Saturday, November 8, 2014



First  Edition of National Children’s Film Festival


Delhi, 8th Nov:-In a bid to expand the market for Children’s film and encourage talent in the country, Children’s Film Society India (CFSI) has announced the launch of a three day National children’s film festival for the first time ever. The move comes close on the heels of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi ji’s cleanliness drive announcement and in keeping with his vision; CFSI has announced the central theme of the festival as ‘Swachhta’.
Entitled as National Children’s Film Festival (NCFF), the event will focus on Children’s films which are either made or shot in India or the makers are Indian. The festival is a three day event, which will kick-start at the capital New Delhi in Siri fort Auditorium from 14th November, Children’s Day and conclude on 16th November 2014.NCFF will be organized by CSFI every alternate year.
The festival will screen a score of unreleased films with CFSI’s production and latest offering, Pappu Ki Pugdandi leading the pack. Other fresh content that will be put up in the festival are Shortcut Safari which will be premiered for the first time ,The Goal, Mahek Mirza , EkAjooba- are yet another CFSI production, Kummati,  Krish Trish and Baltiboy-3 are few curated movies amongst others. The films are carefully handpicked to create an opportunity for children to experience qualitative content made exclusively for them. Some of these films have won several awards, globally.
Talking about the festival, Mr. Shravan Kumar, CEO, CFSI said, “At CFSI we not only want to make films but also make film makers. The objective behind this festival is not just to expand the children’s film market or encourage makers to come forward but also to nurture talent from a very young age. If we can showcase the right content and create a conducive environment for children to pursue film making or allied creative career paths, I ‘m sure we will get great talent emerging out of our country. Films, I believe is the most powerful medium and if used effectively we can entertain while addressing various pressing issues”.
In Delhi, the festival will take place at Siri Fort Auditorium. NCFF has garnered eyeballs from the country’s celebrated Bollywood personalities such as Amitabh Bachchan, Mr Ajay Devgn and Ms. Sonakshi Sinha, who have culled out time from their busy schedule to wish CFSI and NCFF through video bytes. Ms. Sania Mirza is the Guest of honour and celebrities such as Jimmy Shergill and Shaimak Davar team will participate in cultural programmes and workshops.
NCFF will present itself as a carnival to woo young audiences and also lend itself as a learning platform through various workshops such as dance, music, magic act, animation and a special focused workshop on Chaplin based on the film“Boot Cake”. There will be a kids mela where children can have fun galore after watching good cinema. Children will be encouraged to take part in various competitions such as Painting on Swachhta, Digital Collage making on Clean India & Craft on making utility items through waste materials. Armed with the objective of developing a taste for good cinema, CFSI will also organize FILM WORKSHOPS for children with a view to getting them acquainted with the basics of film making.  These Workshops will be conducted by experts from film institutes including FTII for groups of talented and deserving children between the age group of 5 to 16 years.
The Festival screenings in Delhi, will be arranged in Auditoriums I, II and III at Siri Fort, Khel Gaon daily, with 2 shows for children’s. Admission will be free for all shows however; the entry for children will be regulated through the educational institutions on a first come first serve basis.

