Dear friends,It’s a brutal use-and-throw policy — Indian army dogs and horses dedicate their lives to service. But the minute they grow old or fail a fitness test, the army kills them!
The head of India’s main animal welfare board, an ex-Army man himself, is now questioning this cruel and senseless policy. But the Defence Ministry could ignore his letter unless thousands of us back his call. These brave animals regularly save citizens’ lives, and should be given medals, not death sentences.
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has spoken out for “voteless animals” before.Now he can ensure we don’t betray our best friends. Let’s rush to hit 20,000 signers. We’ll then march with people and pets to his office to deliver our message. Sign now and tell others:
For years these animals were killed in secrecy, but a Right To Information query just blew the lid off the army’s inhumane methods. Army dogs train from the time they are puppies, serving the world’s third largest army in critical areas like explosive detection, guarding bases, and finding disaster victims — most recently during the tragedy in Nepal. But after a lifetime of saving lives, only the affection of individual soldiers or trainers can ensure they don’t meet the fate set out by official policy — a death sentence when they are not deemed useful anymore.
The law only allows killing animals under very rare circumstances such as an incurable disease. But these army-owned animals are not covered under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act — which is why the army gets away with murder.
India is slowly increasing its defence budget — this year it is 2.47 trillion rupees! Yetanimal rights groups are shocked that the army can’t spare a small amount of that budget to shelter these animals once they are old and unfit.
Now this scandal is finally in the open, let’s speak up for the silent pain of these intelligent creatures, and ensure they are treated well, not discarded like broken equipment. Join now and forward this email:
Our community stands for the protection of all of nature’s unique species — whether it’s standing up to protect the delicate coral in the Great Barrier Reef from unchecked mining or calling for a massive marine park for the ocean’s myriad species. Let’s unite our voices now for the innocent and loyal animals who serve the Indian army day in and day out till they have the strength.Withhope and determination,
Risalat, Alex, Emma and the rest of the Avaaz team
More Information:
Retirement means death for Army’s Canine Comrades (Times of India)
Indian Army Dogs Euthanised after Retirement (Huffington Post)
http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2015/06/04/indian-army-dogs-euthanised-after-retirement_n_7507820.html Army urged to re-think policy of euthanising dogs (Times of India) http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Army-urged-to-re-think-policy-of-euthanising-dogs/articlesh…
Parrikar lends his voice to rights of ‘voteless animals’ (Times of India)
http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Repository/ml.asp?Ref=VE9JTS8yMDEyLzExLzIxI0FyMDE0MDE India increases military budget by 11% to nearly $40 billion (WSJ) http://www.wsj.com/articles/india-increases-military-budget-by-11-to-nearly-40-billion-1425124095 The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act, 1960 (GoI) http://moef.gov.in/legis/awbi/awbi01.html |
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) invites you to participate in the Fourth Asian Conference on Film & Documentary (FilmAsia2015) and enjoy the beautiful seaside city of Kobe, Japan.Held along with the Sixth Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2015 (MediAsia2015), at the Art Center of Kobe from November 12-15, join us as we discuss this year’s conference themes, “Power” along with keynote speakers Professors Bradley Hamm, Akira Mizuta Lippit, Brent E. Huffman, conference chairs Gary E. Swanson, James Rowlins, and other featured presentations!
To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.
Submit an abstract: http://iafor.org/cfp
Visit the conference website: http://iafor.org/conferences/filmasia2015/ Enquiries: filmasia@iafor.org
***Join IAFOR at FilmAsia2015 to:
-Deliver your own research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals -Benefit from IAFOR’s interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research in Film, Documentary, Media & Mass Communication -Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event -Participate in interactive audience sessions -Access international networking opportunities
-Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:http://iafor.org/filmasia2015-registration
-If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer a 10 percent discount in appreciation of your support.
-See the full schedule of our conferences in Japan, Dubai, Hawaii and the UK athttp://iafor.org/events
***FilmAsia2015 Conference Chair & Co-chair
Professor Gary Swanson
FilmAsia2015 Conference Chair and Featured Speaker Mildred S. Hansen Endowed Chair in Journalism The University of Northern Colorado, USA
Gary E. Swanson is an internationally recognized and highly acclaimed photojournalist, documentary and news producer, director, editor, educator, speaker and consultant. He has also been an educator for 22 years. Prior to his work in academe, Swanson compiled a distinguished professional broadcast career spanning 13 years at NBC News – producing award-winning documentaries, prime-time news magazine stories, and covering “breaking news” in 26 states and Canada for the network – including trips and campaigns of presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. Swanson has earned more than 80 awards for broadcast excellence and photojournalism including three national Emmys.
