Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chileans to vote on Bachelet and Matthei fight in run-off

Chileans casting their votes in a presidential run-off, with Michelle Bachelet widely expected to win. Left-wing candidate faces Evelyn Matthei, a former minister in the governing centre-right coalition.
Ms Bachelet, who was president in 2006-10, won the first round last month, but failed to secure an outright majority.
The contenders are the daughters of air force generals, once friends, who found themselves on opposite sides when Gen Augusto Pinochet seized power in 1973.

Polls across Chile opened at 08:00 local time (11:00 GMT) and will close 10 hours later.reports BBC.


Mandela’s funeral

KUNU, South Africa, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) — Mandela’s funeral is underway at his ancestral village of Qunu in Eastern Cape on Sunday.
Over 4,500 people, including Mandela’s family, African heads of state, politicians and celebrities are present at the funeral ceremony, which is accompanied by full military ceremonial honors.
Malawian President Joyce Banda and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete are among the African leaders at the ceremony. Speakers include Chief Ngangomhlaba Matanzima, representing the family, Mandela’s close friend Ahmed Kathrada.
Prince Charles from Britain, billionaire businessman Patrice Motsepe and celebrity Oprah Winfrey are also attending the funeral.
It is the end of the 10-day national mourning since Dec. 5, when the 95-year-old anti-apartheid icon passed away at his home in Houghton.
The funeral is taking place in a white dome, where chants are singing and bands are playing to hail the country’s former president’s life and contribution.
Mandela’s funeral will also be held in a traditional Xhosa customs, which is from his tribe Thembu community.
Mandela’s burial will be held before noon in his family grave site at a more private ceremony, according to the official news. The burial is reported to have only 450 guests.


UN peacekeepers killed in Mali


A car bomb explosion has killed several members of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali in the northern city of Kidal, 1,600 kilometers northeast of the capital, a spokesman for the mission said. “There was an explosion this morning and the info I have is that there were several dead and wounded among the blue helmets,” the mission spokesman, Fred Fath, told AP. According to an unnamed intelligence official, two Senegalese peacekeepers are among the dead. He said that a car packed with explosives detonated in front of the only operating bank, guarded by the peacekeepers. Kidal resident, Abdallah Ag Ibrahim, said the bank crumbled, a UN armored personnel car caught fire, and a nearby school was engulfed in flames. He also said he saw four people who were either dead or injured.


Egypt to vote on new draft constitution


Egypt to vote on new draft constitution on January 14 -15 – President

Egyptians are set to vote on a new draft constitution on January 14 and 15, Egypt’s interim president, Adly Mansour, announced. The president has called on the opposition to ”give up on their stubbornness,” to stop “following a mirage” and to join the nation. ”Let this constitution be words of justice, that unite and don’t separate,” he said. The constitution was drafted recently and published by Al-Ahram. The referendum had been expected in mid-December.


France: More assistance in its peacekeeping efforts in the Central African Republic


French foreign minister to ask for EU help ‘on the ground’ in Central African Republic

Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, has said that the country needs more assistance in its peacekeeping efforts in the Central African Republic, where Muslim rebels are waging a war against deposed president Francois Bozize and his Christian supporters. “That is a real, big problem. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the Council of Foreign Ministers and I will ask (European partners) for stepped-up, more robust aid, including on the ground,” Fabius told Europe 1 radio. Other European countries have so far provided material resources, but with 1,600 troops, France is the only country with a ground force in the conflict zone.


​Turkmenistan holds parliamentary election


A total of 283 candidates are seeking seats in the 125-member one-chamber legislature. For the first time since the country gained its independence in 1991, more than one party will run for the Turkmen parliament. Challenging the ruling Democratic Party of the current country’s president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, will be the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs founded in August 2012. Another innovation of the elections is that a mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will monitor the elections.


China landed an unmanned spacecraft on the moon

China landed an unmanned spacecraft on the moon on Saturday,the state media. The event marks the first soft-landing on the moon in three decades, joining the USA and former USSR in achieving the feat.
China’s official Xinhua news agency reported that the spacecraft touched down in the Sinus Iridum, known as the Bay of Rainbows, at 9:11 p.m. after hovering over the moon’s surface for an unspecified few minutes, scouting out a suitable place to land. The subsequent soft-landing did not damage the craft, unlike a previous mission in 2007 when China sent a lunar probe to conduct a controlled crash into the moon’s surface.China plans to launch another lunar probe in 2017, with the intention to land the probe on the moon, release the rover, and return the probe back to Earth. Beijing also has plans to build a working space station by 2020. 
China sees its space program as a symbol of national pride, rising global influence, and growing technical expertise. 
Beijing began its manned space program in 1992. In 2003, China successfully sent Yang Liwei, the country’s first taikonaut, into orbit aboard the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft.


