharma 1 for 26 runs in 9 overs, Manish Shehrawat 1 for 30 in 8 overs) lost to Salwan Boys,  Delhi 213 for 7 in 42.3 overs (M.D. Kaif 58 runs (86 b 1X6, 5X4), Shivam Chauhan 40 runs (28 b 1X6, 7X4), Prashant Vashist 51 runs (71 b 3X4); B Surya 2 for 30 in 9 overs, Antom Alvrue 2 for 43 in 9 overs, P Krishna 2 for 47 in 9 overs).

Balurghat High School, West Bengal: 72 All out in 27.3 overs (Mrinmoy Mahato 13 runs (19b 2X4), Hrikesh Roy 13 runs (34b), Saurab Saha 11 runs (32 b 1X4); Gourav Lodhi 5 for 19 in 8 overs, Sanjay Kushwaha 2 for 10 runs in 6 overs) lost to Christian Eminent, MP: 73 for 4 in 16.2 overs (Ankush Singh 16 runs (15 b 3X4), Mohammad Faiz 14 runs (11 b 3X4), Tejraj Chauhan 12 n.o (15 b 2X4); Surojit Roy 2 for 16 in 6 overs). 

Navrachna School Sama, Baroda: 119 All out in 31.1 overs (Harsit Patel 32 runs (34 b 2X6, 2X4), Siddharth Patel 20 runs (28 b 3X4), Vishamber Kahloh 20 runs (48 b 1X4); Karan Sharma 5 for 16 in 7.1 overs, Abhinav Sharma 3 for 27 in 8 overs, Arjun 2 for 32 in 6 overs) lost to DAV Sr.Secondary School, Punjab 124 for 3 15 overs (Karan Sharma 57 n.o. (52 b 3X6, 5X4), Navneet Singh 34 n.o (17 b 3X6, 3X4), Abhishek 21 runs (12 b 1X6, 3X4); Siddharth Patel 2 for 27 in 4 overs, Shlok Desai 1 for 24 in 3 overs). 

Sree Valmeeki High School, AP: 133 for 8 in 45v overs (G Sampath Kumar 33 runs (73 b 3X4), S.J Shakeer 15 runs ( 30 b 1X4), M Udaya Bhaskar 14 runs (32 b 2X4); Varun Gaur 4 for 12 in 9 overs, Tara Sheik 1 for 14 in 7 overs, Ankit Singh 1 for 25 in 9 overs) lost to Gowtham Model School, Hyderabad 134 for 7 in 43.1 over(MSR Charan 35 runs (64 b 5X4), Taha Sheik 20 runs (62 b 3X4), Sagar Chaurasia 41 n.o. (56 b 6X4); Arvind Reddy 3 for 30 in 9 overs, C SaiKartik Rao 2 for 18 in 9 Overs, Ajay Rahul 1 for 30 in 9 overs). 

Today Sports
Semi-Final Schedule for tomorrow, Monday 29th April 2013 – 9:00 am onwards

Semi-Final 1 - Salwan Boys, Delhi VS Anjuman I-Islam Allana Eng. School, Mumbai at (Jamia Milia University)
Semi-Final 2 - Christian Eminent, MP VS CAV Inter College, Allahabad, UP at (Bharat Nagar Ground)

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