Dr. James Rowlins
FilmAsia2015 Conference Co-Chair Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
James Rowlins left his native England for Paris, France, where he studied for a BA (Hons) and MA specializing in French cinema. His passion for visual culture subsequently took him to Los Angeles, where he earned a doctorate at the University of Southern California, USA. In addition to exploring literature and film through a theoretical lens, as well as dabbling in filmmaking, his dissertation focused on the crossover between post-war American film noir and the French New Wave, arguing that the subversive manipulation of the Hollywood genre formula by the auteurs constitutes a political aesthetic. He has published articles on contemporary French fiction, film and existentialism, cinematic phenomenology and new perspectives on the New Wave. He has held teaching positions in Europe, America and Japan, and is currently a Lecturer in the Humanities and the Arts Department at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
***Conference Theme and Streams
Conference Theme: “Power”
The conference theme for FilmAsia2015 is “Power”, and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
Submissions are organized in to the following thematic streams:
Film Direction and Production
Film Criticism and Theory Film and Literature: Artistic Correspondence Biography Film History Documentary History Archive-Based Studies Films and Digital Distribution (Use of the Internet and video sharing) Anime and Digital Film Production Films, Festivals, and Fans (Audience/Fan responses to film)
Visit the conference website for further details: http://iafor.org/filmasia2015-call-for-papers/#conference-streams
ADR urges Maharashtra Cabinet to repeal the amendment to the CrPC
Citizens now require sanction from ‘Competent Authority’ before filing an FIR against MLAs and bureaucrats from Maharashtra
The Maharashtra Cabinet recently amended a provision of the Criminal Procedure Code to prevent filing of an FIR against a ‘public representative’ without the sanction of a Competent Authority i.e. the Speaker of the Assembly in case of MLAs and of the Chief Secretary in case of a bureaucrat. The decision is also applicable to elected representatives of panchayats and municipalities[1].
According to Professor Jagdeep Chhokar, founder member of Association for Democratic Reforms, “This decision of the Maharashtra cabinet goes directly against Article 14 of the Constitution of India which guarantees ‘equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws’ to “any person within the territory of India.’ This decision obviously gives ‘greater protection’ to MLAs and bureaucrats, and therefore makes them ‘more equal’ than ordinary citizens.”
According to analysis by Association for Democratic Reforms of affidavits submitted by MLAs from Maharashtra at the time of election in 2014, 165 (57%) of the MLAs had declared criminal cases. Out of these 51 (31%) MLAs had declared cases where charges had been framed. Among all legislative assemblies in India, Maharashtra is second highest after Jharkhand in the proportion of MLAs with criminal cases. 3 MLAs had declared cases related to murder and attempt to murder while 11 MLAs declared cases related to crimes against women, 3 MLAs declared cases related to causing communal disharmony, 14 MLAs with cases of robbery and dacoity and 9 MLAs with cases related to kidnapping.
Even in the recent local body elections in Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra, out of 105 winners analysed, 17 had declared criminal cases out of which 13 had declared serious criminal cases. In the Vasai Virar City Municipal elections, 17 (17%) out of 102 winners declared criminal cases wherein 12 had serious cases. While this amendment to the CrPC is not applicable to Members of Parliament, it is important to note that criminality even among MPs of Maharashtra is alarmingly high, wherein 31 (65%) out of 48 MPs have criminal cases.
In view of such grave statistics regarding the composition of the Maharashtra Assembly and Municipalities, further restricting the power of filing an FIR against an elected representative would bode ill not just for legislature but for the very fabric of democracy in the country. This decision limits the accountability of elected representatives and bureaucrats and shields them from the application of law and justice. Elected representatives are repositories of public trust and the sanctity of their position in the legislature can only be upheld through scrutiny and accountability.
Association for Democratic Reforms urges the Maharashtra government to repeal the amendments made in the CrPC as it goes against the basic tenet of the constitution i.e. equality before law and discourages common citizens to raise their voice against legislators and bureaucrats indulging in corrupt or unlawful activities.
For more information on the criminal and financial background of Maharashtra MLAs and winners of the recent local body elections in Navi Mumbai and Vasai Virar City Municipal, Maharashtra, please refer to the following reports;
- Analysis of Criminal and Financial background details of Newly Elected MLAs in Maharashtra – http://adrindia.org/research-and-report/election-watch/state-assemblies/maharashtra/2014/winners-report-analysis
- Analysis of Criminal and Financial background details of Winners in Navi Mumbai Municipal Election 2015 –http://adrindia.org/research-and-report/election-watch/local-bodies/maharashtra/2015/analysis-criminal-and-financial-0
- Analysis of Criminal, Financial, Education, Gender and Other Background Details of Winners – Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Elections 2015 –http://adrindia.org/research-and-report/election-watch/local-bodies/maharashtra/2015/analysis-criminal-financial-0
[1]Krishna Kumar, ‘Maharashtra amends CrPC provisions; no FIR against MLAs, bureaucrat without approval’, Published in Economic Times, 10thJune, 2015 (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/maharashtra-amends-crpc-provisions-no-fir-against-mlas-bureaucrat-without-approval/articleshow/47609898.cms )
Media and Journalist Helpline
+91 80103 94248
| Maj.Gen. Anil Verma (Retd) Head
National Election Watch,
Association for Democratic Reforms
011 4165 4200,
+91 88264 79910
| Prof Jagdeep ChhokarIIM Ahmedabad (Retd.)
Founder Member,
National Election Watch, Association for Democratic
+91 99996 20944
| Prof Trilochan SastryIIM Bangalore
Founder Member,
National Election Watch,
Association for Democratic Reforms
+91 94483 53285
Association for Democratic Reforms
T-95A, C.L. House, 1st Floor,
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Here’s how Hillary’s fighting to make the economy work for all Americans, not just those at the top: http://hrc.io/1HTucEj

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