Launch of book: Setting up Social Justice Law Firms: Experiences of Nyayika


(9th November, 2014 at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, New Delhi)
Nyayika is a one-of-a-kind legal services initiative which provides quality professional legal services, both litigative and non-litigative, through trained lawyers and paralegals in its law centres. It addresses one the main barriers in access to quality legal services for people from the middle and lower income groups – the high fees of a lawyer – by providing its services for a fixed and affordable fee payable according to a payment schedule. It follows transparent processes, assures speedy disposal of cases and is accountable towards its clients. It follows a client friendly standardized operating procedure and a robust monitoring and information system across its centres to ensure its standards of quality and professionalism. Nyayika is operated by IDEAL Foundation for Social and Economic Development, a non-profit company registered under S. 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. It commenced operation in October 2013 and currently runs 8 law centres in 8 different districts of Gujarat.
A book on Nyayika, Setting up Social Justice Law Firms: Experiences of Nyayika, will be released on 9thNovember 2014 by Prof. Madhav Menon, Chancellor, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Chhattisgarh.
Centre for Social Justice, established in 1993, is a socio-legal organisation working on access to justice and legal empowerment. It has been facilitating change-inducing leadership by strengthening community lawyers and paralegals by building their capacities. CSJ has also made path-breaking institutional interventions in the form of research, legal reforms and initiatives bringing together grassroots activism, law and policy-making on a wide array of issues affecting socio-economically marginalised and vulnerable groups.
Lawyers for Change”, an initiative of ECONET, is a capacity building and fellowship programme which supports young social justice lawyers working at the district court level. ECONET is an organisation which works with adivasi and non-pastoral nomadic tribal communities by sharpening their interventions through capacity building, legal trainings and leadership development on issues related to forestry and environmental policies in Maharashtra.
Date, Venue and Timings
  • The date of the event is 9thNovember, 2014
  • The venue for the event is VishwaYuva Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.
  • The timings of the event will be from 3.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m.
  • For any further details please email us at themecsj@gmail.comor call us on +91 9978575097


Remembering 1984 – 30 years since the Anti-Sikh Riots
8th November, 2014, India Islamic Centre
New Delhi
Dear Friends,
Contemporary India has been witness to gruesome incidents of mass violence, which has targeted the lives of men, women and children because of their religious identity. While the Indian Constitution unequivocally guarantees equal legal rights and ensures protection to its minorities: for most affected areas constitutional guarantees remain merely words. Episodes of mass violence continue to haunt us and cause tremendous suffering, damage infrastructure and hamper economic and social development. In the light of new and recurring incidents of communal violence that plague many communities in the country, there is an immediate need to foster dialogue, respect and understanding between conflicting parties along with initiatives to promote post-conflict peace building and development.
In 1984, Delhi witnessed one of the worst communal rioting post independent India. People from the minority Sikh community were butchered on the streets by the right wing Hindutva forces, a regressive political force, which remains a threat to the plurality and integrity of this country even till date. The political establishment in Delhi remained a mute spectator and allowed the merciless killing of people from the Sikh community. Even after thirty years have passed, the wounds of these victims have not been healed. The victims of the violence are still struggling socially and economically.
Under the banner of Idea of India, Aman Biradari in collaboration with Anhad, Centre for Policy Research and other organizations is organizing a day long event on 8th November to observe 30 years since the anti Sikh violence.
It will also be an occasion for us to release our book on Mass violence, titled ‘;On their Watch: Mass violence and state apathy in India‘;, followed by day long conversation and talks with people who worked with the victims on different thematic areas.
The Agenda for the event is attached with the invite for your reference. We are pleased to invite you to this event. Your presence and support would be of great value to strengthen our work.
Mangla Verma: 09711704282;
Asad Ashraf: 09911248960;
Amar Nijhawan; 08447769923;