CAG Report SSNNL 99% Corruption – Order JPC Investigation

Honorable Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh
South Block    
New Delhi 110011     
    National Tragedy, Order Joint Parliamentary Investigation
I have received Action on Prime Minister References revealing SHOCKING
1.  Not a Brick Has Been Laid on Renuka, Lakhwar and Vyasi
Multi-Purpose Dams even though Yamuna Water Sharing Agreement of 1954
Between Punjab & UP Cleared the way for building these three dams.
2.  Lunatic RIVER LINKING idea has not died and is HINDERING
Multi-purpose Dam building in South Asia – Over 200,000 MW Hydro
Potential is not created enough to produce all the Electricity India
Produces along with 1000 BCM Plus water going to sea.
3.  Sardar Sarovar Nigam Project is 99% or 100% Corruption -
    While Command Area Irrigated Is Barely 1.1 Lakh Hectares, Against
18.4 lakh Planned, Area submerged and acquired for SSP is 1.175 Lakh
    Original Cost of SSP Project was Rs.6406 crores 1986-87 for Entire
Project, NCA Reports Rs.5736 crores Was Released By GOI for Narmada
Canal against Rs.4,406 cr Estimate, Present Cost as Per TISS Report is
Rs.72,000 crores 2012.
    CAG also reported Substandard Canals & No Maintenance.
    Over 17 Lakh Hectares CCA Shall Not Get WATER forever DUE TO POOR
    Against around 3.7 Billion Cubic Meters Illegally Diverted for
Drinking Water & Industry – Just 1.134 BCM was drawn from Canal and
perhaps 0.5 BCM actually reach Consumers.
    Drinking Water is Supplied RAW without treatment – Health Hazard.
Thank you,
Ravinder Singh*
Inventor & Consultant
*Ravinder Singh is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Transportation, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects.
  • 2 Attachments
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  • CAG Report SSNNL 99% Corruption – Order JPC Investigation


Woodpecker Film festival, Dec 19-21, 2013, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Dear Mr Sagar,
I am happy to share that the first edition of the Woodpecker Film festival will be organised form Dec 19-21, 2013 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. I cordially invite you to attend the festival. Please find attached Festival Invitation and Screening Schedule. 
Highlights of the Festival:
  • Festival Inauguration: Dec 19, 10:00 am, Magnolia, IHC
  • Inaugural Film: “Celluloid Man” (Dec 19, 02:00 pm)
  • Film Screenings: Dec 19-21 at Magnolia and Gulmohar (Open for All)
  • Open Forum: “Sexual Harassment at Workplace” (Dec 20, 12:00 pm)
  • Special Screening : “As the River Flows”, a film by Bidyut Kotoky (Dec 20, 07:00 pm onwards, Gulmohar, IHC)
  • Award Nite: Dec 21, 07:00 pm-09:00pm,  Hotel Suryaa, New Friends Colony, Delhi
I look forward to meet you during the festival.
With Best Wishes
Narender Yadav
Festival Director
The Woodpecker Film Festival


Press Conference of AAP on “Govt Jokpal”


