Thursday, July 2, 2015

Viveck Shettyy Reappointed as Head of Media Cell of CGSI

The multifaceted Viveck Shettyy has yet again added another feather to his cap with his reappointment as the Head of the Media Cell of CGSI (Consumer Guidance Society of India ) for the second consecutive year . Indus Communication headed by Viveck Shetty has been reappointed as the official communications agency for CGSI for the second year in a row . Shettyy stated, “ The reappointment will further encourage me to take the consumer movement and CGSI to the next level in India . In the years to come the consumer in India will be king like his counterparts abroad , thanks to the untiring efforts of bodies like CGSI ” .Under the guidance of Viveck Shettyy , CGSI was able to successfully address the media on a number of issues it was actively campaigning against , prompting his reappointment .

The Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI) is the foremost consumer body of the country and was the first to be established as a body protecting the rights of the consumer  . The Maharashtra State Government has entrusted CGSI to establish and manage the Maharashtra State Consumer Helpline . CGSI has been actively championing the rights of the consumers, who found themselves helpless whenever they were supplied with defective goods and services . The CGSI was first established by a group of women in 1966 with the sole intention of giving power back to the consumers .

The efforts of CGSI and other Consumer Organisations of our country bore fruit when the Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the year 1986 and the Consumer courts were set up thereafter . Maharashtra consumers can call the Toll-free number 1800222262 or send an e-mail to to seekinformation , advice or guidance for their day to day consumer problems . Viveck Shettyy can be reached and 09870448888

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