2009-02-07 07:39:09 - Today Vice President Hamid Ansari on the second day of his four-day visit to Myanmar drove around the huge complex of the the under-constructed Parliament building with a pagoda-type roof yesterday, he joined a growing list of foreign dignitaries to be shown the structure, that is set to be the temple of democracy in this country, on their visit here.But when shall Burmese have right to have government of the people,for the people,by the people is question haunting the world leaders.Vice-President Mohd. Hamid Ansari paid homage at the historic Bahardur Shah Zafar mazar at Yangon in Myanmar on Saturday.Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-President said that Bahadur Shah Jafar occupies a special place in history. Describing him as a saintly figure, Mohd Ansari said that Jafar will remain in our hearts forever.
Global diplomacy has failed in Burma to bring back democracy and envoy of Ban Ki-moon recent visit has not proved fruitful for restoration of democracy themoot purpose and peoples even blogging with present Junta regime are put on prison for more than twenty years which needs UN attention.
Myanmar once most vibrant economy in Asean countries is one of the poor
economy with its major population living below poverty line of WHO standards.
Johnny Chatterton friend of mine from UK writes,A United Nations envoy has just returned from Burma and has yet again failed to secure the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's 2,130 other political prisoners. UN envoys have now made 38 visits to Burma and have consistently failed to achieve any progress towards democracy and human rights.
He further adds that Stronger action is needed. These prisoners have done nothing wrong. They have been imprisoned for calling for freedom and human rights. The United Nations Security Council must bring in a binding resolution to ensure that Burma's political prisoners are released. We need your help to make this happen.
Burma media repports,This week Burma's imprisoned democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was allowed out of her house arrest for a few short minutes to meet with the UN Envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, and the Central Executive Committee of her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD).
Suu Kyi called on the UN to prioritise the release of all 2,100 political prisoners in Burma.She once more bravely stated that she is willing to talk to the Burmese regime at any time, but the regime is refusing to come to the negotiating table.Aung San Suu Kyi is only kept safe because of her high international profile. You, as one of her supporters are helping to keep her safe.
Vice-President will reach Mandalay in Myanmar on Saturday afternoon. His wide -ranging bilateral talks with the Senior General of the Myanmar Government, Mr. Than Shawe and Senior Vice-General Moung Aya on cross-border cooperation are set for agenda.
Media reports that India and Myanmar have agreed to enhance cooperation in the hydrocarbon and hydropower sectors. Agricultural technology
and supply of railway wagons to Myanmar have been identified as new areas of cooperation. India will soon launch a working plan to carry forward these objects.
Amid growing international pressure on it to expedite restoration of civilian rule, Myanmar government is struggling to get eased the sanctions imposed by the United States and European countries on it.During Ansari's talks with Myanmar's top military Generals Than Shwe and Maung Aye, it was conveyed to him that the junta was committed to holding fresh elections next year.
The road leading to a new Parliament building in Myanmar's capital city is as smooth as silk but will the journey back to democracy in this military-ruled country be the same? The military government has drawn up a seven-step road map to restoration of democracy, of which four steps have been completed.
With more queries, a number of key questions remain unanswered which included: whether jailed icon of pro-democracy movement Aung Saan Su Kyi will be released before that and if political parties will be allowed to contest. PTI
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