La comedia española: "Carmina o revienta"
Spanish Comedy Film Series: "Carmina or Blow Up" |
23/11/2014 Instituto Cervantes, a las 4:30 pm.
La comedia española: "Carmina o revienta" Sinopsis: Carmina es una señora de 58 años que regenta una venta en Sevilla donde se venden productos ibéricos. Tras sufrir varios robos y no encontrar el apoyo de la aseguradora, inventa una manera de recuperar el dinero para sacar a su familia adelante. Mientras espera el desenlace de su plan reflexiona en la cocina de su casa sobre su vida, obra y milagros. (+)
Ver el trailer.
Spanish Comedy Film Series: "Carmina or Blow up"Synopsis: Carmina is a 58 year old lady who runs an inn in Seville. Ater suffering several robberies, she invents an original way to recover the money to keep her family going. While she waits the outcome of her plan, she reflects on her life, work and miracles in the kitchen of her house. In the film she emphases she has three children, one of them is María, a 22 year old girl without a clear expectation of her future and with a 4 year old daughter, Marina. Carmina also lives with her husband, Antonio, an drink lover, despite the doctor orders. In her inn she has a strange assistant named Basilio. She also has a friend who likes telling her experiences with celebrities, which are understood as lies. (+)
In Spanish with English Subtitles

20/11/2014Sala de exposiciones, Instituto Cervantes, 06:30 p.m. Exposición: "Fotopoesía: Nicanor Parra, antipoeta centenario"Sinopsis: Dos jóvenes fotógrafos indios, Ronny Sen y Natasha Hemrajani, se han sumergido en la poesía de Nicanor Parra con sus cámaras, buscándo una version visual de algunos de los poemas (y antipoemas) escritos por el maestro chileno. Es así como “Test”, “El pequeño burgués”, “Los vícios del mundo moderno” o “Qué es poesía” se nos presentan ahora a través de las lentes de estos jóvenes artístas indios. (+)
Exhibition: "Photo-Poetry: Nicanor Parra, 100 years old anti-poet"Synopsis:Two young Indian photographers, Ronny Sen and Natasha Hemrajani, have submerged in the poetry of Nicanor Parra through their cameras, looking for a visual version of some of the poems (and antipoems) written by the Chilean master. That is how “Test”, “Litany of the little bourgeois”, “The vices of the modern world” or “what is poetry” are presented now through the lenses of this young Indian artists. (+)
20/11/2014Sala de exposiciones, Instituto Cervantes, 06:30 p.m. Recital poético-musical: “Nicanor y Violeta Parra”Sinopsis: Poetas, profesores y diplomáticos se dan cita para la lectura de poemas de Nicanor Parra en varios idiomas (español, catalán, inglés, hindi y bengalí), acompañados de música de su hermana Violeta Parra, para celebrar los cien años del autor. (+)
Poetry & Music Recital: “Nicanor Parra”Synopsis: Poets, teachers and diplomats will read poems by Nicanor Parra in different languages (Spanish, Catalonian, English, Hindi and Bengali) accompanied with music composed by his sister, Violeta Parra, celebrating his 100th birthsday. (+)
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