Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Boletín de Nuevatribuna
Boletín informativo. Miércoles 9 de Marzo 2016.
42º Congreso Confederal de UGT
Los candidatos del 42º Congreso de UGT logran su primer acuerdo 
De los 601 delegados que acudenn al Congreso, 89 lo harán en representación de la Federación de Servicios Públicos de UGT , 71 proceden de la Federación del…
Me gustaría cerrar el 42ª Congreso con una candidatura unitariaENTREVISTA A JOSEP MARÍA ÁLVAREZ | SECRETARIO GENERAL DE UGT DE CATALUÑA
“Me gustaría cerrar el 42ª Congreso con una candidatura unitaria”
El candidato a suceder a Cándido Méndez apuesta por lograr una candidatura conjunta en el 42 Congreso Confederal de UGT. “Vamos a convertir un momento difícil en una…
“Me siento ampliamente respaldado por varios sectores de UGT”
Candidato a suceder a Cándido Méndez al frente de UGT, Miguel Ángel Cilleros reconoce errores de gestión en la organización y lamenta la actitud de…
Mi candidatura está en claves sindicales del siglo XXIENTREVISTA A GUSTAVO SANTANA, SECRETARIO GENERAL DE UGT CANARIAS
“Mi candidatura está en claves sindicales del siglo XXI”
El más joven de los candidatos a suceder a Cándido Méndez al frente de UGT reivindica que el “cambio integral” que propugna la organización en el 42º…
Cándido Méndez y la unidad de acción sindicalOPINIÓN
Héctor Maravall : Cándido Méndez y la unidad de acción sindical 
Candido Méndez deja un amplio bagaje de logros, de buenas practicas, por lo que merece el reconocimiento y el agradecimiento de las clases trabajadoras de nuestro país…
Ernesto Ruiz Ureta: La corrupción y la contaminación medio ambiental 
¿Quién no se ha dado cuenta todavía de que el cambio climático es una cosa real y que posiblemente ya es tarde para tomar medidas?
Voces Transversales: Dolor e investidura 
Por Mario Regidor | En caso de que hubiera elecciones el 26 de junio, ¿qué esperanza tendríamos los ciudadanos de que el panorama político se aclarara?
Alex Vidal: De mestizos a mellizos 
“Estamos obligados a mezclarnos” afirmaba Pedro Sánchez desde la tribuna en su primer discurso de investidura.
María Dolores Amorós : ¿Por qué el pacto del continuismo? 
Desde casi el principio, tras el 20D, Pablo Iglesias se ofreció al líder socialista para hablar y conseguir formar un gobierno de progreso.
José Luis Egido: Carta abierta a Fernando Garea 
Me atrevo a escribir estas letras después de oír uno de tus comentarios donde dices no comprender porque las fuerzas políticas eran incapaces de ponerse de acuerdo.
Paco Rodríguez de Lecea: Contra la España de las baronías 
El Estado de las autonomías ha degenerado en el Estado de las baronías. Fue diseñado como un esquema cooperativo y poco a poco se fue convirtiendo en un laberinto competitivo.
Día de la Mujer Trabajadora
Pioneras en la ciencia: las agrónomas españolas del XIXHISTORIA | LUCHA POR LOS DERECHOS DE LA MUJER
Pioneras en la ciencia: las agrónomas españolas del XIX
Las mujeres cobran de media 4.620 euros menos que los hombresBRECHA SALARIAL Y TECHO DE CRISTAL
Las mujeres cobran de media 4.620 euros menos que los hombres
Aunque la brecha salarial se ha estrechado un 16,6% en la última década, hacen falta políticas activas para lograr una paridad real de hombres y mujeres en el trabajo. (Foto:…
De cada tres autónomos, solo uno es mujer
La auténtica brecha de género en el acceso al trabajo remunerado en España se origina en el trabajo por cuenta propia y el empresariado.