PuneriPaltan Gears Up for Pro Kabaddi Season 2


Organises talent outreach in Maharashtra to foster Kabaddi talent
New Delhi, November 6th  2014: PuneriPaltan, the Pune franchise of Pro Kabaddi League, announced commencement of a selection camp in Pune till November 18, 2014. Aimed at fostering Kabaddi talent in the country, the camp will provide an opportunity for players from smaller towns to enter the professional arena. In addition to this, the franchise is also organizing two other events – ‘Talent Hunt’ and ‘Little Puneri Champs’ – to make the forthcoming season more exciting.
The selection camp will be conducted at Balewadi Stadium in the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports complex, Pune, from7 am to 9 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm. About 40 players will be selected at the camp and trained at Balewadi, Pune. These players also have a good chance of representingPuneriPaltan in the second season of Pro Kabaddi League, scheduled in 2015.
To further boost the growing popularity of the sport and offer a bigger platform to Kabaddi players, PuneriPaltan is organising a ‘Talent Hunt’ spanning over three days in select districts across Maharashtra. The event is expected to see participation of 16-24 teams representing sub-districts / villages / towns. PuneriPaltan will work with local Kabaddi clubs to access the best infrastructure, participation and promotion for the event. The management and coaching teams will be present for every event to identify talented players and reward winning teams and outstanding performers. Shortlisted players from each tournament will get an opportunity to attend a 7-10 day training camp at Balewadi, Pune.
‘Little Puneri Champs’ camp, another event in the offing, will recognize the sporting talents of children across select locations in the city from November 8, 2014 at Poona Club till the end of December. Various schools and colleges participating in the camp will be offered a special ‘Train the Trainer’ module, imparting basic Kabbadiskills to school coaches which can be further instilled into students.
Sumanlal Shah, Director, Insurekot Sports Pvt. Ltd., said, “We look forward to bringingout the best Kabadditalent in the country to the forefront. Smaller towns in our country are blessed with great sporting talent. However they often go unrecognisedbecause of lack of opportunities. Through these camps, we plan to identify talented players and provide them a platform to grow and prove themselves.Our selection camp for the team will give us a good mix of national talent as well as grass root talent from the region for the upcoming season.”
Karthi Marshan, Director, Insurekot Sports Pvt. Ltd., said, “The first season of Pro Kabaddi League has put a spotlight on this indigenous sport, reigniting its pride and heritage. It has captured the imagination of millions across the country.PuneriPaltan is now working to promote this culture and offer a platform to several talented Kabaddi players. With our camps now underway, we are gearing up for another exciting season of the league.”

राष्ट्रवादी शिवसेना ने की गऊ वंश हत्या बंदी केन्द्रीय कानून बनाने की मांग

पूर्वी दिल्ली। आज ही के दिन 7 नवंबर 1966 को तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी द्वारा नई दिल्ली के संसद मार्ग पर बेगुनाह गऊ भक्तांे पर चलवाई गयी गोलियांे में शहीद हुए तमाम गौ भक्तों की याद में राष्ट्रवादी शिवसेना ने आज संगठन कार्यालय में एक श्रद्धांजलि सभा का आयोजन किया गया। इस मौके पर उपस्थित सभी संगठन पदाधिकारी/कार्यकर्ताआंे ने शहीदांे को अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। इस मौके पर संगठन द्वारा राष्ट्रपति एवं प्रधानमंत्री को पत्र लिखकर शीघ्र ही गौ वंश हत्या बंदी केन्द्रीय कानून बनाने मांग की।
श्रद्धांजलि सभा में शहीदों को अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करते हुए संगठन के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री जयभगवान गोयल ने कहा कि गौ माता हिन्दुओं के लिए पूज्यनीय व हमेशा ही आस्था का केन्द्र रही हैं हिन्दू मान्यताओं के अनुसार गौ माता में 33 करोड़ देवी-देवताओं का वास होता है और गौ माता ही नहीं बल्कि गौ वंश भी भारतीय संस्कृति व देशवासियांे की प्रगति के लिए हमेशा ही महत्वपूर्ण रहे हैं। गौ माता का दुग्ध जहां शरीर को बलवान बनाता है वहीं उसके गोबर से खादें व गौ मूत्र तमाम बीमारियों के लिए रामबाण साबित हो रहा है। इसके बावजूद भी हमारे देश में गौ वंशांे की हो रही हत्याओं में निरंत्तर वृद्धि होती जा रही है। यहां तक कि कई राज्यों में गौ मांस को सरेआम बेचा जा रहा है और आए दिन हजारांे की संख्या में कटने के लिए भेजे जा रहे बैल व गऊओं को गौ भक्त पकड़ भी रहे हैं।
श्री गोयल ने कहा कि हमारे देश में हो रही गौ वंश हत्याओं के कारण ही दुग्ध उत्पादन में भी भारी गिरावट आई है और दुग्ध की कमी के चलते ही लाखों बच्चें प्रतिवर्ष कुपोषण का शिकार हो रहे हैं। मगर लालच एवं हिन्दु आस्थाओं पर चोंट के लिए कुछ लोगों ने गौ वंश हत्या को अपना धंधा बना रखा है। गौ वंश हत्या बंदी कानून की मांग लंबे अरसे से हिन्दुआंे द्वारा की जा रही है मगर हिन्दु विरोधी सरकारों के कान में आजतक भी हिन्दुओं की आवाज नहीं पहुंची आज जब देश में राष्ट्रवादी सरकार का गठन हो चुका है तो देश का प्रत्येक हिन्दु यहीं चाहता है कि केन्द्र सरकार जल्द से जल्द गौ हत्या बंदी के लिए केन्द्रीय कानून बनाकर सख्ती के साथ पूरे देश में लागू करवाये ताकि हिन्दु समाज की आस्थाओं के साथ-साथ कुपोषण से मर रहे बच्चांे को दुग्ध व नई-नई बीमारियों की जड़ रसायनिक खादों के स्थान पर किसान देशी खाद प्रयोग कर सकें, साथ ही देश में किसानों की खस्ता हालत भी सुधर सके।
सरकार से मांग करते हुए श्री गोयल ने कहा कि गौ वंश हत्या बंदी कानून के लिए अपनी जान गंवाने वाले शहीदों के सम्मानार्थ एवं करोड़ांे हिन्दुओं के आस्था केन्द्र गौ वंश की रक्षा हेतु तत्काल केन्द्रीय कानून बनाया जाये।
इस मौके पर सर्वश्री विनोद कुमार जैन, ईश्वर पाल सिंह, जी.के. रात्रा, बलदेव राजमनचंदा, हिरदेश अग्रवाल, डाॅ. सूरजपाल हितैषी सहित तमाम पदाधिकारी व कार्यकर्ता मौजूद थे।

