Friday, March 30, 2012

80,000MW, 50Maf Storage Indus Basin Joint Development(C)
March30, 2012

I am campaign on water issues since 1978, recent weeks are special yesterday former Secretary Water Resources admitted to my campaign that ‘Indus Water Treaty is the Worst In The World’ and ‘Columbia Water Treaty is ideal for Joint River Basins Development and Regulation of Dams’, honorable Minister Shri Anand Sharma in Pakistan advocated development of $300b South Asia Grid with 200,000MW of Hydro Power and over 500 BCM Dam Storages.

Storage Dams Generate Power, Provides Flood Control, Irrigation, House Boats, Shipping, Rail-Road Bridge, Water for Municipal Supply, Mining, Industries, Aquaculture, Tourism = HUGE LIFETIME ECONOMIC GAINS.

Indus Water Treaty is so bad that Pakistan business delegation led by Honorable Deputy Chairman of Pakistan Planning Commission at FICCI 2008 concurred with my observations readily. Building Dams cost less than Losses in 2010 Floods.

If India builds 20 maf storage dams in Indian Kashmir, India get only power -

- Pakistan will get 20 maf of additional storage Free of cost,

- Flood Protection to 5 million hectares Free of Cost,

- Additional regulated irrigation releases of 20 maf during monsoon, Free of Cost,

- Clean blue water releases of Indus Waters to Pakistan Free of Cost,

- Double or Triple the life of Mangla and Tarbela Dams, generate 30% to 40% more power in downstream dams in Pakistan- Pakistan will get everything FREE.

India was building ‘High Cost Useless ROR Dams Without Storage and any of above benefits in Kashmir.’ The following is comparison of Storage Dams (Bhakra and Tehri) vs ROR projects (SJVNL and Chamera-I) – while storage dams continue to perform well even in winter – there is sharp decline in power generation of ROR projects and are least suitable for base load operations.

Generation in Billion Units


Out of 7000 BCM of Dam Storages in the world India and Pakistan have just about 212 BCM and 20 BCM storages or 3% and 0.3% which is too inadequate for 17% & 3% of World’s Population respectively. India should Jointly Develop Dams in Indus, Ganga and Brahamputra River Basins.

Ravinder Singh,
Inventor & Consultant
Y-77, Hauz Khas, NewDelhi-110016, India.

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