El deporte femenino se muere por la falta de igualdad, discriminación positiva YA8DEMARZO | DÍA DE LA MUJER TRABAJADORA
El deporte femenino se muere por la falta de igualdad, discriminación positiva YA
El deporte es en el momento actual el mayor indicador de la desigualdad de género.
El papel de la mujer en la Revolución FrancesaHISTORIA DE LA LUCHA DE LOS DERECHOS DE LA MUJER
El papel de la mujer en la Revolución Francesa
La participación femenina en la Revolución Francesa fue muy intensa, a pesar de que tradicionalmente no se cuenta esta historia.
Los trabajadores de Coca-Cola siguen ganando en sus reivindicacionesSE FIJO LA FECHA PARA FINALES DE MARZO DE 2016
Los trabajadores de Coca-Cola siguen ganando en sus reivindicaciones
El viernes, en la conciliación previa al juicio, se llegó al acuerdo con la empresa del pago de aquellos salarios dejados de percibir.
Joaquín Aparicio: Por un Gobierno comprometido con el trabajo decente 
El pacto del PSOE con Ciudadanos no puede ser la base de coaliciones más amplias, porque desvaloriza y despolitiza el trabajo.
Repunta la inquietud por la corrupción y el paro sigue como primer problemaFALTA DE GOBIERNO PREOCUPA LO MISMO QUE LA INDEPENDENCIA
Repunta la inquietud por la corrupción y el paro sigue como primer problema
La preocupación por la corrupción experimentó un nuevo repunte el pasado mes de febrero, tras el estallido del ‘ caso Taula ‘ en el Ayuntamiento de Valencia.
Europa y los refugiados
Iñaki&Frenchy: Cumbres 
Refugiados a precio de saldoOPINIÓN
Eugenio Hernández: Refugiados a precio de saldo 
No es asunto menor el que desaparezca con el plumazo de la firma del acuerdo el derecho de asilo que asiste a los refugiados y perseguidos.
Las graves consecuencias del TTIP sobre la Sanidad PúblicaTRIBUNALES DE JUSTICIA NO PODRÁN INTERVENIR
Las graves consecuencias del TTIP sobre la Sanidad Pública
Tribunales privados de arbitraje podrán imponer multas multimillonarias a los Estados cuyos parlamentos hayan osado legislar sin tener en cuenta las expectativas de las empresas.
El precio de la vivienda usada vuelve a caer en febreroSEGÚN EL PORTAL INMOBILIARIO HORARIA.NET
El precio de la vivienda usada vuelve a caer en febrero
Termina el mes de febrero de 2016 con un precio medio del metro cuadrado a nivel nacional de 1.586 euros frente a los 1.590 Euros que terminó enero.
Cosas del cura (Paco)Cosas del cura (Paco)
García Salve exigía para los sindicalistas valores, imagen e incluso estética obrera y censuraba la incipiente aunque mínima burocracia sindical.
La concesión de la medalla policial a la Virgen del Amor llega al ConstitucionalFUE CONCEDIDA POR EL MINISTRO FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ
La concesión de la medalla policial a la Virgen del Amor llega al Constitucional 
Asociaciones laicistas recurren la sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional que desestimó la demanda contra la concesión de dicha medalla.
5 razones para seguir libres de transgénicos5 razones para seguir libres de transgénicos
Aquí se detallan cinco imperiosas razones de por qué la comercialización de los cultivos transgénicos debería seguir estando prohibida en la Unión…
Está recibiendo este boletín tras solicitar este servicio a través de la web Nuevatribuna. En cualquier momento puede modificar o cancelar su suscripción accediendo a esta dirección.

