Hitachi Hosts “Social Innovation Forum New Delhi”
Implementing measures to achieve revenues of 300 billion yen in FY2015
as part of India Regional Strategy 2015
Delhi, December 16, 2013 – Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) and Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd., today announced that Hitachi Group will host the “Hitachi Social Innovation Forum New Delhi” in the capital of the Republic of India (“India”) as part of efforts to expand business in the country. This Group exhibition in New Delhi will take place over two days, on December 16 and 17. The Forum will include an Innovation Summit held jointly with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), as well as various business seminars and exhibits of products and solutions. The goal of the event is to introduce to Indian customers and business partners the Hitachi Group’s industrial devices and solutions, rail systems, and other social infrastructures, along with a wide range of other products, solutions, and advanced technologies, such as information and telecommunication systems, construction machinery, automotive devices, and air conditioners.
“This is a momentous day for us as we are organizing the “Hitachi Social Innovation Forum” in India. The Forum comprising of Innovation Summit, Business seminars, and Exhibition organized here on December 16 and 17 have underscored our long-term commitment towards India, which is one of the most important regions in Hitachi’s Global strategy. We have demonstrated this in December 2012, when we conducted for the first time in India a Board meeting outside Japan. After that historic Board meeting, Hitachi announced its “India Business Strategy 2015” targeting consolidated revenues of 300 billion yen (200 billion rupee(1)) in Fiscal 2015 which is approximately three times higher than in Fiscal 2011, and executing investments of 70 billion yen (47 billion rupee(1)) to promote various measures to achieve this target.” said Junzo Nakajima, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer, CEO for Asia Pacific, Hitachi, Ltd. “We at Hitachi aim to stand by India and together fuel a big change of building a sustainable society. And we share our vision for India Tomorrow through the “Hitachi Social Innovation Forum.” We are fully committed to contribute to long-term development of Indian society through our Social Innovation Business.”
Hitachi has positioned India as one of the most important regions in its global strategy; for example, in December 2012, a board meeting was held in India, marking the first time for Hitachi to hold a Board meeting outside of Japan since its establishment. In conjunction with that first overseas board meeting, the company announced its “India Business Strategy 2015,” which focuses on plans for total investments of 70 billion yen (47 billion rupee(1)) in India by FY2015 and an increase in consolidated revenues to 300 billion yen (200 billion rupee(1)) in FY2015, which is about 3 times the level in FY2011. In keeping with the basic policy of “Contribute to the medium and long-term development of Indian society through the ‘Social Innovation Business’,” Hitachi will expand business mainly by: bolstering businesses that support local production for local consumption in India through increased localization; strengthening partnerships with Indian companies to expand the business base strongly connected with the Indian market; and expanding business into Africa and the Middle East employing India as a base.
Since the announcement of the “India Business Strategy 2015,” Hitachi has been steadily promoting local production for local consumption through increased localization; for example, with the expansion of manufacturing and sales of power electronics products and the startup of a new automotive powder metallurgy and friction materials plant, as well as strengthening construction machinery R&D in India. In terms of promoting global business rollout employing India as a base, Hitachi will start full-scale exports of construction machinery products to Africa and the Middle East and volume exports of power electronics products to Middle East and Asian markets respectively starting from FY2014. Hitachi has also decided to acquire Prizm Payment Services Pvt Ltd., a major provider of settlement services for Indian financial institutions. With this acquisition, Hitachi will establish a firm customer base among major financial institutions, and will utilize its expertise in settlement systems and other solutions for customers in the financial industry, as part of efforts to bolster the IT service business.
Additionally, Hitachi will continue to strengthen its management base in India in order to support business expansion. Specific measures include the establishment of three new local bases of operation; promoting R&D activities with close ties to the regional market; building a human resource management system; and executing the Hitachi Smart Transformation Project, which is a cost structure reform project.
