Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happy Diwali

Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.
Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.
Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.
Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.
Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.

High Risk of IMPORTED EXPERTS – Dr. Rajan Gupta, LANL

High Risk of IMPORTED EXPERTS – Dr. Rajan Gupta, LANL
Ravinder Singh
To and 33 more…
Today at 1:28 PM
High Risk of IMPORTED EXPERTS – Dr. Rajan Gupta, LANL
October25, 2014 (C) Ravinder Singh ravinderinvent@gmail.comThis presentation is about Pitfalls in engaging Foreign Academics
Experts. They suffer from four main deficiencies 1. They have just
academic knowledge – they may over 50 years develop Fuel-Cell but its
Technologies are Commercialized by Engineers & Inventors, 2. They have
no Local Knowledge, 3. But most crucial have no capability to
implement their own ideas and 4. Have little idea of Emerging
Academics like Dr. Rajan Gupta of LANL always gave WILD Baseless
presentations cut paste data from here and there – Independent
Engineers and Inventors in particular understand the ground reality of
Technology, Problems, Solutions and Purchasing Power Of the People
therefore can be trusted the most.
Thesis of Amartya Sen was Unequal Distribution of foods during 1942
Bengal Famine etc but not ‘Unequal Distribution of Wealth in India’ –
Academics get Nobel prize for writing nonsense – His home district in
India is least developed region in the world.
Dr. Rajan Gupta was asked to give a presentation of Shale Gas
Development but had bare minimum understanding was often avoiding
critical issues ‘Operators Don’t Share Experiences’ – explanation of
Curved Drilling Technology was inadequate though more than 40 years
old technology – I read about it EXXON annual report around 2000. Euro
Tunnel was dug by Tunnel Boring machines which was not straight for
entire length.
He couldn’t explain properly blasting process of Shale Gas seams 2000m
or more below the ground level. Soon he switched to Power Development
in India By 2050 which was most pathetic.
When the Nations are Mandated to reduce GHG emissions to 1990 level,
he straight away assumed India would need 6000 BU of Electricity
Generation by 2050 from 1000 BU at present 2013-14 level without
considering Energy Efficiency and Intensity of GHG emissions.
Switzerland and India are equal in wealth but India consumes 15 Times
more Power but Switzerland generates over 50 BU of Green Power 35 BU
from Hydro Power alone so GHG emissions intensity compared to
developed countries is over 50 Times.
Wealth & Median Wealth of Adults in SAARC Countries
S.No.    Country    Adults in thousands    Total Wealth $b    Wealth/ Adult
$    Median Wealth $    Power
Prod BU
1.    Bangladesh    105,324    212    2,017    832    51
2.    India    775,767    3,604    4,645    1,006    1102
3.    Nepal    17,525    35    1,982    800    3.3
4.    Pakistan     107,904    477    4,417    2,384    93
5.    Sri Lanka    14,386    71    4,936    2,120    11
6.    Myanmar    34,447    69    2,014    1,200    —
7.    Mali     6,553    7    1,056    461    0.52
8.    Switzerland    6,120    3,554    580,686    106,887    73.4
9.    Australia    16,719    7,202    430,777    225,337    245
10.    UK    48,381    14,157    292,621    130,590    356
11.    USA        240,648    83,708    347,845    53,352    4,260
12.    China    1,003,456    21,404    21,330    7,033    5,361
WORLD    4,699,383    263,242    56,016    3,641    23,127
I didn’t expect a LANL researcher to assume India will be Developed by
2050. Fact is India rank only 142 in per capita income.
I didn’t expect LANL researcher to Ignore Energy Efficiency – For
Every Two Units Consumed One Is Lost in T&D. India can easily save 50%
of power consumption. He has no idea of Emerging Technologies from
Fuel Cells, CHP, LED Lights, TV & Displays, Energy Efficient Products
Like Microwave to be affordable by 2050.
Thus India REAL need of power is just 3000 BU considering Energy
Efficiency and Slow Economic Growth and Very Low Median Income of
Indians at just $1006 per adult or around just $624 per capita.
He had no idea of Hydro Power Potential in Himalayas in Riparian
Rivers which is over 200,000 MW – Brahamputra Bend alone had 200,000
MW Potential but India had lost control of the area to China.
His figure for Nepal was 50,000 MW against 84,000 MW and he also
Carelessly and Unintelligently assumed Nepal would need all the power
– over 100 times its present generation. His figure for India was
120,000 MW less than half of potential in national and international
Shocking he had no IDEA that Run Of The River Hydro Projects India had
Built or Under Implementation generate only 40% of Potential at the
site and neither Store Water nor Provide Flood Protection nor Supply
Water for Irrigation and Drinking & Household and Industrial uses.
Recreational facilities of such Lame Duck Dams or use as Bridges are
out of question – even minor Floods Overflow such dams.
3000 BU Units Annual Green Energy By 2030
Green Energy Programs to Avoid 3.0 Billion Tones of CO2 by 2030 are: -
1.]  India should be developing 200,000 MW of Multipurpose Hydro
Power+, producing 800m Units of Electricity and avoiding 0.8 Billion
Tones of CO2 every year and around 40 tones of Fly Ash emissions in
air. + Additionally Prevent or Moderate Floods in 40 million hectares
of flood affected land and supply 500 BCM of addition Clean Blue Water
for Irrigation, Municipal other uses, reduce water pumping for
irrigation etc.
2.]  100,000 MWe of Nuclear Power shall produce around 750 BU of green
electricity avoiding 750 million tones of CO2.
3.]  200,000 MWp Solar Power with Tracking shall generate 450 BU of
green electricity to be ready by 2020.
4.]  Energy Efficiency 500 BU Annually by 2030 avoiding 500 million
tones of CO2 every year.
5.]  Wind, Biomass, Tidal, Bio-Fuels together shall produce 200 BU of
electricity or 200m avoid Tones of CO2.
6.]  Electric Transport like Railways, Electric Vehicles, Trams etc
shall avoid 300m of CO2 in replacing petroleum.  `
All these programs are Commercially Viable and produce Cheaper
Electricity than by polluting Coal Based power require just $2.5
Trillion investments including T&D. India to Lead The World in Saving
Planet Earth From Impact Of GHG/ Climate Change.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects.

