Saturday, July 2, 2016

The state of the race right now:We’re all so grateful to you Naresh,

We’re all so grateful to you
Naresh, yesterday marked the first quarterly deadline since Hillary and Trump became their party’s respective nominees, and here’s what we know:
  • Our team raised $68.5 million for the campaign in June — that’s an AMAZING accomplishment, and a huge portion of it came from online supporters like you.
  • Because of you, we’re moving forward with opening dozens of new field offices and hiring hundreds of new organizers in key states this summer.
  • More than 1.5 million grassroots donors have stepped up to say you’re committed to stopping Donald Trump — and to breaking the highest glass ceiling in America.
We’re all so grateful to you, Naresh — no one more so than Hillary. But while we celebrate our accomplishment, we also need to be clear (but not overconfident) about what we’re up against in this election.
Donald Trump’s campaign hasn’t yet announced how much money they raised in June, but Trump said earlier this week that if they come up short, he’ll simply write himself a check to make up the difference.
If he follows through with that, it could change this election. Naresh, we can’t rest on our laurels and assume we have this in the bag. I know a lot of people have a hard time picturing Donald Trump making decisions in the Oval Office. But it could happen. We have to take that seriously, Naresh. Just look at the polls: We’re only up by one point in Colorado. We’re tied in Ohio. In North Carolina, Trump is up by two.
So we’re going to keep working our tails off, and we’re not taking anything for granted. In the primary, we fought for every delegate, and we won. In the general, we’re going to fight for every vote — and we’re going to win again. That’s why this team is so critical: Every time you volunteer for an hourchip in $1, or help get the word out on Facebook or Twitter, you’re doing the work that will win this election.
We have to win, Naresh. This is a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Our core American values like equality, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech are under attack — if we lose, we could slide back into something really scary.
I firmly believe that in moments like these, when a real threat comes, you don’t stay silent. You stand up and you fight for what you believe in. That’s what this team is doing, Naresh. And 20 or even 50 years from now, you’re going to be able to tell your children and grandchildren that in the face of bigotry and hatred, you stood up for tolerance and understanding, for love and kindness, for the future of our country and our world.
That’s no small thing, and I don’t take it lightly — neither does Hillary. Thank you so much for being part of this team. The world is counting on us to succeed, and with you in the fight, I know we will.Forward,
Robby Mook
Campaign Manager
Hillary for America

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