Hitachi will strive to secure new orders for social infrastructure systems, including rail systems, escalators and elevators, in keeping with ongoing urban development in India, while at the same time opening up new business, for example with the startup of activities targeting batch orders for facilities in the solar power generation market, which is expected to demonstrate substantial growth. In this way, Hitachi will steadily execute measures aimed at achieving revenues of 300 billion yen (200 billion rupee(1)) in FY2015, the goal laid out in the India Business Strategy 2015, thereby contributing to the medium and long-term development of Indian society.
About Hitachi in India
Hitachi started its business in India in the 1930′s. Currently, Hitachi has approximately 30 business bases and approximately 7,500 employees in India. In addition to being a leader in construction machinery and air-conditioning systems, the Hitachi Group in India is expanding on its ‘Social Innovation Business’, such as information & telecommunication systems, power systems, industrial, transportation and urban development systems. Together with further localization, Hitachi aims to contribute to a sustainable society in India as well as the country’s economic growth.
For more information about the Hitachi Group in India, please visit the website at
About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a leading global electronics company with approximately 326,000 employees worldwide. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal 2012 (ended March 31, 2013) totaled 9,041 billion yen ($96.1 billion). Hitachi is focusing more than ever on the Social Innovation Business, which includes infrastructure systems, information & telecommunication systems, power systems, construction machinery, high functional material & components, automotive systems and others.
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Nov WPI inflation grows at 7.52%
Driven by increase in the prices of vegetables, potato, milk, fuel & power, the WPI inflation increased to 7.52% (Y-O-Y) for the month of November 2013 as compared to 7% (Y-O-Y) for the month of October 2013. The Index for Wholesale Prices for the month of November 2013 rose by 0.7% to 181.5 from 180.3 for the previous month.
Trend in WPI inflation since April 2011 (Y-O-Y %)
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from the office of the economic advisor to the Govt. of India
WPI inflation in select commodities
WPI Inflation Y-o-Y % growth
| |||
| ||
All Commodities
Primary Articles
Food Articles
Non-food Articles
Fuel & Power
Manufactured Products
(-) 8.41
Edible oils
(-) 0.07
Cement & Lime
(-) 3.21
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from the office of the Economic Advisor to the Govt. of India
The build up in inflation in the financial year so far (November 2013) stands at 6.70% as compared to a build up of 4.84% in the corresponding period of the previous year. Buildup in WPI inflation has increased due to rise in the prices of vegetables, onion, fruits, milk, egg, meat & fish, fibers, cotton textiles, leather & leather products and rubber & plastic products etc.
Build up in inflation from March in select food commodities (%)
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from the office of the Economic Advisor, Govt. of India
Manufacturing inflation rises to 2.64% (weight 64.97%)
The WPI inflation for manufactured products rises to 2.64% vis-à-vis 2.50% in the month of November 2013. The index for this major group rose by 0.2% to 151.9 from 151.6 for the previous month.
Trend in WPI inflation in manufactured products (%) 
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from the office of the Economic Advisor
Food inflation increases to 19.93% (Weight 14.34%)
Food inflation for the month of November 2013 has increased to 19.93% as against 18.19% for the month of October 2013, on account of increase in the prices of vegetables, pulses, potato and milk.
Pattern of food inflation (Y-o-Y %) Food articles Index since Apr 2011
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from the office of the Economic Advisor, Govt. of India
The index for food articles group rose by 2% to 256.4 from 251.4 for the previous month due to higher price of egg (8%), condiments & spices (7%), fruits & vegetables (6%), beef & buffalo meat and fish marines (5% each), pork (4%), urad and jowar (3% each), moong, maize, ragi and wheat (2% each) and arhar, mutton, masur, milk and barley (1% each). However, the price of fish-inland (10%), tea (5%), gram (2%) and poultry chicken and rice (1% each) declined.
Non-food articles inflation rises to 7.60% (weight 4.26%)
The rate of inflation for non-food articles for the month of November 2013 stands at 7.60% as compared to 6.79% for the previous month. The index for non-food articles group rose by 2.1% to 216.7 from 212.3 for the previous month due to higher price of sugarcane (19%), gingelly seed (16%), soyabean (9%), copra (coconut) (8%), tobacco (4%), safflower (khardi seed), rape & mustard seed and castor seed (3% each) and coir fibre, niger seed, fodder and mesta (1% each). However, the price of guar seed (12%), groundnut seed (6%), raw rubber (5%), raw cotton (4%), raw silk (3%), raw jute and flowers (2% each) and sunflower (1%) has declined.
