Saturday, April 16, 2016

G20 seeks crackdown on tax havens, terror financing

The G20 countries, including India, have sought a crackdown on tax heavens, shell companies and terror financing by increasing financial transparency and sharing of key information in a timely manner. A communique in this regard was issued by G20 countries, yesterday after meeting of its Finance Ministers and Governors of Central Banks at Washington on the sidelines of the annual Spring Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and the Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan attended the meeting on behalf of India.
In the communique, the G20 Finance Ministers reiterated that it is essential that all countries and jurisdictions fully implement the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards on transparency.
Seeking a crackdown on terror financing, the Finance Ministers called on all countries to join its efforts including through swift and effective implementation of FATF standards.
The communique also called on all countries, which have not committed to implement the standard on automatic exchange of information by 2017 or 2018 to do so without delay and to sign the Multilateral Convention.

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Torre de silencio

“Tower of Silence”
by Aitor Lara
Del 21/04 al 29/05/2016
Instituto Cervantes, Entrada principal, abierta de lunes a domingos de 8:00 a.m a 8:00 p.m.

Aitor Lara
, es un fotógrafo español en cuya obra aborda cuestiones relacionadas con los valores socio-culturales, la identidad y anonimato, sugiriendo un modo de interpretar la realidad contemporánea. Aitor visitó Uzbekistán para seguir los pasos del Embajador español Ruy de Clavijo, que viajó a través de Asia Central entre 1403 y 1406. El objetivo de Lara fue comparar las crónicas del diplomático con la situación actual de un país que estaba pasando por la enorme transformación siguiendo la desintegración de la Unión Soviética. Los viajeros aun separados en el tiempo, compartieron un intenso deseo de encontrar la maravilla, ese concepto difícil de alcanzar que los europeos han tendido constantemente para localizar en Asia, tal vez como un reconocimiento de que hubo maravillas inimaginables que se encuentran en cultivos sin tocar por el cristianismo. (+)
Aitor Lara, is a Spanish photographer who addresses issues related to sociocultural values, identity and anonymity, suggesting ways to interpret contemporary realities. Aitor visited Uzbekistan to follow in the footsteps of Spanish Ambassador Ruy de Clavijo, who travelled through Central Asia between 1403 and 1406. Lara’s objective was to compare the diplomat’s chronicles with the contemporary situation of a country that was going through enormous transformation following the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Both travellers, while separated in time, shared an intense desire to find wonder, that elusive concept that Europeans have consistently tended to locate in Asia, perhaps as an acknowledgement that there were unimaginable wonders to be found in cultures untouched by Christianity.(+)
foto agendaInauguración 21/04/2016
Instituto Cervantes, Sala de Exposiciones, a las 7:00 p.m.Exposición: “SpaINdia” 60 años de relaciones diplomáticas.
España e India celebran este año el 60º aniversario de sus relaciones diplomáticas, para celebrarlo hemos preparado un año lleno de actividades que cubren un amplio espectro de sectores: desde las relaciones institucionales y económicas, de cooperación científica y tecnológica, y como no de carácter cultural, invitando a un intercambio entre nuestras sociedades. Os invitamos a participar en esta ocasión histórica y uniros en la celebración de los 60 años de amistad entre nuestros dos países. (+)
Exhibition: “SpaINDia” 60th aniversary of diplomatic relations.
Spain and India are celebrating the 60th year jubilee of diplomatic relations this year, to celebrate it we hace a year full of activities to cover a broad spectrum of sectors: ranging from institutional and economic relations to scientific, technological and cultural cooperation and further exchanges between our two societies. We invite you to come participate in this historic occasion and join in the celebration of 60 years of friendship between our two great countries. (+)
foto agenda23/04/2016
Instituto Cervantes, desde las 11:30 a.m.
Día de Cervantes
-11:30 a.m. a 1:30 p.m. (Biblioteca)   Lectura continuada de: Novelas Ejemplares.
-3:30 p.m. (Auditorio)  Cine: “Las gallinas de Cervantes” de Alfredo Castellón
-7:00 p.m. (Auditorio y Sala de Exposiciones)  Teatro: “El rufián viudo llamado Trampagos” por Bosestudio dirigido por Santanu Bose, y “El retablo de las maravillas” por Kaivalya Plays dirigida por Varoon Anand. (+)
Cervantes Day
-11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Library): Reading of the Exemplary Novels by Miguel de Cervantes”. Sign up to participate at the Library of Instituto Cervantes Nueva Delhi or write an email to
-3:30 p.m. (Auditorium) Cinema: “Cervantes hens” by Alfredo Castellón.
-7:00 p.m. (Exhibition Gallery & Auditorium) Theatre: “The Altar of Wonders” & “The Widowed Pimp” by Bosestudio directed by Santanu Bose & Kaivalya Plays directed by Varoon Anand. (+)
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INSTITUTO CERVANTES DE NUEVA DELHI  |© Instituto Cervantes, 2013. Reservados todos los derechos

European Parliament criticises worsening minority situation in Pakistan

European Parliament criticizes worsening minority situation in Pakistan
European Parliament, in its plenary session held on 14 April 2016, took Pakistan to task for the country’s abysmal human rights record with regard to treatment of the Christians and other minority communities.  The debate in the plenary session took place in the context of the recent attacks on the Christian community in Lahore on Easter day in 2016 that resulted in the killings of more than 70 individuals, including 30 children.
The MEPs criticised the dismal record of Pakistan in terms of minority protection, and viewed the Lahore attacks in the backdrop of innumerable previous instances of attacks on minorities in the country.  Josef Weidenholzer commented that this was not the first time that Pakistan was being discussed in European Parliament in the context of state of minorities in the country.  Cristian Dan Preda remarked that the Lahore attacks showed lack of tolerance when it comes to granting minorities a minimal freedom of speech in Pakistan. The MEPs also called for the removal of the controversial blasphemy laws in Pakistan and called for the release of Asia Bibi. Michaela Šojdrová said that Asia Bibi faced persecution for professing her right to free faith.
The MEPs called upon the European Union to ensure the protection of human rights of the minorities and other vulnerable groups in Pakistan. Alberto Cirio stated that EU must defend human rights in Pakistan, and as part of this must also show its concern towards the struggles of the people of Baluchistan and urged the International Government to pressure Pakistan to stop supporting terrorism. Marie Christine Vergiat also stated that the Pakistan government supported terror groups, and called upon the EU to exert pressure on Pakistan by using the GSP agreements.
The MEPs came down heavily on the Pakistani government for failing to provide adequate security to minorities in the country, and for the constant attacks on minorities time and again. Dan Belder stated that the discourse of hate in Pakistani schoolbook against minorities must be removed immediately. Islamic schools mushroom hated against Minorities, so the EU must monitor aid to Pakistani education system. Belder further said that government of Pakistan had failed to provide adequate security to minorities. Charles Tannock categorically stated: “We have debated religious extremism in Pakistan for some time now and I do hope there is now a will in this country for some change.”


Apr 16
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced that the US military is dispatching warplanes and troops to the South China Sea as tensions with Beijing over the contested Spratly and Paracel Islands simmer. The Secretary of Defense, who visited a new US aircraft carrier in the South China Sea yesterday, also said that US and Philippine troops will be conducting joint naval patrols and joint air patrols to deter Chinese expansionism in the region. The Paracel and Spratly island chains, contested by China and several of its South China Sea neighbors, have been a major area of contention in recent years.
China, under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, has the most direct claim to the territories, and has taken steps in recent months to cement those claims by establishing civilian air travel to the islands and setting up military air hangars.

The Asian news Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 April 2016
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There’s still time to commit to vote for Hillary

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