Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Swiss vocational skill plan to train One million youth in India

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Swiss vocational skill plan to train One million youth in India

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2011-11-08 05:20:17 - New Delhi:Nksagar-Sagar Media Inc.
SkillSonics Pvt Ltd is o move the project seamlessly from the pilot to a self sutainable model.SkillSoncs has entered into separate exclusive cooperation agreements with SWISSMEM and SFIVET,essentially to adapt the course ware and training available to all companies in India in the engineering sector from 2012

Industry participation is critical as companies stand to be the main beneficiaries of the program by having their factories manned by the people trained and certified to Swiss standards.This shall lead to productivity increaess which in turn enhances companies global competitiveness.

With successful completion of the Swiss industry driven 3 year pilot project 209-2011 to implement the reputed swiss dual track model of vocational education and training in India,the project partners are now gearing up to skill one million youth in India to Swiss skills standards by the year 2022.Swiss Ambassador to India said this initiative is taken in the backdrop of Friendship treat.

On 14 August 1948, India and Switzerland signed a Treaty of Friendship. He said "To commemorate 60
years of friendship and mutual progress, it was decided that a variety of projects would be carried out in the fields of culture, science, technology,development, education, economics and politics." Introducing the Swiss dual-track VET system in selected locations in India will also be considered within this context. The Swiss-Indian VET initiative was launched by the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) together with the Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce (SICC).

Posted by Nksagar at 7:30 PM 0 comments

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