Saturday, April 16, 2016

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Sagar Media Inc
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 April 2016
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Business Education Environment LeisureCrime World
Issuance of Rupee denominated bonds overseas capped at Rs. 50 billion by RBI
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailaseannews­.wordpress­.com– Issuance of Rupee denominated bonds overseas capped at Rs. 50 billion by RBI According to the Monetary Policy Statement, the current limit of USD 51 billion for foreign investment in corporate debt…
Quake of M6.0 – KYUSHU, JAPAN
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailaseannews­.wordpress­.com– However, a number of houses collapsed, and hundreds of calls came in reporting building damage and people buried under debris or trapped inside. Thousands of homes were left without electricity. Pr…
Newdelhi Samachara
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailnewdelhisamachara­.wordpress­.com– Finance Minister participates in the Sixth Annual Ministerial Meeting of India- US Economic and Financial Partnership (EFP) Hon’ble Union Finance Minister of India emphasized that Financial Action …
Ind Mine News
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailindminenews­.wordpress­.com– We are pleased to annouce that Swaraj Abhiyan is now one year old. Below is the report of our work in the last one year.We need your continous support in realizing Swaraj.  Swaraj Abhiyan completes…
Swaraj Abhiyan is now one year old.
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Sagar Media Inc
thumbnailaseannews­.wordpress­.com– We are pleased to annouce that Swaraj Abhiyan is now one year old. Below is the report of our work in the last one year.We need your continous support in realizing Swaraj.  Swaraj Abhiyan completes…
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The Sagar News Post Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 April 2016
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2016年04月15日のつぶやき – 節税
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thumbnailsetuzeir­.seesaa­.net – インターネットの集客請負人!起業家や副業でのネットビジネスをサポート 2016年04月16日 2016年04月15日のつぶやき begirama8 / ベギラマ@8期 New post: 不動産査定 奈良県 御所市不動産査定-奈良県/住宅売却-奈良県-御所市.html at 04/15 23:07 begirama8 / ベギラマ@8期 New…
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thumbnailpetmovie­.info– 【癒し】孫が可愛くてしょうがない猫 ハミィはラッキーのお母さんなので、子猫たちのおばあちゃんになります。 やっぱり猫も孫は可愛いんですね! Share this: クリックして Twitter で共有 (新しいウィンドウで開きます) Facebook で共有 (新しいウィンドウで開きます) クリックして Google+ で共有 (新しいウィンドウで開きます) Message コメントをキャン…
53 Things To Post On Your School’s Facebook Fan Page – Inbound Marketing and Social Media Marketing for Schools –
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Charles Samuel
thumbnailwww­.schneiderb­.com– During my recent interview with Guy Kawasaki for edSocialMedia he mentioned that ” the ‘whole world’ isn’t on Facebook” and that he needed a website, in addition to a Facebook Page, to maximize the…
How To Get Maximum Results As A Guest Blogger – How To Make Money Online
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Lesley J. Vos
thumbnailwww­.incomediary­.com– To be, or not to be a guest blogger, that is the question… Both blog hosts and guest writers know the benefits of guest posting. Top bloggers make no bones of posting content from guest contributor…
News – 4chan
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thumbnailwww­.4chan­.org– Today I’m pleased to announce that Hiroyuki Nishimura, best known as the founder of 2channel, has taken my place as the owner of 4chan. Hiroyuki is a pioneer in the world of anonymous communities, …
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New Delhi Samachar
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 April 2016
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World Leisure Crime Technology #benghazi#libya
Phone Transcript Proves Hillary LIED About Benghazi Attack
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Chris R. Baxter
thumbnailwww­.infowars­.com– A transcript of a telephone conversation released by The State Department proves once and for all that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about the Benghazi attack on the American diplomatic compound t…
New Documents Prove Hillary Told Conflicting Stories About Video Blamed For Benghazi Attacks
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thumbnaildailycaller­.com– New State Department documents belatedly provided to the watchdog group Judicial Watch show that Hillary Clinton told different stories as secretary of state to different foreign leaders about a Yo…
Obama’s Middle East Failures Look Like a Plan to Establish ISIS
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thumbnailtheminutemenmedia­.com– An incompetence so vast that it could lead President Obama and his staff to limit air strikes on ISIS to twelve  in the lead up to Ramadi’s fall is so hard to grasp that it’s easier to believe  in …
BREAKING: Clinton Benghazi Call RELEASED…Worst Fears Confirmed
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Filthy O’Hoolihan
thumbnailwww­.youngcons­.com– Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton isn’t going to be too happy about the latest batch of documents to be released by the State Department. Apparently there’s a phone transcript that …
FOIA Docs: Hillary Told 2 Stories on Benghazi Right After Attack
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Tony A. Phyrillas
thumbnailwww­.newsmax­.com– Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was telling two different stories on the reason for the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya less than 24 hours after they occurred, …
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Asean newsline
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 April 2016
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World Sports Leisure Business EnvironmentTechnology #news #pakistan
Why Modi Should Not Listen To HRD Babus And Give His Go Ahead To Ramdev’s Vedic School Board
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Swapan Dasgupta
thumbnailswarajyamag­.com– Baba Ramdev has been mulling the idea of setting up a Vedic Education Board (VEB) for sometime now. His experience of running Acharyakulam, a school started by him in 2013, must have made him aware…
Can’t pay Rs 53,000 to rent 2,765 sqm house: Priyanka Gandhi – Times of India
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thumbnailtimesofindia­.indiatimes­.com– NEW DELHI: The late PM Rajiv Gandhi’s and Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s daughter Priyanka Gandhi Vadra proved to be a tough negotiator 14 years ago, getting the Vajpayee government to pare down…
Dilip Kumar’s condition improves, to be discharged soon
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Hindustan Times
thumbnailwww­.hindustantimes­.com– Bollywood veteran Dilip Kumar, who was admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Friday night, is stable and is likely to be discharged soon. The actor was admitted at the hospital after he complai…
Comedians Zoe Coombs Marr and Rhys Nicholson wed in Melbourne’s first gay marriage
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The Age
thumbnailwww­.smh­.com­.au– Comedians Zoe Coombs Marr and Rhys Nicholson tied the knot in a most unusual ceremony in Melbourne on Friday night, complete with ‘protesters.’ Did the bride and groom kiss? You bet. But they did i…
Loss of lives in Kashmir can’t be business as usual
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thumbnailwww­.dailyo­.in– “A lie can travel halfway across the world before truth can even put its shoes on,” aptly sums up the latest round of rumour-mongering in Kashmir and the current situation in the Valley. There is a…
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Global Financial Stability Report (April 2016): IMF