Delhi Power Cuts @ Average Demand of 2400 MW (59.6MU)

Delhi Power Cuts @ Average Demand of 2400 MW (59.6MU)
March09, 2016 (C) Ravinder Singh
Delhi is experiencing regular power cuts for over a week almost
everyday for 1-2 hours even as average load in Delhi is barely 2400 MW
yesterday and peak. This Load could have been Much Less with Energy
Efficiency, Solar Power & Uninterrupted [Inverter Free Supply]
When there was one hour long power cut today March09 to my area Delhi
Load was only 2700 MW – backside area suffered 2 hour power cut. BRPL
serving my connection was serving just 1000 MW Only.
What shall happen when Peak Summer Load may exceed 6000 MW?
BRPL don’t register complaints to show No Cut situation. I was asked
to give Consumer Number when it was Feeder Cut which is reflected in
Delhi Load Curve also between 12PM to 14PM.
Last year peak demand was almost double of current daily demand and
twice Load when power cuts are happening as I am writing also.
DISCOMs are Sending Signals to Consumers to SERVICE their Generators
and Invertors.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471,
9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects

Indian Hockey Team preparatory camp gets underway in full swing

Indian Hockey Team preparatory camp gets underway in full swing
Chief Coach Roelant Oltmans and Captain Sardara Singh discuss road to the Olympics
March 9, 2016, Bengaluru: The Indian hockey team kick-started their month long preparations for the 2016-17 season at the Sports Authority Of India (SAI) centre here in Bengaluru. The team will undergo intensive practice sessions at the camp for the long season ahead and try to attain a considerable momentum before the all-important 2016 Olympics Games in August.
The fourth Coal India Hockey India League (HIL), which concluded recently saw the emergence of many talented  prospects, both at the junior and senior levels, who have been included in the camp. A total of thirty-three probables are training at the camp organised as preparation for the Olympic Games, to be held in Rio de Janeiro from August 5 to 21.
Speaking to the media, the Indian men’s hockey team Chief Coach Roelant Oltmans said, “The preparations look good, we have a stretch of 20 to 25 odd games before the Olympics which will be very crucial for the team. The Coal India Hockey India League helped us tap some very talented young players, but for them to make it to the national team they have to be physically, mentally and technically adept. We as a team need to improve on few critical aspects and through this camp I hope to achieve the same with the players.”
The team led by Sardara Singh ended the last season on a high with a bronze at the Hockey World League Finals. This being the Olympics year, a lot will be expected from the team. Speaking to the media, the talismanic skipper said “The training camp is a great place for the boys to get back in groove and gear up for the season ahead. We have just got 4 to 5 months left for the Rio Olympics and each training camp and tournament is important. The coach is working really hard with the team and each of us is taking initiative towards working on our individual goals and turns ourselves into a cohesive unit”.
HOCKEY INDIA (HI) is the governing body having an exclusive mandate to direct and conduct all activities for both men and women hockey in India. It is recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India as the sole body responsible towards promoting Hockey in India.
Headquartered in New Delhi, Hockey India was established on 20th May, 2009 and is affiliated to the International Hockey Federation (FIH), the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and Asian Hockey Federation (AHF).
Committed to the development of Hockey in the country, Hockey India with the assistance of Sports Authority of India and Department of Sports, Government of India, has drawn out a Long-Term Development Programme (LTDP) to train players, provide world-class infrastructure and International exposure besides regular international competition. With its vision to popularize the game and constantly promote it, Hockey India is dedicated to getting our team into the top six in the world.
Hockey India also initiated the ‘Hockey India Annual Awards’ in 2014 to recognize the contributions and achievements of Indian Hockey players.
For further information please contact  Sakshi Choubey || +91 98736 423324
Gautam Sheth | | +91 98692 33393
Follow us on: | Twitter: @TheHockeyIndia | Facebook:  Hockey India

Hillary Clinton :Naresh, I’m so grateful

Naresh  in sanskrit mean,  American citizen  are king in nature, and  the word is constituted to two words Nar + Ish  which means perfect man. America being land of developed people so each people is perfect man.That is what  She said Naresh. Today’s victory in Mississippi –
Today at 10:41 AM

Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight

 Invitation to a commemorative evening – 14th March 2016 at 6 pm at HICC
From: Harleen Ahluwalia  Tue, 8 Mar ’16 3:09p
To: Harleen Ahluwalia
Dear Friends,
On the 168th anniversary of 15th of March 1948 – Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight, we cordially invite you to a commemorative cultural evening presenting a book release, literary interlude, folk dance presentation cum workshop andexhibition on Monday, 14th March 2016 at 6 pm at the Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre.
Please find attached the invite for the same. Looking forward to your presence.
With kind regards,
Senior PR & Marketing Officer
■ Balassi Institute – Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre
1A Janpath (Near Hotel Claridges), New Delhi 11 00 11, India
Tel: +91 11 2301 4497, 4992

