Minister of state for Communica"ons and Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in presence of Honorable Minister of state for Youth a*airs and sports Shri Vijay Goel, today unveiled the Commemora"ve Postage Stamps on Rio Olympic Games and said the unique ini"a"ve will mo"vate the Rio-bound Indian athletes. The four stamps depicts the images of four di*erent sports namely Badminton, Boxing,Shoo"ng and Wrestling and are of thedenomina"ons Rs5, Rs5, Rs25 and Rs25respec"vely. India got medals in these events inthe past edi"on of Olympics.
Shri Manoj Sinha said, the Department of Posts had always issued special stamps on important occasions to rekindle the spirit of patrio"sm and for advancement of Na"onal Interest. He said that by issuing stamps the postal department will be able to a7ract the a7en"on of the countryman towards this spor"ng event as there are more than one and half lakh post o8ces in the country which will sell the stamps. He said that this "me a record number of players from India is par"cipa"ng in Rio and expressed the hope that it will lead to posi"ve outcome.
Shri Vijay Goel said Olympics connects countries. He said 119 players in 15 disciplines are represen"ng India with sportsman spirit. He said the government took special ini"a"ve for India’s performance in Olympics in various ways. It introduced Target Olympic podium, appointed more than 40 foreign coaches, sent team 10 to 15 days ahead of start of Olympics, gave out of pocket allowances to players, giving $US 100 per day while out of India, appointed >rst foreign coach for female hockey team, increased salaries of coaches from 50 thousand to 2 lakh. He conveyed his best wishes to the Olympic team on behalf of 125 crore popula"on.Secretary, Department of Sports Shri B.V.Sudhakar and Secretary, Ministry of Youth A*airs & Sports Shri Rajiv Yadav were also present on the occasion
Minister of state for Communica"ons and Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in presence of Honorable Minister of state for Youth a*airs and sports Shri Vijay Goel, today unveiled the Commemora"ve Postage Stamps on Rio Olympic Games and said the unique ini"a"ve will mo"vate the Rio-bound Indian athletes. The four stamps depicts the images of four di*erent sports namely Badminton, Boxing,Shoo"ng and Wrestling and are of thedenomina"ons Rs5, Rs5, Rs25 and Rs25respec"vely. India got medals in these events inthe past edi"on of Olympics.
Shri Manoj Sinha said, the Department of Posts had always issued special stamps on important occasions to rekindle the spirit of patrio"sm and for advancement of Na"onal Interest. He said that by issuing stamps the postal department will be able to a7ract the a7en"on of the countryman towards this spor"ng event as there are more than one and half lakh post o8ces in the country which will sell the stamps. He said that this "me a record number of players from India is par"cipa"ng in Rio and expressed the hope that it will lead to posi"ve outcome.
Shri Vijay Goel said Olympics connects countries. He said 119 players in 15 disciplines are represen"ng India with sportsman spirit. He said the government took special ini"a"ve for India’s performance in Olympics in various ways. It introduced Target Olympic podium, appointed more than 40 foreign coaches, sent team 10 to 15 days ahead of start of Olympics, gave out of pocket allowances to players, giving $US 100 per day while out of India, appointed >rst foreign coach for female hockey team, increased salaries of coaches from 50 thousand to 2 lakh. He conveyed his best wishes to the Olympic team on behalf of 125 crore popula"on.Secretary, Department of Sports Shri B.V.Sudhakar and Secretary, Ministry of Youth A*airs & Sports Shri Rajiv Yadav were also present on the occasion
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