Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Sagar News Post Daily

The Trouble With Facebook’s Fake-News Data

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arianna ciccone
nymag.com - A new analysis from BuzzFeed fake-news expert Craig Silverman demonstrates that in the final three months of the election, the most successful posts about fake viral news “generated more engagement...

Just how partisan is Facebook's fake news? We tested it

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Tech Minute
pcworld.com - It was only a few minutes after my imaginary Trump supporter “Todd White” began exploring Facebook that he learned filmmaker Michael Moore was staging a coup d’etat against president-elect Donald T...

WHEW! These Millennials Are Making BIG BUCKS In The Fake News Clickbait Economy

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gothamist.com - Liberty Writers News, the mostly-fake site whose publishers were recently profiled by the Washington Post, has more than 800,000 likes on Facebook—and thanks to their followers' distrust of the med...

Nächster US-Präsident: Donald Trump baut sein Kabinett: Diese Positionen sind bekannt | shz.de

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shz.de - New York | Der designierte US-Präsident Donald Trump hat nach übereinstimmenden Berichten erste Entscheidungen für zentrale Positionen seiner Regierung getroffen. Der ehemalige General Michael Flyn...

‘My fake news helped Trump win’ - Nehanda Radio

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Hydro Elections
nehandaradio.com - Paul Horner, a Facebook fake-news impressario tells Caitlin Dewey: “There’s nothing you can’t write about now that people won’t believe.” Washington: What do the Amish lobby, gay wedding vans and t...

奪い合いから与え合いに変わる | 佐藤康行公式ブログ

satoyasuyuki.com - 奪い合いから与え合いに変わる いつもブログをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます。 お陰さまで、ランキング上位を維持しております。心より感謝いたします。 今、ランキング何位?    ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓ 下記のバナーもクリックしてランキングの順位をご確認ください。    ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓ 今度は、 まわりからどんどん歓迎されるように なっていきます。 無理やりにでも 自分の商品を買ってもら...
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Benefits of Newsjacking - A Case Study Into 2500% More Traffic

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Jonathan Payne
thesocialmediahat.com - Over lunch on a Thursday I took twenty minutes to bang out a post about some breaking news in the social media industry. Over the next few days, that post received over 20,000 views. Let's dig a bi...
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