Saturday, May 24, 2014

Boletín de Noticias de Nueva Tribuna [24/05/2014]

To Boletín de Noticias de Nueva Tribuna
Today at 3:47 AM
Boletín informativo. Sábado 24 de Mayo 2014.
Elecciones Europeas
Sigue el recuento de votos ‘on line’ en ofrecerá, a partir de las 20 horas de la jornada electoral del 25-M, el recuento de votos con su traslación inmediata a la composición, en número de escaños por cada fuerza política, del nuevo Parlamento Europeo.
La austeridad no funciona Por Manuel Bonmati | Más de veintiséis millones de europeos están sin empleo, es decir, diez millones más que en 2008, y siete millones y medio de jóvenes no trabajan ni estudian ni siguen una formación.
Crisis, desafección ciudadana y refundación de la Unión Europea Por Javier Doz | Hay que comenzar sin demora -a partir del 25 de mayo- a sentar las bases para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto europeo democrático, solidario, ecológico y socialmente avanzado.
· Carmen Barrera ChamorroLa democracia se regenera votando…y 64 motivos más para acudir a las urnas 
Hay muchos recortes que no debemos olvidar y se han producido por no votar de forma masiva en otros comicios….
“No a la guerra contra las mujeres”  
‘Decidir Nos Hace Libres’ reclama que el 25M no se vote “a partidos que están en una guerra abierta contra el derecho de las mujeres a la libre elección de la maternidad”, en clara alusión al PP por la reforma de la ley del aborto.
· Juan Torres LópezMujeres inferiores 
Hace tres semanas escribía que las opiniones de Arias Cañete sobre seguridad alimentaria no eran simples gracias…
Final de Champions
Final de Champions: Hermes versus Marte Por Antonio Mora Plaza | Este sábado se enfrentan dos equipos que representan cosas muy diferentes en la esfera de lo meramente extradeportivo, no nos engañemos.
· Mohamed HaidourCombatir la ofensiva antisindical 
No hay tregua. La campaña de la caverna mediática contra los sindicatos de clase entró en una fase menguante…
· Marciano Sánchez BayleNo han aprendido nada 
La destitución de 4 directores de centros de salud de Madrid que se habían significado con “la Marea Blanca”…
· Pablo VaamondeLa desigualdad humana 
Tenemos que conseguir que los buitres del capitalismo y sus cómplices de la política no se queden con todo…
· Alfonso PuncelElogio y censura de la violencia 
Es una tragedia, sin duda, pero (y es un pero no justificante) la violencia ha estado, está y previsiblemente estará presente en la vida de los seres humanos…
Vicente Valero, un ejercicio contra el olvido Por Emma Rodríguez | Vicente Valero, poeta, biógrafo de Walter Benjamin y cultivador de libros de reflexión y de crónica viajera, debuta en la narrativa con “Los extraños”.
Sigue, sigue, no pares Capitán Lagarta | Preguntado José Saramago en televisión acerca de si la humanidad tenía solución, respondió raudo que no…
A 20 pasos de la fama 
1.300 millones de euros, el agujero de RTVV El juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción número 6 de Paterna imputa a la excúpula de Radio Televisión Valenciana tras denunciar Compromís un presunto agujero de 1.300 millones.
“Telemadrid ha contratado y recogido los restos del naufragio de Intereconomía” El portavoz socialista en la Comisión de Control del Ente Público Radio Televisión Madrid de la Asamblea de Madrid, Miguel Aguado lo ha denunciado.
Política | Laboral
El paro de muy larga duración se dispara un 22,5% en 2013 
El empleo sólo aumenta, aunque poco, en las compañías de 250 o más trabajadores y cae de nuevo en las pequeñas empresas y microempresas.
Lissavetzky acusa a Botella de aplicar el sistema de subasta a la educación infantil 
En el último pliego presentado, la oferta económica pesa un 45% mientras que el proyecto educativo se reduce al 33%.
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Paris International Agriculture Show



SIAL Photo 4SIAL Photo 2




Walk with the President

Walk with the President
The White House
To Me
Today at 9:48 AM
The White HouseFriday, May 23, 2014
Walk with the President
In case you missed it, the President headed to the nearby Department of the Interior on Wednesday, and decided to do something different:
He walked over instead.
On the way, he talked with all sorts of people who weren’t expecting to meet the President of the United States of America.
Watch as the President takes a springtime walk.
Stay Connected


Modi’s New Bold Beginning in South Asia

In one bold stroke of statesmanship, Prime Minister designate Mr. Narendra Damodar Modi has raised India’s stature not only in South Asia but all over the world. He has disarmed even his critics like Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti and perhaps pre-empted future opposition from Mamta Banerjee to a Tessta river treaty with Bangladesh.And indeed he has demonstrated his resolve to take the high ground vis a vis India’s neighbours and not allow petty provincial considerations preventing a more cooperative environment in South Asia by action and not just words. For some of us who have been promoting the cause of South Asian regional cooperation, Mr. Modi’s invitation to heads of neighbouring governments for the swearing in ceremony on the 26th is a giant step in the right direction.I had heard about his desire to focus his foreign policy on India’s neighbourhood, but that he would do so even before taking office is beyond expectations. I hope the ministry of external relations and our obdurate and opaque security agencies will take the cue and support the cause of making borders in South Asia irrelevant within the first term of this government.

