Monday, May 4, 2015

WEC India members ISGF SMART GRID Bulletin

WEC India members ISGF SMART GRID Bulletin Vol 02 Issue 4 (April 2015)
WEC India Energy News
WEC India Energy News – NTPC Group WEC India Energy News – India GroupWEC India staff WEC India Energy News – BEL Group WEC India Energy News- BHEL Group and 4 more…
Today at 1:26 PM
CA Minister CORRUPTED Indian Railways, Airlines Cheaper
May04, 2015 (C) Ravinder Singh
Modi government is Flying on The Wings of Corporate, Chartered
Accountants and Touts. Not a single department is working for 1250m
BIGGEST JOKE of any Railways is Premium Train 02053 averages 54kmph
    average Speed is just 54 KMPH cover 1708 kilometers in 31hours and 5
minutes – actually say 33 hours and
    Premium Train Departs at 0.55AM – Past Midnight.
    passengers are charged Rs.6393 against MIXED Fare of around Rs.1400.
    IR will not adopt Honorable Practices – IMPROVE CAPACITY, SERVICE &
SPEED. For Example –
It is most STUPID that Rajdhani Trains have 4 non passenger Coaches (2
Pantry Cars and and 2 Barake Vans) out of 20. Obviously 25% additional
capacity can be added by removing them – IR could introduce 24 Double
Deck Coaches to Double Capacity of Each Rajdhani Expess – Double The
Revenue for little extra cost.
Double Improved Rajdhani and Shatabdi Tains and Quadruple INCOME.
Indian Railways Charge More For AC-3Tier Than Air Fare
It is most shocking Railways Passengers are Charged More Than Airline
fares For Stinking Cramped, AC 3 Tier service. Delhi Mumbai Rajdhani
normal fare is Rs.2060, Rs.1215 for S.Citizen (W) and Children and
Rs.1385 for S.Citizen (M).
It was horrendous when Indian Rail Coach Factories can produce say
10,000 Coaches a year – over 500 Train-sets Railway Minister didn’t
announce a single new train. I visited Railway Exhibition and all Rail
Coach Factories & Workshops displayed DOUBLE DECK Coach models – told
me they are not getting orders.
Way back in 1996 I filed PIL in National Forum that trains that arrive
or depart at midnight hours should have discounted fare and Day Time
Intercity should charge more – to ensure Better Utilization of
Passenger Capacity of Trains.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Project
Rajdhani Delhi- Mumbai Fare Regular/Adult (12 and above)
AC 3-tier    AC 2-tier    AC First
Base Fare    1624    2367    4089
Catering Charges    284    284    329
Reservation Charges    40    50    60
Superfast Charges    45    45    75
Service Tax    63    91    157
Net Fare Normal         2060    2840    4710
Sr Citizen Female     1215    1610    2590
Sr Citizen Male     1385    1860    3015
Children     1215    1610    2590
मातृशक्ति सम्मेलनों में जुटी महिलाओं ने ली देश-धर्म रक्षा शपथ —

मातृशक्ति सम्मेलनों में जुटी महिलाओं ने ली देश-धर्म रक्षा शपथ

अधिकारों के साथ दायित्वों को भी समझें महिलाएँ: मालती शर्मा
मातृशक्ति सम्मेलनों में जुटी महिलाओं ने ली देश-धर्म रक्षा शपथ   
      नई दिल्ली, 03 मई 2015। विश्व हिंदू परिषद की स्वर्ण जयंती वर्ष के उपलक्ष्य में राजधानी दिल्ली में जगह-जगह मातृशक्ति सम्मेलनों का आयोजन कर विहिप की महिला शाखा मातृशक्ति व दुर्गावाहिनी इन दिनों महिला सशक्तिकरण तथा राष्ट्र उत्थान के कार्य में जुटी है। पूर्वी दिल्ली मे हुए एक सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए मातृशक्ति की क्षेत्रीय (उत्तर भारत) संयोजिका श्रीमती मालती शर्मा ने समाज, संगठन व परिवार में महिलाओं की भूमिका विषय पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि आज महिला अधिकारों व उसकी स्वच्छंदता की बात तो चारों ओर हो रही है किंतु त्याग की प्रतिमूर्ति और परिवार की धुरी माने जाने वाली मातृशक्ति को हम भुलाते जा रहे हैं। बहन, पत्नी, माँ, दादी, नानी, मासी और बुआ जैसे सम्मान व गौरव आज विलुप्त प्रायः होते जा रहे हैं। इन्हें संरक्षित करने की आवश्यकता है। उपस्थित मातृशक्ति ने देश व धर्म की रक्षार्थ अपना सर्वस्व न्योछावर करने की शपथ भी ली।