The farce in the name of the Lokpal Bill

On You Tube :
Jan Lokpal was conceived as an independent empowered and accountable ombudsman which could independently, credibly and expeditiously investigate corruption offences of all public servants who are today not being investigated because the investigating agencies are controlled by the same public servants who need to be investigated. Such a Lokpal would need to be functionally, financially and even in terms of appointment and accountability be independent of the government and indeed the political establishment even if they are for the time being not in government. A Jan Lokpal bill was drafted by the Civil Society members of the joint drafting committee for this purpose in June 2011 which had the support of at least 80% people of the country. A fast was undertaken by Anna Hazare at Ramlila Maidan in August 2011 for this purpose, at the end to which the Parliament passed a unanimous resolution committing to passing a Lokpal Bill which would have at least 3 elements: That all public servants, high or low would be included in the investigative ambit of the Lokpal; that the Lokpal would also monitor the Citizen’s charters and have the power to penalize public authorities and servants who violate it; and that the Lokpal bill would contain provisions for Lokayktas on the same lines as the Lokpal for the States, which would take of corruption among State Public servants.
Unfortunately however, the government introduced and passed a farcical bill called the Lokpal Bill 2011 in December 2011. The same bill was then brought before the Rajya Sabha but torn up and thrown away and then referred to the Select Committee. The Bill as passed by the Lok Sabha left the selection of the Lokpal essentially in the hands of the government. It also left the accountability of the Lokpal in government hands, thus completely compromising the independence of the Lokpal. Equally importantly, this bill left the Lokpal’s corruption investigations in the hands of a government controlled CBI. Also, the bill did not contain even a single one of the 3 provisions which the Parliament had unanimously promised Anna Hazare before he broke his fast. Only group A public servants and not all were brought within the Lokpal’s purview; There was no provision for a State Lokayukta’s in this bill; and there was no mention of a citizens charter. Moreover, the investigation of the Lokpal was crippled by the need to first have a preliminary inquiry where the accused public servant would have to be heard (thus allowing him to destroy evidence) before even the FIR could be registered. And worst of all, a person whose complaint was labeled “frivolous or vexatious” by this government controlled Lokpal could be imprisoned for upto 5 years (even more than the punishment for corruption)! That is why we had called this bill a Jokepal bill or a bill for the protection of corrupt public servants.
The select committee has recommended some cosmetic changes in the bill which do not take care of the fundamental defects of the bill. In the selection and removal of the Lokpal, slightly more weightage has been given to the opposition rather than the government, but even with this, the appointment and removal of the lokpal remains under the control of the political class who usually would have the same vested interest to have a weak and pliable Lokpal. Similarly, the select committee has recommended that the CBI officers investigating the corruption complaints entrusted to them by the Lokpal would remain under the suprintendance of the Lokpal which means nothing since the CVC which has some power currently has not been able to prevent the CBI from acting at the behest of the government. However, the essential administrative powers over the CBI officers of promotions, postings, disciplinary control and post retirement jobs would remain with the government, thus rendering them beholden to and dependant on the government. Nothing substantive is proposed by the select committee to deal with 2 of the 3 assurances of Parliament to Anna, namely Lokayuktas on the same lines in the States and the Citizen’s charter.
We are now witnessing an unseemly spectacle in Parliament with the Congress and the BJP fighting to claim credit for passing this farcical Jokepal bill, with or without some of the cosmetic amendments of the select committee. The bill finalized secretly by the Congress and the BJP, would in either case, it would remain a far cry from the Jan Lokpal bill which had been drafted by Team Anna and for which Anna had fasted at Ramlila maidan.
Anna is on fast again at Ralegan Siddhi for the Lokpal bill. Agents of the Congress and the BJP have been going to him to get him to accept this Jokepal bill. He has made a statement that he is willing to accept the bill as proposed by the government, which is not even in the public domain. We realized more than a year ago that these corrupted parties like the Congress and the BJP were not going to allow any independent and credible Lokpal which would send half of their ministers and many of their leaders to jail. That is why we had to form a political party, realizing that we will need to be in the legislatures to get the Jan Lokpal bill passed. No amount of Fasting and protests will force these parties to do what the country really needs. While expressing our full support for the cause for which Anna is fasting, we call upon him to give up his fast and join the resurgent civil society movement for an electoral revolution in the country which promises to bring about the revolutionary changes in the democratic, electoral and anti corruption system in the country.
As per Govt’s Lokpal Bill
As per Jan Lokpal Bill
Appointment: Lokpal will be selected 5 members: by PM, Leader of Opposition, Speaker, CJI, and one jurist nominated by these 4.(thus majority of those who will select Lokpal will be from the political class, who themselves will need to be investigated by the Lokpal)Lokpal will be appointed by a 7 member committee, consisting of 2 SC judges, 2 HC judges, 1 nominee of CAG+CVC+CEC, PM and Leader of Opposition
Removal: For removal, only the Govt, or 100 MPs can make a complaint to the SC.(thus rendering the removal largely under control of the government and the political class, and compromising its independence)Any citizen can complain to the SC seeking removal of any member of Lokpal.
Investigating machinery: The Lokpal would have to get the complaints investigated by any investigating agency, including the CBI, all of which would continue to remain under the administrative control of the government. The transfer, postings and post-retirement jobs of CBI officers would be under the control of the govt, thus compromising the independence of the investigative machinery.The CBI will be brought under the administrative control of the Lokpal, so that the investigating machinery can be made independent of the government.
Whistleblower protection: Not mentioned in the government’s bill.The Jan Lokpal Bill includes provisions for protection of whistleblowers.
Citizens Charter: Not mentioned in the government bill.(this was one of the unanimous assurances made by parliament to Anna Hazare when he broke his fast in August 2011)The Jan Lokpal instituted a mechanism for prosecution of government officials if they failed to fulfill their duties under the citizens charter, which was to be created in this Bill.
Lokayuktas in the State: Have been left to the discretion of the state governments.(this was one of the unanimous assurances made by parliament to Anna Hazare when he broke his fast in August 2011)The Jan Lokpal bill sought to create a Lokayukta along the same lines as the one at the center.
Frivolous Complaints: Any person making a false or frivolous complaint could be jailed for up to 1 year, which will deter even honest complainants from going to the Lokpal.There was a penalty up to Rs. 1 lakh, but no provision for imprisonment.
Ambit of the Lokpal: Judiciary excluded completely and MPs excluded in respect of their votes and speeches in Parliament.Included all public servants, including judges and MPs, with regard to all their public duties.
Some relevant tweets
Anna wants law,he is a movement,but they want issues beacuse they are a political party now : Kiran Bedi on AAP
I want to say ‘no comment’: Anna Hazare to questions on rift with Arvind Kejriwal
  1. Evident that CBI will be independent, Kejriwal should re-read Bill: Kiran Bedi on remarks that control of CBI will remain with the Govt

