Friday, April 8, 2016

News from the Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Job Opening: Web Editor (DEADLINE APRIL 10)
The Columbia Journalism Review and the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School are seeking a jointly appointed Wed Editor to cover the work of Tow research fellows around the world, while conducting original reporting on research and relevant developments within the field. The ideal candidate is a dynamic journalist with the ability to pivot between editing and writing roles in an exciting new position covering the developments at the cutting edge of journalism and technology.

Learn more about this position's application requirements and process here.
International Journalism Festival
The Tow Center is organizing three panels at IJF in Perugia, Italy: 

Can a robot do my job?
April 8, 14:00 - 15:30
Hotel Brufani - Sala Raffaello

Journalism and Silicon Valley
April 9, 10:00 - 11:30
Teatro della Sapienza

Journalism after Snowden
April 9, 14:00 - 15:00
Hotel Brufani - Sala Raffaello

Get updates from the Tow Center on #ijf16 by following@emilybell and @cward1e.
May 11 | CONVERSATIONS: Platforms as Publishers: Where Are We Now?
Daily News Innovation Lab, NYC

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the launch of Facebook's Instant Articles, and more publishers look to off-platform distribution to find their audiences through Facebook, Google AMP, Apple News, Snapchat and beyond, what impact have we seen? How are publishers adapting to the new reality? An expert panel, moderated by Emily Bell, shares its experience and insight into how this new relationship is changing newsrooms and business models. RSVP required. 
Curious Journalist's Guide to Data

On March 24, the Tow Center launched the "Curious Journalist's Guide to Data" - a research project led by Tow Fellow Jonathan Stray.

The report is available to download and read at the Tow Center'sGitbook repository. Read more about the launch event panel discussion here.
Illuminating 2016: Helping political reporters cover social media during the 2016 presidential campaign
By Jenny Stromer-Galley

Although Donald Trump seems to be getting a lot of love from journalists who cover what he is tweeting about, all of the presidential candidates are tweeting, posting, Snapchatting, and Instagramming. Their social media not only drives what reports say about the campaigns, but also mobilizes their supporters, generates needed cash, and draws out opponents in extended tit-for-tats.

Read more about the project here
Introducing “Beyond 140 Characters”: A Tow Center project about the forces that shape journalists’ strategic Twitter engagement
By Svenja Ottovordemgentschenfelde
In 2009, The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi wrote a feature for the American Journalism Review on what he called the “Twitter Explosion.” He questioned the micro-blogging platform as the “world’s most overhyped technology” and “latest media obsession” and set out to argue for its value as a journalistic reporting tool. Seven years are a lifetime in the tech world and today, we don’t need much convincing (if any at all) that Twitter has long since found its place in American newsrooms and journalists’ digital lives.

Read more about the project here.
Capturing Journalistic Practices and Norms in the Digital Age
By Valerie Belair-Gagnon (co-written with Colin Agur)
In my research on journalism and emerging media, I am often asked to answer questions about the fast changing nature and uses of social media. How can researchers capture the constantly changing uses and nature of social media of journalists across time? And how can we use this knowledge to help academics, students, and practitioners adapt to the fast changing media world? 

Read the full blog post here.
Audio: Twitter's impact on journalism
 BBC Radio 4 - The Media Show

Think you’re bad at math? A new Tow Center report explores the principles behind data journalism

Chat apps: The unlikeliest of news delivery channels
 Digital Content Next

Is this the biggest disruptor of the news industry?
 World Economic Forum

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