      विस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए विहिप के प्रवक्ता श्री विनोद बंसल ने बताया कि पूर्वी दिल्ली के न्यू अशोक नगर स्थित महाराजा अग्रसेन धर्मशाला व दक्षिणी दिल्ली के जीके-2 स्थित श्री सनातन धर्म मंदिर में आयोजित इन मातृशक्ति सम्मेलनों में महिलाओं का अपार जनसमूह उमड़ा। इस अवसर पर जहाँ दुर्गा-वाहिनी की बहनों ने योग, नृत्य तथा शारीरिक कौशल के साथ गीत व भजन गाये वहीं समाज के विविध क्षेत्रों में न्यूनतम स्तर पर कार्य कर रहीं अनेक बालिकाओं व बुजुर्ग महिलाओं का सम्मान भी किया गया।

       मातृशक्ति की दिल्ली प्रांत संयोजिका श्रीमती संध्या शर्मा व श्रीमती सोमती देवी की अध्यक्षता में संपन्न कार्यक्रमों को राष्ट्रीय सेविका समिति की पूर्वी दिल्ली विभाग कार्यवाहिका अंजु शर्मा तथा गुगांव से पधारी दुर्गा-वाहिनी नगर संयोजिका प्रो डॉ इंदू ने वक्ता के रूप में सहभागिता की। मातृशक्ति की प्रांत सह संयोजिका श्रीमती नूतन जैन व दुर्गा-वाहिनी की प्रांत संयोजिका श्रीमती संजना चौधरी तथा सह संयोजिका कुमारी कुसुम ने भी उपस्थित बालिकाओं, मातृशक्ति व वरिष्ठ महिलाओं का सम्मान, स्वागत व संबोधन किया। इस अवसर पर विहिप के प्रांत महामंत्री श्री राम कृष्ण श्रीवास्तव, मंत्री श्री विजय प्रकाश गुप्त, श्री जगदीश अग्रवाल, विभाग उपाध्यक्ष श्री महेश शर्मा, मंत्री श्री पीयुष चंद्र, जिला मंत्री श्री केदारनाथ, दीपक खन्ना, राकेश भारद्वाज, रेखा व सुनीता, ममता व अंजु सहित अनेक गणमान्य लोग उपस्थित थे।   


