Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Palestine Solidarity Committee in India and the Centre for Policy Analysis

invite you to a lecture on

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel: The Inspiration of Mandela and Gandhi

Omar Barghouti
on Monday January 25th at Lecture Hall 2, IIC Annex, 6 p.m.

Chair: Seema Mustafa

Omar Barghouti is a founding member of the Palestinian Committee for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel and the global BDS campaign.

The call for BDS came from Palestinian civil society in 2005. BDS calls for an end to Israel’s 1967 occupation of Arab lands, including East Jerusalem; an end to the “institutional, legal and societal discrimination against its Palestinian citizens; and an end to the denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homes from which they were displaced in 1948. Since the call, the BDS movement has grown around the world, and today, says Barghouti, “we are fast approaching our South African moment” and “many in the Israeli establishment share this view.” Omar Barghouti will speak on the rationale of this international movement, its ten-year history, and the way forward to ensure a just peace in Palestine.


Dr.Mahalingam M
Research Fellow
Centre for Policy Analysis
C-17, Second Floor,
Green Park Extension,
New Delhi - 110016
Ph:- 011-26176992

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