  2. Anna Hazare says he has read the provisions of the Lokpal Bill properly#LokpalFight #BreakingNow
    Hazare asks AAP to start fresh agitation to help remove shortcomings, if any, in the amended Lokpal Bill.

    AAP says Anna is being misled. Is he a kid? He has been fighting for #lokpalforever, takes his own final decision: Kiran Bedi


All political parties to come together and help pass the Bill ” – Shri Rahul Gandhi.

“There is a broad consensus that the Lok Bill is a very important tool of national importance in combating corruption. We have been working on it for the last 3 years and are 99% there. We appeal to all political parties to come together and help pass the Bill ” – Shri Rahul Gandhi.
No matter which political party you support, watch this video, know what has been done till now and call YOUR party’s MP and request them to support the Lokpal Bill.
Please share with friends and likeminded people.


1st Semi-Final: Coca-Cola Cricket Cup U-16 Inter-School Tournament, Delhi-leg


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1st Semi-Final: Coca-Cola Cricket Cup U-16 Inter-School Tournament, Delhi-leg

Prasahant’s All-Round Performance Lifts Salwan Boys School to Final

New Delhi, 14th December 2013: Prashant Vashisht’s all-round performance helped Salwan Boys Sr. Sec. School, Rajender Nagar beat Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ITO by six wickets in the first Semi-Final of the Coca-Cola Cricket Cup under-16 inter-school tournament, played at Bharat Nagar ground today.

Salwan Boys Sr. Sec. School won the toss and opted to field first. Prashant Vashisht and Sahil Khan’s rattled the opponent’s batting line-up with their four-wicket hauls and bundled out them at a score of 125 for eight in 35 overs.
For Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Shashank Kohli and Himanshu Sharma showed some resistance with their 31 and 24 run knocks.

While chasing, Salwan Boys School achieved the target after losing four wickets. Shivam Chauhan steered the batting line-up with his 40-run knock. He was well-supported by all-rounder Prashant, who remained unbeaten at 25 to win the match in 23 overs.

Prashant was adjudged Man-of-the-Match for his all-round performance. Second semi-final match will be played between Kulachi Hansraj Model School, Ashok Vihar and Vidya Jain Public School, Rohini at Bharat Nagar ground.

The Delhi-leg of the Coca-Cola Cricket Cup 2013-14 involved participation from 64 leading under-16 teams with matches played at various grounds across the Capital. The tournament has commenced from the second week of November and will run for around 3 to 4 weeks. Matches until the quarter-finals were played on a knock-out format, the 8 quarter-finalists then played a league.

The teams and players performing will stand a chance to win prizes at each stage post the quarter-final round. The winners and runners up of the Delhi-leg will be awarded prizes worth Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 35,000 respectively.

Brief Scores

BVB, ITO: 125 for 8 wkts in 35 overs (Shashank Kohli 31, Himanshu Sharma 24; Prashant Vashisht 4/17, Sahil Khan 4/17).