Fuel & power inflation rises to 11.08% (weight 14.91%)
The rate of inflation for fuel and power for the month of November 2013 stands at 11.08% as compared to 10.33% for the previous month. The index for this major group rose by 0.1% to 209.6 from 209.4 for the previous month due to higher price of LPG (5%), bitumen (2%) and high speed diesel (1%). However, the price of aviation turbine fuel (5%), petrol and kerosene (2% each) and furnace oil (1%) has declined.
Warm regards,
Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist
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राष्ट्रवादी शिवसेना ने की बिजली कंपनियों की मनमानी को रोकने की मांग।
नई दिल्ली 16 दिसंबर। राजधानी दिल्ली में बिजली कंपनियों द्वारा बिजली दामों में बढ़ोत्तरी की मांग पर राष्ट्रवादी शिवसेना ने गहरी नाराजगी जताई है और कंपनियों की मनमानी रोकने के लिए उपराज्यपाल दिल्ली व केन्द्र सरकार से हस्तक्षेप करने की मांग की है। पार्टी का मानना है कि निजीकरण के बाद बिजली कंपनियों ने जिस प्रकार से लूट खसौट मचाई है अगर उनके खातों की किसी निष्पक्ष जांच एजेंसी से जांच कराई जाएं तो इन कंपनियों की मनमानियों पर लगाम लग सकती है।
पार्टी द्वारा जारी प्रैस वक्तव्य में राष्ट्रवादी शिवसेना प्रमुख श्री जयभगवान गोयल ने निजी बिजली कंपनियों द्वारा बिजली के दामों में वृद्धि किए जाने की तैयारियों पर आक्रोश जाहिर करते हुए कहा कि शीला सरकार के एक गलत निर्णय के कारण आज दिल्ली की जनता इन कंपनियों के हाथों की कठपुतली बनकर रह चुकी है। उन्होंने कहा कि निजीकरण के समय सरकार ने अगर अन्य विकल्प खुले रखे होते तो राजधानी में ये बिजली कंपनियां अपना एकाधिपत्य नहीं जाता पाती और मनमानी के एवज में अन्य दूसरी कंपनियां लोगों के सामने विकल्प के रूप में खड़ी होती।
श्री गोयल ने कहा कि निजीकरण के बाद से अब तक लगभग हर 6 महीने बाद कंपनियों द्वारा घाटे का नाम लेकर बिजली के दामों में वृद्धि की तैयारियां की जाती रही हैं और लगभग एक साल में तो दाम भी बढ़ाए गए हैं जबकि इन कंपनियों को दिल्ली सरकार सब्सिडी व निःशुल्क जमीन भी उपलब्ध करवा रही है। इसके बाद भी हमेशा ही इन लोगों द्वारा घाटे का रोना रोया गया। उन्होंने कहा कि घाटे का बहाना जनता को लूटने का एक जरिया बन गया है। अगर इन कंपनियों के खातों की सही ढ़ंग से किसी निष्पक्ष जांच एजेंसी के द्वारा जांच कराई जाएं तो घाटे की जगह इन्हे काफी मोटा मुनाफा सामने आएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि चुनाव से पूर्व आम आदमी पार्टी दिल्ली में 50 प्रतिशत बिजली के दामों में कमी का वादा जनता से कर रही थी मगर जनता की परेशानियों के मामले में वह भी अब चुप नजर आ रही है।
उपराज्यपाल व केन्द्र सरकार से मांग करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि इन कंपनियों की मनमानी को रोकने के लिए तत्काल ही कड़े कदम उठाए जाएं ताकि महंगाई से जूझ रही जनता को एक और नई समस्या का सामना न करना पड़े।
भरतलाल शर्मा
कार्यालय सचिव
मो. 9899815284, 9899798000
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‘Suchitra Sen: Biography of a female star’
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
cordially invites you to the Weekly Seminar
at 3.00 pm on Tuesday, 17 December, 2013
in the Seminar Room, Library Building
‘Suchitra Sen:
Biography of a female star’
Dr. Smita Mitra,
Delhi College of Arts and Commerce,
University of Delhi.