Interactive Session on “USA-EU Sanctions – Opportunities for Trade with Russia’’ 


PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing an Interactive Session on “USA-EU Sanctions – Opportunities for Trade with Russia’’ at PHD House, New Delhi, to highlight the trade potential between India and Russia. The Interactive Session will be held as per the following schedule:
Day & Date          
:    18 November 2014
:    11:00 a.m.
:    PHD House, New Delhi
The Panelist will include eminent Speakers from the Government of India, Russian Embassy in New Delhi , and academicians, etc.
As you are aware, to protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine , US and EU have imposed various sanctions on Russia . As retaliation Russia has also adopted Special Economic Measures to provide security to its country, thus imposing reverse sanctions on them. This has created a void in Russia ’s trade structure, making available lucrative opportunities for India . Also, the trade items between Russia and US and EU are the items which India could take advantage of.
The Session will provide an excellent opportunity for Indian businessmen to know in detail about the abundant opportunities available in Russia .
May we request you to be a part of this important event. Kindly confirm your participation by returning the duly filled-in Response Slip given below by email at or by fax at 011- 26855450.

Selection Trial for the Indian Team on 8thNovember, 2014 for the 6th WBPF


Selection Trial for the Indian Team on 8thNovember, 2014 for the 6th WBPF World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship

State Body Building Association, Gujarat and Vadodara Body Building Association under the patronage of Indian Body Builders Federation have organized Selection Trial for the Indian Team on 8thNovember, 2014 for the 6th WBPF World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship. The international event will be held from 5th December to 10th December 2014 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO, Goregaon in Mumbai, India.
IBBF is all set to produce World Body Building Champions from a plethora of participants who will be present at the selection trials in Vadodara. The trial will consist of the following categories: Junior, Masters, Senior Men’s’ and Women’s’ Body Building, Fitness and Athletic Physique for men and women, Women Model Physique and Men’s’ Sports Physique categories.
Also attached is the detailed press release for your kind reference. Request you to kindly incorporate the same in your publication Do let me know if you require anything further on the same.

Ramjas women win, men lose


New Delhi, November 7, 2014: It was a mixed day for Ramjas College teams on Day 3 of Indian College Basketball League (ICBL) organized by Basketball Federation of India (BFI) in collaboration with IMG Reliance (IMG-R).