Dr. Manmohan Singh, whose highest priority was to achieve a regionally integrated South Asia, would surely be ruing his inability to lead from the front. Instead allowing the diplomatic and security establishment and the myopic minions within his party to ensnare him by their sophistry and projections of false security threats. By extending this invitation, Mr. Modi has shown not only that he has his clear priorities, often out of the bureaucratic box, but also that in foreign policy he is more likely to follow Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee’s style of making the policy announcement first and leaving it to the bureaucracy to implement it. Mr. Vajpayee had done exactly that when he announced the Indo-Sri Lanka free trade agreement on a visit to Colombo, taking Raisina Hill and Udyog Bhawan by complete surprise.

But in doing so, Mr. Modi must have hugely disappointed all those who in their crass and dangerous single-minded focus on increasing their channels’ TRPs have tried to convert India’s relations with its neighbours in to a gladiator sport. These television gladiators were hoping that Mr Modi will spout into jingoism and raise the level of xenophobia in India and subsequently in the neighbouring countries as well. How thoroughly dejected they must feel that he has instead forced them to discuss a future for South Asia that is potentially peaceful and prosperous based on bilateral and regional cooperation. I am not at all surprised that there has been a sudden hush on the channels because this is completely against their expectations. The media has been cheated of the man whom they supported in the hope he will display his 56″ chest even in India’s relations with its neighbours. They are bound to be further disappointed because in Mr. Modi they probably have a realist strategic leader who realizes that the true success for India is not in browbeating or being a big brother to its smaller neighbours but in ensuring that India eliminates the scourge of unemployment and making its people prosperous in the next two decades. He knows that if he succeeds in achieving this objective, India’s neighbours, benefitting from India’s huge, rapidly expanding and open domestic markets, will recognize its stature. As everywhere else, so in international relations, respect and regard are earned and not demanded.

It will also disappoint those who wanted to see Mr. Modi be captive to RSS ideology, which according to their distorted perception will have India breaking off relations with all Muslim countries. This perception suffers from two fatal flaws. First, it assumes that Mr. Modi is so beholden to the RSS that he will seek his directions from Nagpur for all policy initiatives. He has demonstrated otherwise in Gujarat and now by this bold invitation has reinforced this independence. Second, it believes RSS ideology prohibits India from improving its relations with Muslim states. I have no claims whatsoever on understanding the RSS traditions and ideology as I have not had the chance to study them, but from what I can see and by sheer common sense, no organization professing to pursue national interest, can possibly have a stand of minimizing relations with countries on whom India is so critically dependent for its energy security. I hope we will at this time of paradigmatic shift, shed our stereotype perceptions and come together on the basis of real experience and evaluate it on the benchmark of national interest. Nothing else matters.

All policy initiatives, whether in the domain of foreign policy or domestic developments, must be taken to serve the national interest. And by putting the ball firmly in Nawaz Sharif’s court with this invitation, Mr. Modi has unambiguously lifted India’s stock, thereby serving our national interest. Those who argue, as unfortunately some senior journalists did on the electronic media on Wednesday, that such a sudden invitation will diminish India’s prestige or standing in case the invitation was not accepted should know better. This is a juvenile argument that merits to be junked immediately as it is premised upon a sense of false ego and a wrong understanding of national pride. Leaders make their nations proud by being statesmen and rising above petty issues.

From Modi’s point of view, the historical moment of a non-Congress party government coming in to office in Delhi with an absolute majority of its own for the very first time, is a moment to be shared with one and all and specially with India’s neighbours. Those who do not accept the invitation will be seen as being churlish and petulant by the global community. Those who do will be comforted that India wants to share its moments of joy and glory with them and sees them as equal partners. For me this is an unprecedented act of statesmanship at a time when nation states cover borders with barbed wire and bayonets. Such action prompts me to strengthen my resolve to do whatever I can to push forward the agenda of making South Asian borders as places where nations interact.

Author is a Senior Fellow Centre for Policy Research. He is also the former Director of ICRIER and former Secretary General of FICCI.


Aam Aadmi Party, Shazia Ilmi and Captain Gopinath quit the party. 