SBSSS-RN: 134 for 4 wkt in 23 overs (Shivam Chauhan 40, Prashant Vashisht 25 no; Samyak Jain 2/29, Shubham 2/46).


Anna to address media in Ralegan Siddhi at 5 pm today

Anna to address media in Ralegan Siddhi at 5 pm today
This Bill is for the betterment of the people, the country : Anna
Embedded image permalink
#lokpal Bill should be passed in the ongoing session of Parliament, Govt should extend session if need be to pass it: Anna Hazare
I won’t end my fast till the time #lokpal Bill is passed in this session of Parliament: Anna Hazare


Ethiopian Tsegay wins ADHM 2013 with new course record; Florence is women’s champion

Inline images 1 
New Delhi, December 15, 2013:

Ethiopian Atsedu Tsegay demolished a highly competitive men’s elite athlete field and also set a new Course Record to win the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon on Sunday.

Tsegay stopped the clock at 59.12 minutes to lower by 3 seconds the course record of 59.15, set by countryman Deriba Merga in 2008. He was followed home by Kenyans Geoffrey Kipsang in 59.30 and Wilson Kiprop (59.49). Kipsang, the fastest athlete of 2013 (58.54) was coping with the loss of his 17-year-old brother Elais, who passed away on Friday and did wonderfully to overcome his grief and run a brave race, but was thwarted in his bid to win the race as a tribute to his brother by a strong running Tsegay.

The women’s race, also chasing a course record, failed in its bid due to a slow start, but picked up in the later stages and was won by Kenyan Florence Kiplagat in 68 minutes. Florence, the 2103 Berlin Marathon winner, led a Kenyan clean sweep, with Gladys Cherono finishing second in 68.03 and Lucy Kabuu taking third place in 68.10.

The men’s and women’s winners were richer by USD 25,000.

The Indian category was won by G Lakshmanan and Preeja Sreedharan among the men and women respectively. Lakshmanan, representing the Army, finished in 64.44, followed home by Kheta Ram in 64.49 and Ratti Ram Saini in 64.51. Lakshmanan, finished 15th overall, with Kheta Ram (16th) and Ratti Ram (17th).

Preeja, who has been training at high altitude in Munnar, Kerala, clocked 80.04, followed home by Kavita Raut (80.06) and Lalita Babbar (80.09). The winners took home Rs 2. 5 lakhs each.

A total of 31,000 plus runners participated in the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2103, which offered total prize money of USD 210,000.

The men’s race  began at a fast clip and was taken through the first 12 kms below the course record pace of 2.48 mins per km by pacers Vincent Rono and Timothy Kiptoo. After the pacemakers dropped out around the 12km mark, the pace fell a bit as the leaders assessed each other, before Atsedu took control of the race. The lead bunch of Atsedu, Kipsang, Kiprop and Kipkemoi were still running strongly and together, before Atsedu ran the 16th km in 2.45 to open up the lead. Both Kipsang and Kiprop pushed hard to keep up with Atsedu till the 18th km, who kept his foot on the pedal and gradually pulled away to win convincingly.
Defending champion Edwin Kipyego finished a disappointing eighth.

Atsedu, the fastest athlete of 2012, had a poor run at this event last year, finishing 20th and suffering an ankle injury, that kept him out of competition for nearly a year. On Sunday he proved that he is back to his top form.

“I am happy to win the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon as I did not run for nearly a year because of an ankle injury. This is only my second race post the injury and am happy with my performance. I paced till 12 km and at 15 km I realized that I have a huge lead and will win the event. The climate was extremely cold so initially it was a little difficult to adjust to the conditions,” said Tsegay.

“This was a tough time for me, as I lost my younger brother two days ago. I was heartbroken, but I decided to stay and compete. I am happy with my performance and I would like to dedicate this race to my younger. While running, I only kept telling myself that I need to run and finish this race for my brother, “said Geoffrey Kipsang.

The elite women had a slow start as they did not keep pace with pacer Alice Kimutai, but picked up the speed and went through the 5km mark at 17.10, much behind course record pace. The next 5 kms were faster and the 10km mark was passed through in 33.17, at which point pacer Kimutai dropped out. It was a bunch of 6 women that went into the lead, among them Lucy Kabuu, Florence Kiplagat, Meseret Hailu, Gladys Cherono and Wude Ayalew. Florence further pushed the pace to take the group through 15km in 49.12 before Meseret dropped back at the 16km mark. The next three kms were run at a fast pace at an average of 3 mins per km and by the 18km mark Florence had opened up a lead of around 100m. Kabuu flagged a bit at this juncture but Gladys kept running powerfully to whittle down the lead, however, she could not catch up with a fast finishing Florence.

