Monday, April 18, 2016


The Asian news Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
18 April 2016
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Malaysia: Spot News raises undisclosed bridge round from Marna Capital
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Deal Street Asia
thumbnailwww­.dealstreetasia­.com– Malaysia-based news curation app Spot News has secured an undisclosed round of bridge funding from Malaysian venture capital firm Marna Capital. It was not reported what the funding will be used fo…
The Asian news Daily
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Naresh Kumar Sagar
thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– The Asian news Daily The Asian news Daily Published by Naresh Kumar Sagar 17 April 2016 Read paper → Art & Entertainment Business Technology World Education Science #demdebate #breakingnews TRANSCR…
Mainstream Media Takeover: South Asian Women Making Reigns
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Sonia Sunger
thumbnailwww­.desitoday­.ca– Sonia Sunger: It’s difficult to say when I actually started because I started to prepare for a future in the industry when I was 14. At that age I knew that I wanted to be a journalist and did ever…
TRANSCRIPT: Bernie Sanders meets with News Editorial Board
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thumbnailwww­.nydailynews­.com– The Daily News Editorial Board interviewed Sen. Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for President, on April 1 in the offices of the newspaper in downtown Manhattan. Daily News: We are very well aw…
academia: Don’t Replace “India” with “South Asia” in California History Textbooks
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thumbnailwww­.change­.org– School students in California will be forced to learn that there was never an “India” unless you act! A small group of South Asia studies faculty recently asked the California Board of Education to…
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IMF Fiscal Monitor (April 2016)

International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its recent publication of Fiscal Monitor – April 2016, has reflected that the weakening of the global recovery and concerns about the ability of policymakers to provide an adequate and swift policy response have clouded economic prospects. As a result, risks to the global economy and financial systems have substantially increased. In this difficult environment, fiscal policies must be prepared to respond promptly to support growth and reduce vulnerabilities.
Fiscal positions have worsened significantly since the April 2015 Fiscal Monitor, with public debt ratios being revised upward in most countries. The revisions have been the largest in emerging market and middle-income economies. Also, advanced economies remain vulnerable in a context of high public debt (greater than 100 percent of GDP, on average), low inflation, and sluggish growth.
Comprehensive policy response needed to mitigate rising Fiscal risks
Fiscal risks are rising almost everywhere. In advanced economies, the risk of persistently weak growth and low inflation makes a reduction in debt ratios even more challenging. In emerging market and developing economies, tighter and more volatile global financial conditions could significantly increase the interest bill at a time when gross financing needs are rising. In this environment of high risks, a comprehensive policy response is urgently needed to improve growth prospects and build resilience.
Supporting Growth and Securing Long-Term Debt Sustainability
With policy rates near zero in many advanced economies, fiscal policy should stand ready to support demand and bolster monetary policy where needed and where fiscal space is available. The focus should be on fiscal measures that boost both short- and medium-term growth (such as infrastructure investment) and policy actions that support the implementation of structural reforms.
In other emerging market and developing economies, key challenges are to create budgetary room to respond to rising demand for public services, improve the provision of health and education, and develop infrastructure. These objectives can be achieved by implementing pro-growth structural reforms, better mobilizing revenue, and improving expenditure efficiency. In some oil importers with large fuel subsidies, windfall gains from lower oil prices could be used to finance growth-enhancing reforms.
Reducing Vulnerabilities
The global financial crisis has exposed limitations in current fiscal risk management frameworks, which fail to effectively capture the nature of risks and do not offer specific measures to mitigate them. Countries should develop risk management strategies to reduce their exposure to risks and create adequate buffers to absorb them.
Fiscal Policies for Innovation and Growth
Fiscal policy is a potent instrument for productivity growth through innovation with three channels of innovation: research and development (R&D), technology transfers, and entrepreneurship. The key policy messages are the following:
· Governments in many countries should do more to promote R&D
· In emerging market and developing economies, governments should invest in education, infrastructure, and institutions to facilitate imitation and absorption of technologies from advanced economies.
· Fiscal policies to foster innovative entrepreneurship should be targeted to new firms rather than small firms.
In sum, fiscal policies can contribute significantly to innovation. With appropriate design, they can generate a meaningful impact on productivity growth.

We know we haven’t been updating our page recently but that’s because we’re working on something special for you guys so bear with us! In the meantime, here’s a really gorgeous way of installing our tracks!
Eubiq's photo.
It’s a long weekend of bustling activities at Singapore Expo and we are part of it!!
Drop by our booth at the Home Inspiration Fair at Expo Hall 4 to find out more on our special promotions!
See you there!!
Eubiq's photo.
We know that the Monday after a long weekend is dreadful but we are here at Sembawang Shopping Centre to brighten up your blue Monday! See you here!
Eubiq's photo.

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