Saturday, June 8, 2013

Organizing for Action
Naresh --

Last summer, President Obama took action to give more than a million young people a shot at the American Dream when he announced "deferred action" -- providing legal protection for undocumented young people who were brought to America through no fault of their own.

These are the "DREAMers," named after the DREAM Act.

And yesterday, 224 members of the House of Representatives, including almost every Republican, voted to take that protection away and resume the deportations.

Congress needs to know that the American people don't support that -- and the hopeful young people they've now put in jeopardy need to know it, too.

Add your name to say you stand with the DREAMers today -- and let's double down in our fight for comprehensive immigration reform.

Imagine you've done everything right your entire life -- grown up in a community, gone to school, played by the rules, and broken no laws. But you suddenly face the threat of deportation to a country that you know nothing about with a language that you might not even speak.

That's wrong. That's not who we are.

These young people were brought to this country as kids, through no fault of their own. They have seen what's best about this country. That's why they so desperately want to be a part of it.

If you think these DREAMers deserve a fair shot, add your name to say you're going to fight for them -- and for comprehensive immigration reform today:



Emmy Ruiz
Immigration Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

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