Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Opposition parties submit Noda no-confidence motion

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is facing a censure motion and a no-confidence motion against his Cabinet over his plan to raise the consumption tax.Six opposition parties submitted a no-confidence motion against Noda’s Cabinet to the lower house on Tuesday.Seven opposition groups also submitted a censure motion against the Prime Minister in the opposition-controlled upper house. The parties and groups said most Japanese oppose an increase in the consumption tax, and the Noda Cabinet’s attempt to push it through violates the Democratic Party’s own 2009 election pledge. They criticized Noda for continuing to turn his back on the public. At a joint news conference, Your Party Secretary General Kenji Eda said the no-confidence motion must be given priority over all other discussions in the Diet.He said the parties are seeking support from as many lawmakers as possible to have the motion passed. Even if the all the opposition parties, including the Liberal Democrats and New Komeito, support the no-confidence motion, it will not pass the lower house, where the Democratic Party holds a majority. However, if more than 15 Democrats also support it, the motion will pass the chamber.
The tax bills are a product of the agreement reached in June among the Democratic Party, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito on amending bills for social security and tax reform.
It remains to be seen whether the Liberal Democratic Party will submit its own no-confidence motion against Noda’s Cabinet to the lower house.New Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi has voiced opposition to submitting such motions before a vote on the tax bills.Reports NHK

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