Friday, June 29, 2012

Telecom equipment industry posts revenues of Rs 1,13,188 crore 
Nokia, Samsung, Cisco Top 3 players


New Delhi, June 29, 2012: The Indian telecom equipment industry posted marginally lower revenues of Rs 1,13,188 crore in 2011-12 compared to Rs 1,14,133 crore in FY2010-11, according to the 2012 annual survey of the Indian Telecom industry by CyberMedia group’s flagship journal for the telecom industry, Voice&Data.

The17th annual survey, Voice&Data 100, covered over 500 telecom companies in India spanning carrier equipment, enterprise communication equipment, and user device manufacturers.
According to the Voice&Data 100 survey, nearly half of the telecom equipment revenue came from carrier equipment manufacturers, which saw a dip of 5.06% to touch Rs 55,333 crore during the year. In the previous year, FY10-11, the segment had registered Rs 58,285 crore revenue.
Enterprise equipment grew at 8.89% to report revenues of Rs 23,183 crore in the year, up from Rs 21,291 crore in FY10-11. The user device segment that includes mobile handsets, fixed phones, data cards and tablet computers, contributed more than one-third to the total telecom equipment industry, at Rs 34,672 crore, recording a flat growth of 0.33% from Rs 34,557 crore a year ago.
“The survey bears out market apprehensions that the operators have slowed down investments in building, expanding and upgrading their networks. This could have a serious impact on Indian’s tele-density and broadband targets,” says Ibrahim Ahmad, Group Editor, Voice&Data.

The Top 10 Club

Mobile handset maker Nokia had the highest revenue during the year followed by Korean electronics major Samsung. They were followed by telecom equipment manufacturers like Cisco, Huawei, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, and Alcatel-Lucent. The Top10 club also saw inclusion of software companies like TCS, Wipro and Tech Mahindra.
Source:Voice&Data 100 Annual Survey June 2012
Voice&Data attributes the sharp decline in the carrier equipment revenues to policy uncertainty which restrained many telecom operators from releasing large scale network expansion orders. The Top 10 club also saw Samsung registering highest growth of 57.34% to capture the second position with revenues of Rs 9,000 crore, riding high on its smartphone and tablet portfolio.
Within the carrier equipment business, segments like transmission, telecom turnkey and wireless infrastructure were the biggest losers. Transmission segment dropped 21.88% to report revenues of Rs 3,825 crore (from Rs 4,896 crore last year). The telecom turnkey segment revenue dropped 65.27% to Rs 1,862 crore (from Rs 5,362 crore). The wireless infrastructure segment dipped 40.51% to record revenue of Rs 10,930 crore from Rs 18,374 crore a year ago.
The enterprise equipment business grew by 8.89% to reach Rs 23,183 crore in FY11-12 from Rs 21,291 crore in FY10-11. Enterprise cost saving equipment segments like audio-video conferencing and voice solutions showed significant growth of 16% and 15% respectively. Modem and router industry saw a negative growth as enterprises demanded futuristic and multi-tasking devices like single device working as modem, router and switch.
“Higher spend on enterprise and consumer communications in the last fiscal re-iterates increasing importance of user communications. Operators will have to enhance their services to match user expectations,” added Ahmad.
About Voice&Data100
Voice&Data100 (V&D100) is the most comprehensive annual survey of the Indian telecom equipment and services industry. It is the most trusted and widely used survey for those seeking authentic information on Indian communications. It is also the most comprehensive, as it covers a wide range of segments and is the only 'single source' of such diverse information.

The V&D100 (volume II) for 2011-12 survey will focus on telecom services and service providers, and is slated for release next month.

About CyberMedia

CyberMedia is South Asia's first and largest specialty media house, with fifteen publications (including BioSpectrum, Dare, Dataquest, PCQuest, Voice&Data, and Global Services) in the information technology, telecom, consumer electronics, and biotech areas, and is a media value chain including Internet (, events, and television. The group's media services include market research (CMR), content management and multimedia.

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