Tuesday, February 12, 2019

CPR Invite
As part of the CPR Jobs Initiative and JJN,
Centre for Policy Research and the JustJobs Network invite you to a public discussion on  'Women in the Workforce'
Ravinder Kaur, Professor, Sociology and Social Anthropology, IIT Delhi
Santosh Mehrotra, Professor, Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diya Dutta, Research Manager, Oxfam, India
Rahul Verma, Fellow, Centre for Policy Research

Sabina Dewan, President & Executive Director, JustJobs Network
Senior Visiting Fellow, Centre for Policy Research
Wednesday, 13 February 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Every newspaper in the country is littered with stories about the changing jobs landscape. Significant research and discourse have explored the reasons behind falling female labor force participation. But what would happen if the opposite were true? Today, only about a fourth of women are known to be in the labor force, but how would women fare if more of them were to enter the just job-scarce labour market?

Empowering women, cultivating their capacities and harnessing their productive potential will add to economic growth and well-being. But beyond the supply side, there is also a need to focus on the demand side to improve opportunities and employment experiences for women.

Please RSVP at president.cpr@cprindia.org.

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