Indian men’s winner G Lakshmanan was content to remain behind leader V L Dangi for a major part of the race, before breaking away in the last two kms to win.

“It’s a good feeling to win, especially since I do not really prepare for long distance event. I only prepare for 5 km, 10 km and Asian track events. The weather conditions here were similar to our training camp in Bangalore and that really helped me. I had not expected to win with such good timing and I finished almost two minutes faster than the time I had set in mind,” said Lakshmanan.

The Indian women’s race was a very slow one, with the leading athletes content to bid their time. Preeja broke away in the last km to lead a sprint finish ahead of Kavita.

“I am very excited and happy to win the Airtel Delhi Half marathon. This is the first time I am participating in this event and the conditions here were the same as our camp in Munnar. I think, that was an advantage for me,” said Preeja.

As usual the race witnessed the participation of a large number of enthusiasts and celebrities, among them Anil Ambani, N Chandrasekharan (CEO & MD, TCS), and Rahul Bose. A host of dignitaries including event ambassador Donovan Bailey, besides Bipasha Basu, Gulshan Grover, Rakesh Mittal (Vice Chiarman and MD, Bharti Enterprises Ltd.), Ajay Puri (Director Market Operations, Bharti Airtel), were present to cheer on the participants. 

Following are the results:
Overall  Athlete Men
Atsedu Tsegay (ETH) 00:59:12 (NCR); Geoffrey Kipsang (KEN) 00:59:30;Wilson Kiprop (KEN) 00:59:49; Kenneth Kipkemoi (KEN) 00:59:55; Nicholas Kipkemboi (KEN) 01:00:24; Philemon Rono (KEN) 01:01:07; Gladwin Mzazi (RSA) 01.:01:12; Edwin Kipyego (KEN) 01:01:21; Leonard Korir (KEN) 01:01:25; Richard Mengich (KEN) 01:01:27.

Overall  Athlete Women:
Florence Kiplagat (KEN) 01:08:00; Gladys Cherono (KEN) 01:08:03; Lucy Kabuu (KEN) 01:08:10; Meseret Hailu (ETH) 01:09:05; Wude Ayalew (ETH) 01:09:21; Emily Chebet (KEN) 01:09:22; Alice Kimutai (KEN) 01:10:09; Yebrgual Melese (ETH) 01:11:59; Lineth Chepkurui (KEN) 01:12:01; Paskalia Kipkoech (KEN) 01:12:02.

Overall Indian Athlete Men:
G Laxmanan (IND) 01:04:44 (Overall 15th); Kheta Ram (IND) 01:04:49 (Overall 16th); Rattiram Saini (IND) 01:04:51 (Overall 17th); V L Dangi (IND) 01:04:53 (Overall 18th); Indrajeet Patel (IND) 01:06:04 (Overall 19th); Rahul Kumar Pal (IND) 01:06:17 (Overall 20th); Mukesh Rawat (IND) 01:06:39; Baliappa A B (IND) 01:06:47; Rajesh Thankachan (IND) 01:08:34; Ajay Kumar Patel (IND) 01:09:45.

Overall Indian Athlete Women:
Preeja Sreedharan (IND) 01:20:04 (Overall 15th); Kavita Raut (IND) 01:20:06 (Overall 16th); Lalita Babbar (IND) 01:20:09 (Overall 17th); Sudha Singh (IND) 01:20:20 (Overall 18th); Ritu Pal (IND) 01:20:44 (Overall 19th); Manisha Salunkhe (IND) 01:20:57 (Overall 20th); Swati Gadhwe (IND) 01:21:09; Rohini Raut (IND) 01:21:55; Ranjana Kumari (IND) 01:27:01; Neetu (IND) 01:29:39.

