Monday, April 13, 2015

16 hrs · 
unded by seven Gujarati housewives with a capital of about 7 pounds, it now has 42,000 owner-producers with a turnover approaching 70 million pounds.
The largest collective of women in India's informal sector is SEWA—the Self-Employed Women's Association, also founded by a woman. Its achievements within the country to provide a social security net for its members and add value to household enterprise have been widely recognized. But one of its most recent endeavours is particularly noteworthy—a programme in war-torn Afghanistan to train women, especially war widows, to acquire skills, set up food processing enterprises and initiate ecological regeneration. A similar programme is the Hand-in-Hand project in two provinces in Afghanistan based on the experience of our self-help-groups. In a true spirit of sisterhood, they are contributing to women's empowerment in that country. "
Excerpt from Commonwealth Lecture by Smt. Sonia Gandhi Hon'ble Congress President
Women as Agents of Change
Thursday, 17th March 2011, London

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