Saturday, April 19, 2014

India is about to become Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease capital

India is about to become Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease capital
By bringing healthy changes in lifestyle and identifying the diseases linked with fatty liver timely, patients could be saved from diseases like cancer
New Delhi, April 19, 2014: Consultant surgeon of surgical gastrology and liver transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr. Abhideep Choudhary told that urbanization and changes linked with it, like sedentary lifestyle, fatty foods, uncontrolled blood sugar level in diabetics, obesity, smoking and high alcohol intake is leading Indians towards higher incidence of fatty liver disease, that is Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. This also increases the risk factor for Non Alcoholic Stato Hepatitis (NASH).
NASH disease could lead to cancer if patients are not treated timely. According to the studies of epidemic science, the prevalence of NADLF among common Indian public is between 9 percent to 32 percent, and this is more commonly found in obese and pre-diabetics.
According to Dr. Choudhary, “Fatty liver and NASH have been found in all age groups, including children, however it is more common between the age group of 40 to 49 years.”
This makes timely diagnosis of disease even more important, otherwise it could develop into cancers, like those of stomach and colorectal.
Elaborating further upon this, in detail, Dr. Abhideep Choudhary says, “If the diseases linked with fatty liver are timely diagnosed then they can be treated with laparoscopy, minimal invasion surgery or robotic surgery. In these surgeries, a small cut is mad on patient’s body, and this is the reason of fast recovery. As compared to conventional surgeries, which are very painful for patients, modern techniques are very easy for them. All which is required is timely detection of disease.”

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