CII Western U.P Annual Meeting and Session on Going Green:

CII Western U.P Annual Meeting and
Session on
Going Green: A Business Sense
0900 hrs, Friday, 11 March 2016: Hotel Radisson, Sector 18, Noida
CII Western U.P Annual Meeting is scheduled for 11th March 2016 at Hotel Radisson, Sector 18, Noida. The Annual meeting will also have sessions on the theme Going Green: A Business Sense. The session will start at 0900 (registration) till 1400 hrs (followed by lunch).
Green factory building can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 30 – 40 % and water savings around 20 – 30%. Intangible benefits of green factory include enhanced indoor air quality, good daylighting, health, well-being and safety of the workmen. It is quite difficult to imagine the life without Electricity. When our businesses also run on electricity, the responsibility will also be with greater extent. Green Buildings in India has proven that 30-40% of energy can be saved with the holistic approach towards sustainability.
The session focuses on:
  • Green Factory: Benefit Analysis
  • Roadmap to Go Green
  • Importance of Energy in Green Building Rating System
  • Converting Existing Buildings to High Energy Performance Green Buildings
  • Key Elements of Indoor Environment impacting productivity
  • Green Financing for MSME
  • Case Study: Green workplace
Mr Deepak Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority is the Chief Guest for the session.
Few other confirmed speakers are:
·         Mr Shreekant Somany, Chairman & Managing Director, Somany Ceramics Ltd
·         Mr Sameer Gupta, Managing Director, Jakson Group
·         Ms Rumjhum Chatterjee, Group Managing Director – HCD, Feedback Infra Pvt Ltd
·         Mr Sachin Sharma, Chairman – CII IGBC Western U.P Chapter & Head-Projects, Wave Infratech Pvt Ltd
·         Mr C P Gupta, Managing Director, Ambica Steels Ltd
·         Dr Sandeep Garg, Chief Technical Specialist, SIDBI
·         Mr. Ranjeet Sharma, Head – EI/MOD Sales & Marketing, Schindler India Pvt Ltd
·         Mr Anurag Bajpai, Director – Planning & Sustainable Design, GreenTree Building Energy Pvt Ltd
·         Mr Manish Kumar, Executive Vice President, Jakson Engineers Ltd
·         Mr Anupam Jain, Principal Consultant, Rationale de Design
·         Any many more….
We expect over 150 delegates comprising various Government departments, CEOs; Directors and Senior Managers holding key decision making positions to participate in the annual session
I am writing to invite you to take advantage of the Annual Session by confirming your participation and that of your colleagues using the attached reply form.
I look forward to receiving your confirmation.
With kind regards,
Mukund Vasudevan
Chairman – CII Western Uttar Pradesh Zonal Council
For further details pls contact                                      
Rohin Agarwal
Confederation of Indian Industry
Western UP Zonal Office
CMA Tower,
A-2E, Mezzanine Floor, Sector – 24
Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 0120- 4345973 (D)/ 4345972 – 74

DSK Shivajians ‘B’ record a high; down Roopali S.C 6-0

Pune,  7th March, 2016: DSK Shivajians F.C ‘B’ stretched their winning streak to four-in-a-row downing Roopali S.C 6-0 in a PDFA First Division Super League encounter, at BEG, Khadki ground on Monday.
The encounter also logged twenty-five goals for DSK Shivajians ‘B’. The end-result meant that, the squad, comprising of players from the Liverpool FC International Academy, took their points tally to 12.
DSK Shivajians ‘B’ took nine minutes to open their account via Rohit Kumar, who added another in the second half.
Gagandeep Singh (17th minute) and Nikhil Mali (35th minute) gave DSK Shivajians ‘B’ a 3-0 advantage at the half-way stage. Nikhil’s goal was his seventh in the League.
Switching sides, Jordan Fernandes (53rd minute), Rohit (54th) and Jesse Ralte (62nd) completed the rout. Statistically, Jesse’s goal was the twenty-fifth.
This is the third time DSK Shivajians ‘B’ have scored half-a-dozen goals past their opponents in the League.

