Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Dec 9,
Sr Advocate Dr Arun Mohan book "Accident " with prevention was released by Honorable SC Judge RS Thakur and ICJ Judge Honorable Mr Bhandari which has coined major problem of road transport hazards with its solution a ready reckon er,  the book is treasure for do and don't. May the Honorable transport minister will have a look on this book to bring desired change by the veteran advocate
for the betterment of road commuters.

The government is planning to amend Motor Vehicle Act-1988 to remove the flaws in the existing Act. Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari today said, the amended Act will have a provision to keep records of data of motor vehicle drivers so that action can initiated in case they commit any crime. He said, the amended law will also have the provision of tracking criminal record of the drivers, if any.

Replying to a media query outside Parliament over the Delhi government banning the services of Uber company following the alleged rape of a 27-year-old woman executive in a cab booked through it, he said it is not right to ban companies as it will only cause problems to commuters. Mr Gadkari, however, said, the state government has right to take action in this regard.

Earlier, BSP chief Ms Mayawati said, the states and the Centre should take immediate steps to stop crimes against women. She told reporters that such incidents are on increase which is a major cause of concern.

Congress leader Rajeev Shukla said, a detailed investigation should be carried out in connection with cab service provider Uber. Mr Shukla said, if the agency is responsible only then it should be banned. However, if it was an isolated case, then the decision was taken hurriedly.

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