It’s not easy living as an LGBT person in Jamaica.

 It’s not easy living as an LGBT person in Jamaica.
From: Angeline Jackson  Fri, 24 Oct ’14 11:35p
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Dear Naresh,
In my home country of Jamaica, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are not provided the protections WE need. We live each day in a challenging climate of discrimination and violence. In order to continue transforming Jamaica into an inclusive and accepting society, we need governments around the world to bring these issues to the foreground, not only in Jamaica, but globally. A crucial step in this effort is for President Obama to appoint within the U.S. Department of State a Special Envoy for the human rights of LGBT people.
Living as an LGBT person in Jamaica may be better now than it was for earlier generations, but we who identify as LGBT still face state-sanctioned and community discrimination. From music lyrics on the airwaves calling for violence against LGBT people to laws that undermine our freedom to live without harassment or threat of violence, there is seemingly no safe place to be who we are and love who we want.
Jamaica is not the only place with this problem. In order to ensure the safety and dignity of LGBT people here and in other countries like Russia and Uganda, the voices of equality advocates like President Obama must be amplified.
Help us hold President Obama to his commitment to LGBT rights and urge him to appoint a Special Envoy for the human rights of LGBT people.
Jamaica is my home and I love this country. I will stay and fight for our human rights and equal protection under the law. We and other countries throughout the world will be better positioned to do this when our neighbors and partners are fully engaged. It is through your partnership that we can ensure President Obama appoints a Special Envoy for the human rights of LGBT people who can help make our world a place that respects and protects the inherent dignity of all individuals regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.Sign the petition now and join our call!
Thank you for your support.
Angeline Jackson
Convenor, Founder and Executive Director
Quality of Citizenship Jamaica
Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. We believe American leadership is essential in the struggle for human rights so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they don’t, we step in to demand reform, accountability and justice. Around the world, we work where we can best harness American influence to secure core freedoms.Human Rights First
333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10001-5004 | Click here to unsubscribe | Click here to signup

PMJDY Mega Camp by Oriental Bank of Commerce

Invite for Tom : Sh.G.S.Sandhu, IAS, Secretary, Sh. Anurag Jain, IAS, Jt. Secretary, DFS,MOF, Govt. of India to grace PMJDY Mega Camp by Oriental Bank of Commerce
From: “Andalib.Andy Subzwari”  Fri, 24 Oct ’14 8:03p
To: “Andalib.Andy Subzwari”
Oriental Bank of Commerce is organizing a Mega Camp on 25.10.2014 for PMJDY at Community Hall, Gautampuri, Badarpur, Delhi.
Sh.G.S.Sandhu, IAS, Secretary, Sh. Anurag Jain, IAS, Jt. Secretary, DFS,MOF, Govt. of India, along with Sh. Bhupinder Nayyar and Sh. Suresh N. Patel, Executive Directors, Oriental Bank of Commerce shall grace the occasion.
We solicit your gracious presence from 11.00 a.m. onwards in the mega camp tom – 25 October 2014

PR & Publicity
Media RSVP
9999 573707

Turn Back Crony Capitalism

Dr. Rajiv Kumar
Today at 11:06 AM
Dear Mr. Sagar
I am forwarding my Op-Ed in the Times of India  on 22 October titled  ‘Turn Back Crony Capitalism.’Your feedback and response will be truly appreciated.
Best regardsRajiv Kumar


