Friday, April 5, 2013

Dear friends, supporters and colleagues,
The first quarter draws to a close and many exciting movements have taken place at EBTC! Enterprise Europe Network enquiries / technology offers and requests are increasing steadily, and we have also launched the official website for the India chapter of the network -
The first series of introductory webinars were held throughout the month of March, covering contemporary topics within our core thematic areas. For those of you who missed them, you can catch up on the Centre's new and official YouTube channel, EBTCIndia -
In this issue we're bringing you the latest developments about Aqua Q and Ciel et Terre's journey in bringing their technologies to India, alongside other news such as EBTC's deepening involvement with the Indian research community, EBTC's partnership with ETI Dynamics (UK) for the India Water Development Programme (IWDP) which will bring projects and all associated services to the benefit of EU water companies and technologies. Do join us for the official launch in the evening of April 11th 2013, in New Delhi.
And last but not least, we hope that you'll be able to join us at the Global India Business Meeting 2013 taking place in Belfast this June. For more information, view
Thank you all for your continued support, and do contact us with any queries you may have about doing business in India.
Poul V. Jensen – Director, EBTC


In this issue


The Enterprise Europe Network – India website

To find out how the network can help EU and Indian SME's and researchers' access thousands of technology offers and requests, log on to:

EBTC on YouTube!

Catch up on webinars, Success Stories, Interviews, Insights, Events, And more to come on EBTC's YouTube channel Subscribe to EBTCIndia on YouTube:

EBTC Insight

Clean energy from algae biofuel:
Emerging opportunities for research and enterprising collaborations

The race is on for new types of fuel, and 2013 could prove to be a pivotal year. With the increasing price of oil, and the continued dependence on imported fossil fuels raising concerns over energy security, amongst the myriad of alternative renewable forms of energy, one that has been gaining interest amongst researchers and entrepreneurs globally is that of biofuels. Algae is one such solution in the quest for sustainable fuel as well as feedstock.
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Contact EBTC's Biotechnology Sector Specialist:

EBTC Interview

In conversation with Dr. Sudhir Chowdhury & Mrs. Ulla Chowdhury, Aqua Q AB
Aqua Q AB from Sweden have been taking steps to bring their innovative water technology to India. Today, Aqua Q's strategy is looking towards manufacturing their products and processes in India. This interview explores their technology, its impact, and Aqua Q's journey to India so far.
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IPR issues in collaborative research and technology transfer
IPR is a crucial element in the transfer of technology from Europe to India, but there are a number of challenges faced. Research throughout 2012 uncovered a number of IPR issues commonly faced by European companies in India. In this issue, we briefly look at data security, research collaboration and technology adaptability.
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Selected news from each region:
• Smart Grid Knowledge Sharing Mission.
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• European Scientific Technological and Innovation (STI) Platform in India.
• Roundtable on Private-Public-Partnerships in Research-Innovation & Economic Diplomacy: Building on Synergies between Portugal-India and EU-India.
• India Water Development Programme (IWDP) - EBTC & ETI Dynamics (UK) enter into a partnership to restore India's water bodies.
• 10th Anniversary of Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises (ABLE).
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Building business ecosystems in Eastern India:
• Floating solar PV takes another step closer to reality in Eastern and North-Eastern India.
• Inspiring confidence to manufacture in India: Aqua-Q's clean water technology to be adapted and manufactured in India soon.
• Exploring technology transfer possibilities from Slovenia to West Bengal.
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• Incubation, Technology management and cooperation with IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
• Deeper involvement of the Indian research and academic community: EBTC signs an agreement with Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai.
• Facilitating Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Technology Management and Indigenization.
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• Urban Development Vision 2020.
• RUDiCON 2013.
• Worldwide Intercluster Initiative for New materials and processes focused on clean technologies (WIINTECH).
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• Global India Business Meeting: 23rd – 25th June 2013, Belfast, United Kingdom.
• The 6th EuroIndia Summit & Mission: Rescheduled to 16th – 23rd October 2013, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Gujarat (TBC)

Join, follow, discuss and share with us @ |

European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) | Promoting European Clean Technologies in India & Tackling Climate Change
New Delhi | Kolkata | Bengaluru | Mumbai | Brussels

Please direct Media / Information Enquiries to Ananya Roy at
The contents of this e-mail are the sole responsibility of the European Business and Technology Centre and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. Copyright © 2013 European Business and Technology Centre

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