This presentation maps the accretion of ‘iconicity’ of the well known popular female star of the 1950s and 60s from Bengal, Suchitra Sen. She is an important figure for the popular cinema in Bengal as she became one of the most successful female stars who commanded a status that is very often compared to Kanan Devi, the erstwhile star of the 1930s-40s. This presentation will unpack her stardom through a journey from the 1950s, 60s and the circulation of nostalgia around her that seems to haunt the contemporary as well. The paper will focus on certain cinematic moments from her career, the first phase in the 50s in which she became known for her romantic couple roles opposite Uttam Kumar, then the break- up of their pairing in the 60s to her charting of her individual star text in the 60s where she consolidated her position with the first ever International award won by an Indian actress at the Moscow film festival in 1963 with Saat Paake Bandha. Her star text was calibrated very carefully along the grids of sensual beauty and glamour. In effect it was this combination that led to a sense of unease that is seen in the numerous reader’s letters and responses in the film magazines of that time. She eventually became a recluse after her retirement from the industry in 1978 and after scattered brief public appearances has not been seen in public. Her retirement phase is marked by a curious re-invention of her star persona: thesadhika figure, a devoted devotee of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahans, single handedly orchestrated by her biographer G K Ray, a cine journalist who was associated with the Bangla newspaperJugantor. The questions that the speaker will address are the following: What could explain the possible reasons of unease that is visible in the film magazines of the 1950s -60s around the glamorous and sensuous star image of Suchitra Sen? Why despite being a superstar she is not considered a serious actor like her contemporary Sabitri Chatterjee with whom she is always unfavorably compared? Why has she been ‘remade’ as a renouncer figure? How has nostalgia aided in this contemporary reinvention? Does her star text enable an entry to understand the contours of female stardom in the Indian context?
Dr. Smita Mitra is Associate Professor English at Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi. Her areas of interests include Post- Colonial and Feminist Studies. She has submitted her Ph.D dissertation on, ‘Post-Colonial Modernity: Melodrama and Self Fashioning in the Popular Bangla Cinema 1950-1970’, at the School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU, New Delhi. Her present work looks at issues of cinematic modernity and stardom in the Indian context. She has published articles on the condition of Bangla film industry in the 1950s, in the Book Review and on Suchitra Sen, the female superstar of the 50S-60s in Seminar. Her recent presentations include ‘Scandalous Love: Eroticism in/and Popular Bangla Love Films of the 1950s’; ‘Writing the Star: Stardom and the Bangla Little Magazine discourse’ and ‘Writing the Stars: Issues of Gender and the Archive in Popular Bangla Cinema’.
All are welcome.
Those wishing to have their names added to the email list may please email us
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Network takes initiative across its stations in North India, urges, and invites listeners to donate woolens to the needy
New Delhi, December 16, 2013: 92.7 BIG FM today announced the launch of ‘Daryadili’, a simple, unique and socially relevant campaign targeted at the poor and underprivileged across North India. The campaign urges and invites listeners to donate woollens to help those in need tackle the harsh North Indian winter. A tremendously successful ‘Dariya Dili’ has been held for the past 4 years in the national capital, receiving overwhelming support. This winter, 92.7 BIG FM is taking the initiative across its stations, covering 20 cities in North India.
Spread over four phases, the campaign will contribute to making the biting cold warmer through a massive and innovative woollens collection drive. In its first phase, the 92.7 BIG FM RJs will announce the concept on-air and make an appeal to listeners about donating towards this cause. The network will also tie up with prominent NGOs and societies who are involved in socially relevant causes and bring them on-board for this initiative. It will also urge local celebrities and Government authorities of cities to join the crusade and contribute to the drive.