Khadi may become Friday dressing code

The Naresh Kumar Sagar Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
09 March 2016
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World Technology Sports Politics Business Science#tech #technology
ICC World Twenty20: Kolkata’s Eden Gardens likely to host India-Pakistan clash in expense of Dharamsala
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Zee News
thumbnailzeenews­.india­.com– New Delhi: The ongoing saga of the ICC World Twenty20 match to be held in Dharamsala on March 19 between India and Pakistan is taking a long route of uncertainty. This in turn could see Kolkata’s E…
Khadi may become Friday dressing code
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Sanat Sharma
thumbnailweb­.timesnowmobile­.com– NEW DELHI: Friday dressing may have a new meaning for government employees – wearing khadi to work. The government is considering a plea from the Khadi & Village Industries Commission to appeal to …
Top ISIS Leader May Have Been Killed During American Airstrike in Syria
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India News Now
thumbnailuk­.complex­.com– A top ISIS leader may have been killed during an air strike in the Syrian town of al-Shaddadi, U.S. officials have revealed. Abu Omar al-Shishani has been described by several government officials …
IIT-Kharagpur students turn garbage collectors with ‘Kabaadi on Call’ – The Economic Times
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India News Now
thumbnaileconomictimes­.indiatimes­.com– KHARAGPUR: Selling recyclable garbage in Kharagpur town is now as easy as ordering a pizza over phone, thanks to a social entrepreneurial initiative of a group of IITians. A group of IIT Kharagpur …
10 amazing experiences in Bali – A Luxury Travel Blog
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Caroline Watts
thumbnailwww­.aluxurytravelblog­.com– Bali is known for its amazing hotels, all blending in with this islands lush vegetation and dreamy nature. So, if youre lucky enough to stay in one of them, make the best out of your stay, by exp…
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Global Publishing Summit,for booksellers at Frankfurt .

Sagar Media Inc
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
09 March 2016
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Science Art & Entertainment Business LeisureTechnology World
Who Really Controls What You See in Your Facebook Feed
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– Who Really Controls What You See in Your Facebook Feed The Sagar News Post Daily Published by Naresh Kumar Sagar 08 March 2016 Read paper → Art & Entertainment Science Technology Leisure Education …
Fewer women survive to hospital and those that do receive less treatment
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2016: Women are less likely to receive basic life support for cardiac arrest from members of the public then men, the European Society of Cardiology announced today on Int…
The Asian news Daily
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thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– – 画像・動画 写真(+3) イラスト(+12) 動物(+2) YouTube(+1) ネタ(+1) 注目のまとめ 今週人気のまとめ 新着のまとめ 人気のまとめ 更新済まとめ 写真 注目のまとめ 今週人気のまとめ 新着のまとめ 人気のまとめ 更新済まとめ メールで『恐れ入りますがデータをまとめてZIPで送ってください』とお願いしたところ… 2016年3月5日。個人凍…
GBO New Delhi
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thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– Welcome to a fresh Tuesday edition of our newsletter. Today we bring you news about the focus countries at THE MARKETS: Global Publishing Summit, important information for booksellers at Frankfurt …
Asean News
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thumbnailaseannews­.wordpress­.com– Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2016: Women are less likely to receive basic life support for cardiac arrest from members of the public then men, the European Society of Cardiology announced today on Int…
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2nd REPA State Awards 2016

 Confirmation of Registration – 2nd REPA State Awards 2016 concurrent with the 2nd RPO Conclave 2016.
From: Renewable Energy Promotion Association  Tue, 8 Mar ’16 7:25p
8th March 2016
Dear Sir/ Madam,
This has reference to our discussion w.r.t. the 2nd REPA State Awards 2016 concurrent with the 2nd RPO Conclave 2016 to be held at The Metropolitan Hotel, Crest Hall, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi – 110 001 tomorrow i.e. 9th March 2016 @ 10.30 a.m.
We have registered your name as a particpant for the said above Conclave / Awards Function and request you to make yourself available at the venue sharp @ 10.30 a.m.
With Warm Regards and Best Wishes,
Shri R. Thiagarajan Iyer,
Associate Secretary General, 
Renewable Energy Promotion Association (REPA)
Regional Director, FALCON MEDIA
M: 07588713573

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