Friday, July 21, 2017

7000 trees were cut down in the Aravallis to build a residential complex. Ask Bharti Land to restore these trees and the Government to keep Real-Estate out of the Aravallis.

Dear Sagar Media Inc,
7000 trees were cut down to build a residential complex in the Faridabad Aravallis.
They were cut down even though this land is part of a Natural Conservation Zone where residential construction is not permitted.
Sagar Media Inc, if we don’t stop this construction, it will set a dangerous precedent! The entire Haryana Aravallis are at stake. Sign my petition.
The trees were cut down by Bharti Land (a sister company of Bharti Airtel) and permission was given by the Haryana Government.
Ironically, Bharti Land is planning to call this complex “Delhi Ridge” - named after the very forest they are destroying.
Sign my petition and show Bharti Land and the Haryana Government that we want actual forests, not concrete jungles.
Bharti Land is a respected company, they have crores of Indian customers. If we unite, we can show them that their customers will not tolerate their actions.
Sign my petition and ask Bharti Land to restore the forest and the Haryana Government to keep real estate out of the Aravallis.
Trees and forest land are very important to every city. These Aravalli lands act as the ground water recharge catchment for this region and they are our last hope to clean Delhi’s polluted air.
Without these trees, we will face more pollution, more water shortages, less wildlife habitat and lose our precious biodiversity. Sign my petition to protect the trees that let us live.
Thank you for your support,
Vivek Kamboj

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