International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its recent publication of Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) – April 2016, has reflected that risks to global financial stability have increased since the October 2015 Global Financial Stability Report. In advanced economies, the outlook has deteriorated because of heightened uncertainty and setbacks to growth and confidence. Disruptions to global asset markets have added to these pressures. Declines in oil and commodity prices have kept risks elevated in emerging market economies, while greater uncertainty about China ’s growth transition has increased spillovers to global markets. These developments tightened financial conditions, reduced risk appetite, raised credit risks, and stymied balance sheet repair, undermining financial stability.
Advanced economies must deal with crisis legacy issues.
Banks in advanced economies have become safer in recent years, with stronger capital and liquidity buffers and progress in repairing balance sheets. Despite these gains, banks came under market pressure at the start of the year, reflecting concerns about the profitability of banks’ business models in a weak economic environment. Approximately 15 percent of banks in advanced economies (by assets) face significant challenges in attaining sustainable profitability without reform.
In the euro area, market pressures also highlighted long-standing legacy issues, indicating that a more complete solution to European banks’ problems cannot be further postponed. Elevated nonperforming loans urgently need to be tackled using a comprehensive strategy, and excess capacity in the euro area banking system will have to be addressed over time.
Emerging markets face greater market liquidity risks
Emerging markets need to bolster their resilience to global headwinds. Emerging market economies are faced with a difficult combination of slower growth, weaker commodity prices, and tighter credit conditions, amid more volatile portfolio flows. This mixture has kept financial and economic risks elevated. So far, many economies have shown remarkable resilience to this more difficult domestic and external environment, as policymakers have made judicious use of buffers in strengthened policy frameworks.
Policy actions required:
In order to avoid rising risks of weakening growth and instability, growth must be strengthened and financial stability improved beyond the baseline. An ambitious policy agenda is required, comprising a more balanced and potent policy mix, including stronger financial reforms together with continuing monetary accommodation. Increased confidence in policies will help reduce vulnerabilities, remove uncertainties, and touch off a virtuous feedback loop between financial markets and the real economy.
Authorities in emerging market economies should continue to use their buffers and policy space, where available, to smooth adjustment and strengthen sovereign and bank balance sheets. This includes using external buffers, fiscal and monetary policy, and macro prudential and supervisory frameworks, among other tools.

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