In its second phase, listeners and celebrities get to bid for a song on 92.7 BIG FM. The SMS based bid will be through a number that will stand for the quantity of woollens they would like to donate. Every day, there will 5 songs up for sale – 2 during drive time shows and 1 during the midmorning show. The highest bidder will win a song in his name, and every time the song plays out it will have a tag announcing the highest bidders name and the amount of woollens donated. This bidding will not just be exclusive to individual listeners, bidders can be corporate houses and NGOs as well.
During the on-ground Phase three, the network will request listeners to register their Resident Welfare Associations (RWA) or offices, and get 92.7 BIG FM RJs to visit them and collect donations. Starting 13th December, a donation drive at one RWA will be organized each day in a prominent location of the city. Also, the name of the RWA locations will be announced a day prior so other listeners can also come and donate clothes at different locations. Similarly, collection drives will be organized at prominent corporate offices across the city, making it into a fun event with games and entertainment. 92.7 BIG FM OB vans will also cover major markets of cities – RJs will disclose the location of the OB van on air, urging people to donate.
In the fourth phase, donated woollens will be distributed among underprivileged people through NGO partners. 92.7 BIG FM vans filled with woollens will be flagged off by a noted local celebrity from studios on 25th December 2013.
The Daryadili campaign will be promoted on air and on-ground through a variety of activations.
Speaking about the initiative, Mr. Ashwin Padmanabhan, Business Head – 92.7 BIG FM said, “While winters bring joy, cheer, festivity and warmth to many people, the season is among the most difficult times of the year for the underprivileged. According to statistics, the winters of 2012-2013 claimed a minimum of 100 lives every day across North India. 92.7 BIG FM is pleased to launch Daryadili, a campaign, which looks at inviting listeners to donate woollens for the underprivileged and through it, meet people at the point of their need. It will be a joy to contribute towards making the winter warmer for people across North India.
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Homosexuality be treated, instead of being legalized :VHP
Memo to PM, Prez appealed for women safety & cultural security
New Delhi. Dec. 15, 2013. Since UPA came into power, attacks on our temples, culture & values have increased says Vishwa Hindu Parishad(VHP). After legalizing Live-in Relationship and reducing age of consensual sex, now our five star politicians & so called human right activists are making hue & cry to decriminalize the un-natural, unethical & unsocial act. Reacting to the recent statements made by such politicians & so called activists against the honorable Supreme Court & its historical verdict, the state secretary General VHP shri Satyendra Mohan said that instead of decriminalizing a crime against our culture & values, the Govt. should treat the imported disease, put a complete ban on liquor & make the moral education mandatory. We have sent a memorandum to this effect to the Prime Minister & the President of Bharat, he added.
Releasing a copy of the memorandum to the media the state media chief of VHP Delhi, shri Vinod Bansal said that even after an year of Damini case, the union Govt. couldn’t punish the real culprit who escaped in pretext of his age but made the live-in relationship legalized, lowered the age of consensual sex and now trying to de-criminalize the crime against culture & values of our country. In our letter to the Prime Minister & the President of Bharat we have appraised & appealed them to keep an immediate check on the increased crime against women, arrange a proper treatment of the imported disease-Homosexuality, rather then any efforts to decriminalize it, make the Moral education mandatory, apart from complete ban on the liquor.
Vinod Bansal
Media Chief
Vishwa Hindu Parishad-Delhi
Mo. 9810949109
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National Social Watch
cordially invites you to the release of
Chief Guest
Justice Ananga Patnaik
Judge, Supreme Court of India
Guest of Honour
Shri Satyananda Mishra
Former Central Information Commissioner
Government of India
Date : Tuesday, 17th December 2013
Time : 3:00 p.m. onwards
Venue : Auditorium, India Islamic Cultural Centre
87-88, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003
For further media co-ordination, you may contact:
Neeraj Shorya, 9310333595,
Parul Kohli, 8010133598,
Sujoy K. Chowdhury, 09310333597,
Thanks & regards,
Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
Manager Media
Impact Public Relations Pvt. Ltd.
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