Day three saw a couple of low scoring matches and two high scoring games at the SGTB Khalsa College. Kirori Mal College beat Bhagat Singh 19-17 while Sri Venky College beat Arya Bhatt College 9-7. In the high scoring fixtures, Zakir Hussain beat Ramjas 70-67 while Hansraj beat Hindu 64-44.

In the women’s category, Jesus and Mary College got a walkover against IP College. But the hosts had a bad day in this category. Khalsa College lost to Ramjas 17-27. In their second match of the day, Jesus and Mary lost to Kirori Mal by 29-45 while hosts Khalsa in their second outing could not change their fortunes losing 28-38 to Maitery College.

At SGTB Khalsa College: Premier League Results
Men’s: Kirori Mal College beat Bhagat Singh 19-17; Sri Venky College beat Arya Bhatt College 9-7; Zakir Hussain beat Ramjas College 70-67; Hansraj College beat Hindu College 64-44

Women’s: Jesus and Mary College got a W/O against IP College; Khalsa College lost to Ramjas College 17-27; Jesus and Mary College lost to Kirori Mal College 29-45; Khalsa College lost to Maitery College 28-38

About the Basketball Federation of India
The Basketball Federation of India or BFI is the governing and controlling body of basketball in India, and is responsible for the development and promotion of the sport at all levels. BFI has been involved in conducting camps, clinics, events, and training sessions at its academies for the development of basketball. BFI came into being in 1935 and took complete control over Indian basketball in 1950. Prior to that time, the Indian Olympic Association handled the conduct of Indian basketball championships. Since 1950, the BFI has been conducting various such championships, from the grassroots to senior team participation in international tournaments. In addition, the BFI has been responsible for the establishment of strong sub-junior and junior level programs. The BFI has to its credit produced several international players of repute, among them 17 have been bestowed with the honor of Arjuna Award. More information at

7th ENPOWER SOLAR 14-Conclave-Supported by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy-Government of INDIA

7th ENPOWER SOLAR 14-Conclave-Supported by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy-Government of INDIA

Ashok Leyland reports strong growth and an increase in EBITDA of 341%


Chennai, November 6th, 2014Ashok Leyland, flagship of the Hinduja Group, registered a net profit of Rs. 72.73 crores for the first halfof FY 2014-15, as against a loss of Rs. 166.80 crores for the corresponding period last year. Revenues increased by 16% and stood at Rs. 5,695.48 crores, as against Rs. 4913.43 crores for the corresponding period last year.
Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation (EBITDA) has grown by 341% to Rs. 350.48 crores, representing 6.2% of total revenue, against Rs. 79.52crores, 1.6% of total revenue for the corresponding period last year.
The Company registered a net profit of Rs. 120.69 crores for Q2 compared to a loss of Rs. 25.05 crores for the corresponding period last year. Revenues increased by 26% and stood at Rs. 3,217.68 crores as against Rs. 2,549.62 crores for the corresponding period last year.
Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation (EBITDA) is Rs. 234.39 crores, 7.28% of total revenue, against Rs. 56.25 crores, 2.21% for Q2 last year.
Robust sales of 28,290 vehicles (26,927 nos.) for the first half of the current fiscal, helped increase the Company’s market share in Medium and Heavy Commercial vehicles (M&HCV) to 27.1% , Light Commercial vehicles (LCV) sales stood at 11,459 (13,441 nos.). International operations grew by 25%, while sales of defence vehicles also registered a healthy growth.
“We have been sharply focused on reducing working capital and lowering debt. Healthier sales realizations has helped  strengthen our bottom-line and not only have we gained market share, but we have returned to profitability after 5 successive quarters. The economy is showing firm signs of recovery and assertive action on infrastructure projects will only push demand higher in the second half. We are quite buoyant that the overall positivity in sentiment bodes well for growth prospects of the industry,” commented Mr. Vinod K. Dasari, Managing Director, Ashok Leyland.

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