Arvind , One man party rule, who changed his political musical chair act for his self assertion and to have the allegation of being an idea stealer,projecting a messiah of the poor with weakness of being in media glare received its first blow when Shazia Ilmi, a founder member of the party, said, “I fail to find swaraj inside the party. There is lack of democracy. When we become a political party, we need to re-invent and grow beyond agitation.”
She has  quit, from all posts in the party, clarified that she was not joining any other party.
Shazia Ilmi comes from a Kanpur-based Muslim family with links to the Indian National Congress political party. Her father was the founder and editor of Siyasat Jadid, a Kanpur-based newspaper. One of her uncles has been a member of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly for over two decades, as well as holding ministerial office in the state. Her sister is married to Arif Mohammed Khan, a former Indian National Congresspolitician and minister who has since joined the Bahujan Samaj Party
Another casualty of AAP is Founder of Air Deccan, Captain Gopinath who  said that he had differences with the party for a while. AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal’s decision not to pay the bail bond in the defamation case against Nitin Gadkari prompted him to take he decision, he said. “I still admire Kejriwal,” he added.


Quake of M6.4 – hit AEGEAN SEA

Globe with Earthquake Location


Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 24 May 2014 09:25:03 UTC
  • 24 May 2014 11:25:04 near epicenter
  • 24 May 2014 13:25:03 standard time in your timezone
Location40.313N 25.453E
Depth10 km
  • 18 km (11 mi) S of Kamariotissa, Greece
  • 69 km (42 mi) SSW of Alexandroupolis, Greece
  • 78 km (48 mi) ESE of Potos (Thassos), Greece
  • 83 km (51 mi) WNW of Canakkale, Turkey
  • 299 km (185 mi) NNE of Athens, Greece


65th National Basketball Championship for Junior Men & Women

Babykutty, Press Release: The 65th National Basketball Championship for Junior Men & Women will be held at the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kochi from 26th May –2nd June 2014. Organized by the Kerala Basketball Association under the auspices of Basketball Federation of India, this Junior Championship is coming over to Kerala after a gap of 37 years. It was in 1977 that the last Junior Championship was held in Thrissur. This national event will comprise 24 teams in the Jr Men’s section and 23 in Jr women and will have 1000 participants in total including referees, coaches, officials & members of the basketball fraternity.
A 100 member organizing committee has been formed for the smooth conduct of the championship under the chairmanship of MG Rajamanickam with K .G. James IPS (Commissioner of Police, Kochi City), V. Manohar Prabhu (Secretary, RSC), B. J. Antony (RTO, Ernakulam) as Vice chairmen and Kerala Basketball Association President: K. Manoharakumar as President. Vice Presidents are Dr. M.M. Chacko, V.C. Hashim, Shaji Jacob and Prof. K.A. Raju. S.A.S. Navaz IRS will be the Championship Director. Organizing Secretaries will be P.J. Sunny and P.P. Varghese. Joseph C. Joseph will be the General Convener. Finance Committee Chairman will be P.L. Prakash James. Convener will be Prince Chandy, Joint Secretaries are K.A. Simon, George C.S., Jaison Peter and Joint General Conveners are Adv. Saleem K.A., K. O. Oommen and P. Jacob.
The Championship will be officially opened by Hibi Eden MLA, presided over by Arjuna Award winner and President of Kerala State Sports Council Padmini Thomas in presence of Secretary General of BFI Ajay Sud and Technical Committee Chairman G M Sampath Kumar.
The Championship will be played on a league cum knock out basis. Chhattisgarh Jr Women and Punjab Jr Men are the reigning champions in each division while Kerala Jr Women and Delhi Jr Men are the runners up. Kerala Jr Men was placed 4th position in the last edition. The championship will feature present senior Indian stars Poojamol KS of Kerala and Sharanjit Kaur of Chhattisgarh, while Kerala Jr Women will have the presence of Elizabeth Hillarios, Vimmy Varkey and Mayuka KT and presence of another Malayalee International Sruthi Menon representing Maharashtra.

There will be two basketball courts ready at the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium with Hydraulic Basketball Uprights and Electronic Score Boards the main Court will have a newly purchased basketball board worth Rs. 26 lakhs, which includes an LED score board that could be controlled from the side desk by remote control, will be functioning  for the first time. This is a FIBA (International Basketball Federation) Level 1 approved basketball backboard and is the first board of its kind imported to India from M/s. Schelde Sports, Belgium. The board is the best board available in the world and is suitable for play at all levels including conducting national & international competitions.
The finals will be played on 2nd June 2014. The championship will also carry a prize money to the tune of Rs 1 lakh for the winners, Rs 75,000 for the runners up and Rs 50,000 for the bronze medalists.


Anandiben CM stresses for ensuring stern punishment to culprits, justice to innocents

CM Anandiben Patel directs district officials to
ensure zero pendency of grievances 

In a session of SWAGAT online held today the Chief Minister Anandiben Patel directed district officials to proactively take up pending issues of the common people with empathetic manner and ensure zero pendency of the grievances.