Men: (35 to u-40 yrs)
Basant Pradhan 01:22:27; Mogon Kherkatary 01:22:30; Rabindra Sirka 01:22:30.
Women: (35 to u-40 yrs)
Jayanti Thapliyal 01:36:24; Lalita Madhwal 01:38:44; Shobha Desai 01:39:07.
Men: (40 to u-45 yrs)   
Dan Lowson  (UK) 01:14:28; Raman Nanda 01:20:22; Bhupender Singh 01:21:21.
Women: (40 to u-45 yrs)   
Aurea Muller Dias 01:39:40; Vaishali Kasture 01:43:36; Shubha Bhargava 01:46:26.  
Men: (45 to u-50 yrs)   
Dinesh Kumar 01:22:32; Shiva Nanda Shetty 01:23:25; Mukesh Rana 01:24:45.
Women: (45 to u-50 yrs)   
Roshini Bakshi 01:57:56; Meena Vankawala 01:59:43; Kiran Chulani 01:59:43.
Men: (50 to u-55 yrs) 
Gary Hester (SWE) 01:18:41; Ashok Nath 01:24:26; Naresh Chand 01:34:59.
Women: (50 to u-55 yrs) 
Asha Aggarwal 01:54:02; Young Yub Kim 02:00:53; Yukiko Yamamoto 02:02:56.
Men: (55 to u-60 yrs) 
Sabhajeet Yadav 01:28:16; Ramdev Yadav 01:39:08; Ajaib Singh 01:39:46.
Men: (60 to u-65 yrs) 
Bhasker Desai 01:40:45; Ashok Joshi 01:40:49; Subhash Chand Khatri 01:44:30.
Women: (60 to u-65 yrs) 
Mala Honnatti 02:06:10
Men: (65 years and above) 
Yudhavir Singh 01:51:06; Virendra Singh Rawat 01:53:22; Mahadev Samjiskar 01:59:38.

DHL Corporate Challenge Winners:
1st CASV GROUP INDIA PVT. LTD.-05:06:19.

Kingfisher Ishtyle Wale Winner:
1st (Theme) Queen Mosquito-Amarjeet R Bains ( Individual)
2nd (Theme) Inflation-Pooja Malhotra (Individual)
3rd (Theme) Prakurti-Tamanna Oberoi-(Individual)

Kingfisher Sensation Squad Winner: 
1st (Theme) Nirbhaya Damini-The Sovereign School
2nd (theme) Child Labour-Maharaj Darshandas Charitable Trust


World’s best to run in Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2013

Inline images 1
New Delhi, 14th December 2013: The world’s finest distance runners will take center stage on the grand platform that has been set up for the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon, the world’s most prestigious half marathon, which will be flagged off from the iconic J N Stadium on Sunday.
Keeping them company will be India’s best long distance athletes as well as 31,000 plus participants, competing in the different categories on race day.
Weather predictions for Sunday’s race are good with temperatures expected to range between 8 and 12 degrees during the race. In the men’s elite race, 18 international men will be paced by Timothy Kiptoo and Vincent Rono through around 12kms in 59.00 minutes pace, en route to attack the current Course Record of 59.15. It is expected to be a tight and competitive race amongst some of the key figures, including 2013 World Leader Geoffrey Kipsang (58.54), 2012 World Leader Atsedu Tsegay (58.47) and 2012 ADHM Champion Edwin Kipyego. Some dark horses in the packed elite field are 2013 Bangalore 10km Champion Alex Oloitiptip and 2012 Seven Hills Race champion Nicholas Kipkemboi.
The women’s elite field is not to be underestimated either. Having defending Champion Wude Ayalew, 2013 World Leader Lucy Kabuu (66.09), 2012 World Half Marathon Champion Meseret Hailu, 2013 Berlin Marathon Champion Florence Kiplagat and Silver Medalist of the 2013 World Championships 10,000m Gladys Cherono competing for high honours, it is also expected to be close race. The outsider on the women’s side is double World Cross Champion Emily Chebet.
The Indian men’s race is also expected to be a close race with no clear favourite, though defending champion Rahul Kumar Pal and his teammates from the Army, Kheta Ram V L Dangi, G Lakshmanan and Irappa D Akki, are expected to hold sway over the field. In good form is also Indrajeet Patel of ONGC and Rati Ram Saini of Railways, who are also a part of the Indian camp.
The Indian women’s race will see a fight between the big three of Indian distance running, defending champion Sudha Singh, Preeja Sredharan and Kavita Raut. Former winner Lalita Babbar and Manisha Salunkhe can be expected to chase the lead pack closely.
Sudha Singh said, “I have been practicing for the last month at our national training camp in Bangalore and I have been working hard for the Commonwealth and Asian games. This time too, I will try my best to come in the top 3.”
Preeja Sreedharan stated, “This is my first time in Delhi, and I have been training hard at our camp in Munnar. This event will serve as a good practise race for me as I prepare for the Commonwealth and Asian Games.”
The Half Marathon for Elite men will start at 7.20 am, followed by the Half Marathon for Elite women at 7.25 am. The DHL Corporate Champions race will be flagged off at 7.30 am, followed by the various timed categories in the Open Half Marathon, which will be flagged off between 7.40 am and 8.00 am. These will be followed by the Champions With Disability at 8.10 am, the Senior Citizens’ Run at 8.20 am and the Great Delhi Run at 9.30 am.
As part of the distance running tradition, promoters Procam International organised the ‘Pasta with Pundit’s. The event witnessed a live pasta cook-out involving event ambassador Donovan Bailey, the face of the event Bipasha Basu, Milkha Singh, Rahul Bose, Frank Schloder – Director Marketing, BMW, Meena Bhatia of Le Meridien, Mukul Chowdhury, Director General, NADA, Anil & Vivek Singh from Promoters, Procam International as they wore their toque’s and experimented their culinary skills.
The race day will also see in action different personalities from India Inc. and Bollywood.
Representing India Inc, will be the country’s top honchos and running enthusiast Anil Ambani, Gopal Vittal and N Chandrasekaran.
The Bollywood fraternity would be represented by Bipsha Basu, Face of the event along with Rahul Bose, Manisha Koirala, Mahima Choudhury and Gulshan Grover among others.
Race Day proceedings will be telecast live on Star Sports 4, the Channel Partner from 7.00 am to 10.00 am with a simulcast on DD Sports, the Broadcast Partner.