Modi must destroy unethical nexus that existed between business and politics under UPA

With BJP in government at the Centre and seven states, Prime Minister Narendra Modi now controls the political system in Delhi, the finance capital in Mumbai and growth impulses in major provinces. A historical opportunity therefore presents itself to Modi and the BJP leadership to qualitatively transform the tenor, idiom and objective of government-business relationship. This is needed to counter the growing public perception that vital national interests are being sacrificed by a self-serving nexus of politicians and businessmen.
The relationship between the political class and Indian business has changed over time. A number of leading industrialists were in the thick of the national movement. Nonetheless, political leadership maintained a visible distance from business houses. This distance became a virtual gulf during the socialist and centrally planned period presided over by Pandit Nehru and Indira Gandhi. This lasted until the mid-1980s.
Rajiv Gandhi, faced with opposition from the protectionist domestic industry, actively sought the cooperation of apex chambers of commerce and industry in pushing forward his liberalisation agenda. This marked the beginning of a closer and, some would argue, a cosy relationship between government and business.
Starting in mid-1980s and gathering pace after the 1991 liberalisation, an overt and visible cosy relationship has developed between government and big business both in Delhi and state capitals. Consequently, public discourse has become rife with talk of crony capitalism, policy capture by large business houses, and of active government and big business collaboration in determining India’s negotiating positions.
This degenerated into an unethical nexus during 10 years of UPA’s dispensation. The nexus was evident in, first, the large number of opaque allocations of natural resources to select companies, later exposed by CAG. Two, the award of PPP projects to a chosen few with hidden provisions for sweetening these deals post the award. Three, an ever-increasing incidence of political leaders or their direct and close relatives establishing large businesses themselves.
The political class, government and private business became a seamless continuum. This was further evident in large business delegations accompanying the president, prime minister and senior ministers on their foreign sojourns.
All this looks set to change under Modi. He has taken the right step of not taking business delegations with him. He has reportedly also advised his cabinet colleagues against publicly cavorting with select businessmen. Streamlining processes, rolling back inspector raj and improving the business environment will make him far more popular with genuine investors than photo-ops with them. As in Gujarat, this will benefit the entire business class, including foreign investors and not merely some select business houses.So far big Indian business houses have enjoyed a huge competitive advantage of ‘being on the inside track’ and having the networks to successfully cut through the labyrinthine licensing and regulatory processes. This will hopefully change as governance becomes more transparent. SMEs will benefit enormously by the rolling back of inspector raj. Hopefully, it will also result in larger FDI and greater entry of multinational companies, attracted by the huge Indian market, declining transaction costs and greater regulatory transparency.
Large Indian companies would do well to start investing more in genuine R&D instead of spending large sums on election financing, government relations, and controlling business and industry chambers. This is done entirely to provide photo-ops and face time with political leaders and senior bureaucrats, which is seen as an integral part of staying on the inside track.
For changing the reality of crony capitalism and reversing the public perception of a self-serving political-business nexus, some measures are urgently needed. First, government should go beyond the top 100 companies, and encourage the next tier of businesses. These companies have real hunger for growth and for a larger share in global markets for which they need new technologies and joint ventures.
Second, FDI in employment generating export industries should be actively promoted. Our foreign missions can be charged with this responsibility. This will be in line with the prime minister’s recent pronouncements. FDI brings with it additional financial resources, global marketing networks, and will help break entrenched domestic cartels that are ini-mical to innovation and growth. Third, as in Gujarat the government should focus on facilitating business and investment, and neither encourage nor be seen to encourage particular business houses.
Fourth, the government should encourage business chambers and industry associations to truly represent wider industry interests on the basis of in-depth and autonomous research. This will be quite different from the present situation in which chambers are used as event managers, often subsidised by taxpayers’ money.
With these steps, Modi can transform the government-industry relationship and raise his government’s effectiveness in promoting employment and growth.

Author is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research. He is also the Director of 
Pahle India Foundation and his most recent book is Exploding Aspirations.

Media Invitation : Opening of Li Ning Store by Jwala Gutta

Media Invitation : Opening of Li Ning Store by Jwala Gutta
Aradhya Dubey
Aradhya Dubey
Today at 1:07 PM
LI-NING cordially invite  you for the opening of its Second Store on 26th October 2014  at  M-3, South Extn-2 from 12:00 Noon.
Ms. Jwala Gutta and DJ NYK will be the chief Guest along with Mr. Mahender Kapoor , (Li Ning South East Asia Distributor) and Mr. Pradeep Malhotra (Li Ning India Distributor)

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