Monday, February 9, 2015

Liberal Party get over with the spill motion

9 02 2015
Earlier today, I welcomed to the Parliament the men and women held in the Lindt Cafe as well as the families of Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson.
The Parliament has declared its deep repugnance towards terrorism in all its forms; and affirmed its unity and resolve to protect our citizens and our democratic freedoms.
The Liberal Party has dealt with the spill motion and now this matter is behind us.
We are absolutely determined to work for you, the people, who elected us.
We want to end the disunity and the uncertainty which destroyed two Labor governments, and give you the good government that you deserve.
We think that when you elect a government, when you elect a prime minister, you deserve to keep that government and that prime minister until you have a chance to change your mind.
So, the focus now is once more on jobs, families, a stronger economy and a secure nation.
We do face many challenges.
At heart, we are a highly successful country, justifiably proud of what we’ve achieved.
In essence, we are a strong economy with so much creativity and dynamism, and the challenge for government is to work with you, not against you.
I love this country, and I will do my best to help our country to succeed.
As you know, two of my colleagues have called for a leadership spill of the two senior positions in our Party. They’ve called for a spill of my position as leader and they’ve called for a spill of Julie Bishop’s position as Deputy.
The first point to make is that they are perfectly entitled to call for this, but the next point to make is that they are asking the Party Room to vote out the people that the electorate voted in in September 2013.
It was great to speak with Paul Murray about our plans for 2015. Our focus this year will be jobs, families, a stronger economy and a secure nation – that’s what people want.
Over the summer, I’ve been talking to hundreds of Australians from all walks of life – in the street, on the beach, in cafes, even at the pub; and I’ve been talking with my colleagues. Read more…
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