Blind Runners to Participate Airtel Delhi Half Marathon



By sagarmedia on December 15, 2013 | Edit
Inline images 1 
George Abraham (From Delhi) – 09810934040  
Gulab Bhandari - 0945651519 
Blind Runners to Participate Airtel Delhi Half Marathon

George Abraham is from Delhi. This is the second year that George will be participating in the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon. After completing the 21km run in 2010, George is back this year to raise funds for his organization “Score Foundation” which works towards giving a new vision of life to the blind. He is a communicator by profession and is actively involved in the production of the popular serial on Doordarshan “Nazar Ya Nazariyan”. George’s wife has also participated in the Marathon in 2010 and 2011 while his 2 kids have been his pillars of support during the run. 
Gulab Singh Bhandari is from Dehradun, Uttarakhand. He will be running Airtel Delhi Half Marathon this year with his nephew. He has been participating in the Delhi Marathon since 2010. This year he took part in the local run that was held in Dehradun alongwith his daughter who helped him complete the race. The reason behind running the Marathon was so that society gave respect to people like him and he was eagerly looking forward to many more such opportunities to prove that he was perfect just like others in every way. 


Kejriwal –15 Points Are AAP Responsibility, 13 Ten Days Job

December14, 2013
Forming and Running the government is AAP responsibility – 15 Points
are entirely AAP responsibility – 13 can be implemented in 10 days.
Power, Transportation, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture,
Manufacturing, Technologies are all under AAP Control. All bold black
points are AAP responsibility.
1.  Supreme Court had already BANNED Red Lights use.
2.  Janlokpal is already under implementation.
3.  Aam Admi Party is already in a position to form government.
Already Implemented.
4.  Full State status needs Parliament Legislation.
5.  Discom Audit Can be ordered within 10 days.
6.  Fast Meter can be Tested – Not a Problem – Implementable in 10 days.
7.  Water related issues can be implemented in ten days.
8 & 9.  These Require Capita Investment.
10.  This can be implemented in 10 Days – Companies Draw Full Wages
but hire low wage staff.
11.  AAP can increase ST on products imported in to Delhi.
12.  FDI is Legal Issue – Companies already licensed can’t be removed
easily. E-Commerce is BOOMING – soon there shall be BIG Change in
RETAIL business.
13.  AAP can easily provide more SUPPORT to Delhi Farmers, Green
Houses, Drip Irrigation etc.
14.  AAP can RESTRICT Private School Enrolment to within 1-2 kilometers.
15.  AAP may restrict OUTSTATION Patients. Assist states to open
Hospitals in and around NCT regions.
16.  Women Security – Install 5 CCTV in every RWA and opposite Bus
Stops & Metro Stations.
17.  AAP can constitute 25 New E-Consumer Courts in 10 Days.
18.  Assistance from Center is available through Hundreds of Schemes –
few need Legislation.
Ravinder Singh*
Inventor & Consultant
New Delhi 110016
*Ravinder Singh is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Transportation, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects.
  • Kejriwal –15 Points Are AAP Responsibility, 13 Ten Days Job

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