Chief Minister also stressed for ensuring stern punishment to culprits while taking care that the innocents get justice.

Mrs. Anandiben Patel, who held this session for redressal of people’s grievances on the very first day of her assuming the Chief Minister’s charge, listened to 30 district level, two rural level and 10 state level complaints.

Giving inspiring suggestions to the officials she showed her considerate approach when she directs the officials to immediately solve the power problem of a goshala in Kutch.

Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Murmu, Joint Secretary Vijay Nehra, Information Commissioner Bhagyesh Jha and Principal Secretary to IT department Mr. Haidar and concerned officials were present on the occasion.

The SWAGAT online session was held today upon the lifting of election code of conduct.


Join the Poo Factory and be Part of the Social Change in India , 31 May

From: Sonia Sarkar  Sat, 24 May ’14 4:33a
Show full Headers
Dear colleague
UNICEF India invites you to join us for a one-day hackathon where existing and potential partners will brainstorm with the aim of moving the “Take Poo to the Loo” campaign to the next level. The Poo Factory will be held on 31 May. Save the date!! Take a look at the note attached to know more.
 Join the Poo Factory and be part of the social change in India!
The aim of phase 2 is to continue and sustain the buzz and discourse nationwide, while building a larger community of young change agents who will assist to take the campaign to the School Loo by 2016. For this to happen we need new ideas to further motivate young people to see the campaign, join the cause and act!
Please join us for a one-day hackathon where all enthusiasts, existing and potential partners, from civil society, corporates, academia, government, media, international organizations and foundations are invited to bring to the Poo-table their best ideas and potential platforms for execution.
Poo Factory, 31 May
 10:00 to 16:00 hr.
Delhi – Venue (TBC)
Kind regards
Sonia Sarkar
Communication Officer (Media) 
United Nations Children’s Fund
UNICEF House, 73 Lodi Estate, New Delhi – 110 003 India Follow us on 


Morning Post

Saturday 24 May 2014
वरिष्ठ पत्रकार विनोद कापड़ी ने इस मुहावरे के जरिए शाजिया इल्मी को लिया निशाने पर…
वरिष्ठ टीवी पत्रकार और न्यूज एक्सप्रेस चैनल के एडिटर-इन-चीफ और सीईओ विनोद कापड़ी ने आज आम आदमी पार्टी की नेता शाजिया इल्मी पर निशाना साधा है…

हार के लिए कांग्रेस ने विज्ञापन एजेंसी पर लगाए आरोप, विशेषज्ञों ने की निंदा
लोकसभा चुनावों में नरेंद्र मोदी और बीजेपी-एनडीए ने भारी जीत हासिल की है। वहीं कांग्रेस के नेतृत्व वाले यूपीए गठबंधन को करारी हार का सामना करना पड़ा है…

TRP में मची घमासान, सोनी-लाइफ ओके को मिला फायदा, स्टार प्लस को भारी नुकसान
टैम सब्सक्राइबर्स द्वारा हिंदी स्पीकिंग मार्केट्स के जारी किए जनरल ऐंटरटेनमेंट चैनलों के आंकड़ो के अनुसार साल 2014 के 20वें हफ्ते (13-19मई) में…

‘आज तक’ के जरिए आप चुनिए मोदी सरकार का मंत्रिमंडल…
राजनीतिक गलियारों और मीडिया में मोदी के कैबिनेट की चर्चा जोरो-शोरो हैं। मोदी के कैबिनेट में किसे जगह मिलेगी और किसे नहीं फिलहाल इस पर माथा-पच्ची चल रही है…

गलती विज्ञापन की नहीं, मोदी के सामने राहुल जैसे कमजोर ब्रैंड की वजह से हुआ कांग्रेस का यह हाल
लोकसभा चुनावों में बीजेपी की शानदार जीत से कांग्रेस पूरी तरह बौखलाई हुई नजर आ रही है। कांग्रेस ने अपनी हार का ठीकरा अपनी विज्ञापन एजेंसी पर फोड़ने की कोशिश की है…

Express Group के जर्नलिस्म इंस्टिट्यूट में ऐडमिशन प्रोसेस शुरू

एक्सप्रेस ग्रुप का पत्रकारिता संस्थान ‘एक्सप्रेस इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ मीडिया स्टडीज’ में जर्नलिज्म कोर्सेज के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा की अंतिम तारीख 7 जून, 2014 निर्धारित की गई है…

जूम टीवी के टॉप शो ने पूरे किए 2000 एपिसोड
जूम टीवी का टॉप शो है प्लानेट बॉलीवुड। कई साल से लगातार बिना रुके ये शो जूम टेलीवीजन पर आ रहा है…

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