विनोद बंसल
विश्व हिंदू परिषद – दिल्ली
मो : 9810949109
Confirmation for Sustainability Summit participation
Dear Naresh ,
Thanks for sending in a confirmation to participate in the ‘Sustainability Summit: Creating Social Impact through Corporate Efforts’ on May 7, 2015 at The Leela, Gurgaon. The session will start over networking breakfast at 7:30 AM followed by intriguing panel discussions on CSR, sustainability and related initiatives. The detailed agenda is appended below:
Look forward to having you with us on May 7, 2015.
Neera Vohra
Program Coordinator
Institute for Competitiveness
India Council on Competitiveness
U – 24 / 8, DLF Phase – 3, Gurgaon – 122 002, Haryana, India.
You received this email because you signed up on our website or made purchase from us.
  AAC logo without Formaly
A Conversation with
Amb. Richard VermaUS Ambassador to India
“The Foundation of the U.S.-India ‘Strategic Plus’ Partnership”
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DATEWednesday, May 6, 2015
TIME11:00 AM  – 12:00 PM (Registration at 10:30am onwards)
LOCATIONWWF India Auditorium, 172 -B, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi – 110003
SPEAKERAmb. Richard Verma, US Ambassador to India
CHAIRMr. T N Ninan, Chairman, Ananta Aspen Centre and Chairman, Business Standard Ltd.
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ABOUT THE EVENTThe United States and India have enjoyed a resurgence in their bilateral relationship in the past year, with ties between the two countries arguably stronger than ever.  But what binds this relationship in ways that push it to succeed, even through difficult times? Join Ambassador Verma as he discusses the foundation of the India-U.S. relationship: the inextricable links between the U.S. and Indian people and the ways sub- and non-governmental entities influence and encourage our political, economic, business, defense, cultural, and educational ties.
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Richard Verma 27-04-15Amb. Richard Verma, US Ambassador to India
Ambassador Verma is a former Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs.  From 2009-2011, he served as a principal advisor to Secretary Clinton.  He led the State Department’s budget and policy efforts on Capitol Hill, handled more than 200 Senate confirmations, and managed several major congressional investigations. He was also the Administration’s lead negotiator with Congress on Iran sanctions and the ratification of the new START Treaty.  He most recently served as a senior counselor at both Steptoe & Johnson and the Albright Stonebridge Group, where his practice focused on international law and global regulatory compliance.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Verma served in the Senate as the senior national security advisor to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  He also worked in the House of Representatives for Defense Appropriations Committee Chairman Jack Murtha.  Formerly a country director for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs in Eastern Europe, Mr. Verma was a senior National Security Fellow at the Center for American Progress, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and served on the boards of the Clinton Foundation, Human Rights First, and the National Democratic Institute. Mr. Verma served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force from 1994 to 1998. He received his LL.M. with distinction from Georgetown University Law Center, and his J.D. cum laude from American University’s Washington College of Law.  He holds a B.S. from Lehigh University.
 T N Ninan 27-04-15Mr. T N NinanChairman, Ananta Aspen Centre and Chairman, Business Standard Ltd.
T. N. Ninan is currently Chairman of Business Standard Ltd. and the Chairman of the Ananta Aspen Centre. In an illustrious career spanning a quarter-century in the media, Mr. Ninan has been at the helm of several news organisations.  He was the editor of Business Standard (also its publisher from 1996), the Economic Times and Business World, bringing about radical change and achieving rapid growth in all of them during his stewardship.
He was also the Executive Editor at India Today in the 1980s, and a television commentator on economic and business issues. Mr. Ninan has been President of the Editors Guild of India, and Chairman of the Media Committee at the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He is currently a Board member of the World Editors Forum. He is also a recipient of numerous awards, including the B.D. Goenka Award for Excellence in Journalism.
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Meeting of all the volunteers of Aam Aadmi Party, Gurgaon —

Meeting of all the volunteers of Aam Aadmi Party, Gurgaon

Meeting of all the volunteers of Aam Aadmi Party, Gurgaon was held on 03-05-2015 Sunday at Shivaji Nagar, Gurgaon on Swaraj Abhiyan. All the participants unanimously passed following resolutions.
-It was resolved that all workers of Aam Aadmi Party , Gurgaon will participate in all programmes of Swaraj Abhiyan and in case the party remove us from membership as our leaders were ousted , we shall be ready for such sacrifice for the sake of Sawraj.
-Resolved that in all vidhan sabha segments under Gurgaon, local communities of volunteers in each vidhan sabha be constituted underSawraj Abhiyan and these committees shall take independent decisions on all local issues.
It was resolved that participation of women in Swaraj Abhiyan be encouraged.
All volunteers shall organise sabhas in their respective ward/mohallas under Swaraj Abhiyan for which Gurgaon office will render all help in organising such sabhas.
Participants were asked to add members for Swaraj Abhiyan in their respective areas.
It was resolved that all volunteers shall follow Swaraj Abhiyan and took pledge for an Alternative politics through Swaraj.
Meeting presided by Sh. R C Rao (Retd.IAS) and attended by Sh. Satinder Pal Singh Dua, Sh.Harpal Singh, Sh.Rupesh Sharma , Sh.Parmod Yadav, Subedar Bhim Singh,Sh.Ranbir Singh (Advocate) , Sh.J.C.Yadav, Sh. R.K.Yadav (Advocate), Sh. Sumit Narang, sh.Lalit Babbar,Smt. Seema Sharma, Sh. Tanvir Ahmad, Prof.Ravi Dutt, Sh.Ravinder Yadav, Sh.Bhagat Singh, Sh.Shashi Yadav, Subedar Kanwarpal Singh Yadav, Smt.Karuna Sharma , Sh.Sanjay, Sh.Suresh, Sh.Lokesh, Sh.Umesh, Sh. Mohan Khatana, sh.Mohit Raghav, Sh. Sh.Ashish Dagar, Sh. Satish, Sh.R.C.Bhatnagar alongwith many of the volunteers of Aam Aadmi Party, Gurgaon participated.
(Satinder Pal Singh Dua)
Swaraj Abhiyan
Office: Gurdwara Road, Gurgaon
M: 9971519407, 9811882388,9818251531, 9466141139, 8683953811,8685812320, 9810019053, 9811920052,9910286998
Swaraj Abhiyan

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