Sunday, April 1, 2012

$300b South Asia Power grid

One of your great admirer and water expert Mr. Arshad H. Abbasi informed me of the High Civilian Award Nishan-i-Imtiazhas been conferred on you – Congratulations!!

During Honorable Mr. Anand Sharma, Indian Commerce and Industry Minister visit to Pakistan the idea of ‘$300b South Asia Power Grid’ was planted.

South Asia population is to exceed 2000 million in few years, cooperation among South Asian Nations could accelerate our economic progress, we could be largest common market in the world soon in terms of consumers, mouths to feed and jobs to be created.

South Asians could be developing our own technologies and Intellectual Property for our own people and for Exports than ‘Dividedly importing over $1 Trillion/year worth foreign manufactured goods by 2020.’

It requires just 80 days of South Asia GDP to develop over 200,000 MW of Hydro Power to provide Clean Energy to our people. This shall also provide 500 BCM of storage and Flood Protection to over 60 million hectares of fertile and most valuable land. Storage Dams also provides other benefits also.

Competition and Economic gains realized by ASIAN, North America FTZ, EU etc shall be Duplicated on Bigger Scale in South Asia.

SA Common Economic Zone Shall Have –

1.  Fully Developed Hydro Power and Water Resources for Flood Control, Municipal Supplies and other benefits.

2.  International Highways, Railways, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Networks for Efficient Transport of Energy, Goods, Raw Materials and People.

3.  100,000 MWe of Nuclear Power at safe sites Jointly Monitored by SA Experts in addition to International Agencies by 2030.

4.  SA Patent Office for protection of SA Intellectual Property – China is to file 2 million patents in 2015 – SA presently has ZERO IPR footprint filing mostly BOGUS patents.

5.  Strategically located Industries and Common ‘SA Standards’ shall boost SA internal Industrial Production & Consumption and exports manifold. (Presently SA Countries neglect Quality Standards thus we have poor export performance compared to China.)

6.  SA Security Collaboration would Jointly Address SA Terrorism and Insurgency threats and our people shall be safe and secure and unlawful elements shall not take advantage of our present Non Cooperating Law Enforcement.

7.  SA Services Sector booming in all our countries shall get more COMPETITIVE.

8. SA to have Common Currency this shall ensure greater stability in internal SA economic cooperation.

9. $100b to $200b annual SA internal and external FDI in South Asia Common Economic Zone shall alone be Big Boost to our region where $m creates over 100-1000 jobs presently.

10.  In the attached presentation yesterday – it is evident that Dams India has built are absolutely useless, very costly. In winter when Electricity demand is highest and unit cost almost Rs.4 to Rs.10 Run of The River projects produces little power and demand is low but operate at maximum power in Monsoon Months when Demand is lowest and unit cost around 0.50p to Rs.1.

11. My comments at FICCI on June26, 2008 ‘If India builds 20 maf storage dams in Indian Kashmir, India get only power -Pakistan will get 20 maf of additional storage Free of cost, Flood Protection to 5 million hectares Free of Cost, Additional regulated irrigation releases of 20 maf during monsoon, Free of Cost, Clean blue water releases of Indus Waters to Pakistan Free of Cost, Double or Triple the life of Mangla and Tarbela Dams, generate 30% to 40% more power in downstream dams in Pakistan - Pakistan will get everything Free.

Ø      I had been telling Pakistan delegation that Pakistan has too little Dam storage and vulnerable to Floods since 2008. Economic losses of 2010 floods were more than cost of building all the dams in Pakistan. It was also found India contributed to 2,50,000 cusecs of around 800,000 cusecs Average Floods Flows. Had India built 20 maf Dam Storage in Kashmir – 2010 Floods could have been largely contained.

12. Sir, clearly Indus Water Treaty has hindered ‘Hydro Power Development’ in South Asia – South Asia with substantial water resources is Floods cum Draught Prone and lose over 1000 BCM of water to sea annual average. Columbia Basin Treaty between USA and Canada is ideal for ‘Optimum Management of Water Resources.’

Thank you,

Ravinder Singh,
Inventor & Consultant

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